Others - Vesper - Lust & Hunger [v0.2.10.0] [Starhound Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    It's not great at all, there are many issues in this game.

    Route lock - the game locks you into one of multiple routes early on, so you have to replay the entire thing from the beginning if you want to see more than 15% of game content. Moreover, some of the routes are incomplete and very short, with little content to show, you can go through 90 days seeing 2-3 scenes or less.

    Clumsy stat system - 400 stat limit makes little sense, stat grind is annoying and choresome. And with how the game works you can only max out or use few stats. The stat implementation is not great. Much of the stats have no practical use in the game.

    Time limit / deaths - there is no particular reason for timelimit to exist other than to hide lack of content and force players to replay the game with another route. Sudden death due to missing "insanity" stat going to 100% and lack of autosave makes it all worse.

    Some scenes are triggered automatically after X days. You cannot really trigger them on your own. Some scenes are repeatable with a ton of text that you have already read, and need to skip over and over again.

    Gallery is CG's only, no scenes replay.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I kinda liked the story, but the constant game-over choices and being forced to start over from start is just to idiotic and having no auto save or hell even manuel saves is even worse.

    Also one of the game-overs where you choose to run away is the most stupid thing in the story, i mean you can be almost sure you got some old vampire coming for you wanting to kill you for getting hes girl killed and yet staying behind and wait for him is the right choice? running to away to start over somewhere else is game-over???? instend MC wants to get ready and get stronger? lets be real she wouldent lave a day before the vamp would find her....its stupid.

    And thats just the freaking prologue as well? why the fuck have game-over choices in a prologue?

    Then story goes even more stupid, MC steals blood and starts thinking that it might be better to become a prostitute instend of a thief??? what kind of idiotic writting is this? how would being a prostitute ever help her get blood? i mean seriously lol what the fuck.....
    Next she gets cought stealing blood and this brainless MC gives the idiot guard her real name? and if you do nothing MC cant get away, i mean its not like she a vampire or anything right, she cant just knock hes ass out or kill him no no she can bribe or be a whore? and thats the one thing MC would want to avoid since she knows how that ended up with the one who turned her into a vamp......

    This game has nothing to do with vampire or being the strong MC, its all about becoming a whore, not even corrupted but stright up just a whore training game, you can be prostitute or become someones pet and so on, its proberly the worst and most idiotic story for a vampire background.

    Add to that all the grinds you need to do, it becomes a really boring sandbox with an awefull story that just dosent make sense, the real problem is when a game turns into a grinding game instend of story based and thats what this does, you grind and grind away to gain start points, blood, money and so on just to unlock next option for some porn to happen, it feels like work and thats just not my idea of fun.

    As for the art its great but art alone cant carry a game in any way, there has to be a worth while story or its just not playable, the only reason i give this 2 stars instend of 1 is due to the art but thats about all that is good in this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Rare 5/5 for a game still in progress!

    This game has sooo much potential so I'm excited to see what comes next. Do note H-gamers: As of now do NOT worry about stats beside lust, exhibition, and drunkiness. These are the only stats as of now that impact gameplay (Speed does as well when it comes to hunting, but you can get blood other more...interesting ways).
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Vesper - Lust & Hunger [v0.2.7.0]
    I grabbed the Guide, which was confusing to start because some of the first scenes for the Old Shop you cannot even unlock till later. It is best to look through the entire guide (if you're okay with spoilers) so you can focus on whatever path (thief, prostitute, or stripper) and how to trigger the scenes.

    + I love the art. It's beautiful, evocative, sexy, and the female MC is hot.

    + Nice writing. Even some of the scenes give enough dialogue and/or description that it feels like a mini, sexy short story (though really not that long).

    > Even though there is a lot not working yet, I do appreciate the 'placeholder' pieces letting us know what is coming.

    -- My only negative is there is no cross-over between paths. Once you're on a path, you're locked in and limited to those scenes. Which makes little sense that the MC is not allowed to be a stripper and prostitute at the same time...but maybe that will come in the future once all paths are flushed out and then crossover added later.

    I found the Mandatory Start in the discussion threads and that helped not waste time (no need to get Speed via Running higher than 51, no need to waste time on skills that don't help a chosen path, etc.)
    I'm looking forward to future releases.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As others have said, the art is heavily carrying this game which is very disappointing given it has a good premise and early on it seems it'll have an actual story. As of v0.2.5.1 it's honestly a waste of time, the grind takes forever for barely any content, if it was more straightforward you could be done with everything in under 30m. Sure, it's an early version, but the game has been out for 8 months at this point, there's other games out there which won't disrespect your time like this.
    Extremely repetitive, very few scenes, meaningless stats (like charisma)... If the save file format was different I'd just edit some variables and skip to the end instead of doing the same meaningless tasks everyday.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Vesper - Lust & Hunger
    Rated version: [v0.2.5.1]

    There's a lot of good about this game. Standout and beautiful art, intriguing setting and premise with a variety of different activities. The potential of this game is really great with future updates.

    However currently it is brought down by some annoyances and repetitive content. I don't personally mind branching locked paths & limited amount of days if it serves a purpose, but a lot of your time is spent grinding same events for money or blood and some paths lock each other out for no real good reason.

    I would rate this 3-stars in its current state with a potential of 4-stars with further content and some re-working of existing content & mechanics.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute standout game. There are some minor flaws - it's a little grindy and skipping through dialogue you've seen before needs to be instant not just shorter, also the game is not fully fleshed out yet and some story paths are pretty barebones compared to others.

    The prostitute path clearly has the most content but is not obvious to access as you can't start it until you have enough lust and might end up locking yourself out with one of the other job paths in the meantime!

    Everything else is fantastic. The art is gorgeous, the writing is great, there are a variety of kinky things on offer and clearly more to come based on the stubs of some areas currently in the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, will follow future Progress.
    I like the Art and the kinda grindy feeling is also nice.
    I dont like the 30 day limitation and i would love something like a cheat client so you dont have to start anew everytime.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic game!

    The graphics are amazing, in my opinion, they deserve a 10/10.

    The gameplay is also excellent, 10/10, and I would be very happy to see more updates and content in the future. There are many options and paths to explore, but I would love it if there was a way to skip the intro.

    I don't have many tips on how to improve, as I like to let myself be surprised by the game. I just hope the development continues, because the potential is huge!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Not sure how this is highly rated. It starts off as a vn with a couple choices you can make (that doesn't matter anyways)

    Then you're thrown into a life sim, but with limited abilities. You can't be a stripper and a prostitute, you have to choose one.

    The scenes are well drawn, but there was only one sex scene. The rest are pretty much oral/footjob/etc.

    The story also becomes non existent. You get random events with pretty nice dialogue, but the rest is just grinding for stats so you can see new porn.

    I give it a two stars simply for the mc. Zamn she saxy
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good scenes, good story, and the MC has no right to be this hot.

    Needs a gallery mode for sure, especially since you're locked into one out of a few paths early on (e.g. thief, dancer, worker) and can't access scenes from the other path. Also a bit grindy (to be expected from games like this). Looking forward to updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game actually has the potential to be incredible. The story itself is actually really intriguing and it hooked me so A+ for the writing. With good writing comes good scenes and the artwork is some of the best I've seen in a while..

    Quite literally have 0 complaints with this game except I wish it was already finished.

    So much potential and I can't wait to see where it leads!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks pretty good, this is a visual novel with sandbox gameplay where you farm resources and pay the "rent" so to speak, Far too many things are filled with "not implemented" currently but this is just

    What makes it different from a generic visual novel? The intro and the writing of the character dialogue. When you start saving and exploring different paths you will see what I mean.

    Keep this one on your radar people.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    such great game
    visuals 10/10 imo
    gameplay 10/10 and would love to see more development ( so many routes to replay, but i wish there is a way to skip intro)
    i cant give any hit on how to progress it because i love surprises and I really hope that it doesnt get abandon
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing art and story. Prologue is a little weak but narrative thereafter is intriguing and shows good potential. I played through 2 routes thus far, and have enjoyed it immensely. Right now, only the gameplay aspect is lacking, the game kind turns into an auto clicker after unlocking an event. Seemingly, only one stat, Lust, affect anything. It would be cool if Vesper's speed stat affected the chance to catch the animals in the park. That being said, this game is worth keeping an eye on.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Coiled Spines

    While the art is delightful, the dialogue entirely knocks you out of any sense of immersion. This wouldn't be much of an issue for most porn, but this game seems to want you to take it seriously, and will occasionally interrupt your efforts to grind stats with pages of dialogue. The dialogue in question is technically well-written, but the content of it isn't worth the time it takes to click through.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, the art is sublime, the multiple paths are all interesting, the developer updates frequently and the story is creative; It's not a subject I've seen before.

    My only complain is that it's very grindy, you have to do multiple games to go down every routes and the gameplay is basically always the same. Choose actions for each daily cycles to upgrade your stats/progress down a route, unlock a scene, rinse and repeat. I think this is something the developer needs to address in future versions.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has amazing art, a story with depth, good well-written grammatically correct English, and so far two main story paths. The game has a bunch of different endings too, I've played for an hour and I've already found 3.

    In my opinion pretty much a perfect female protagonist corruption game so far, so if you're a fan of the genre you should definitely check it out.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Intro is a banger !
    Art is one the best I've seen here, story is great, writing too...
    Intro is the main reason for my positive rating because I still hope the rest is WIP and will look more like the beginning even if is doesn't go VN.

    Then comes the rest...
    As I didn't want to go too fast into corruption I chosed to try to live normally as a journalist. I quickly found out that the low money I made wasn't enough to survive (it's fair, i'm fine with it) and animals (i run a bit to catch them more) weren't enough aswell but that was expected.
    What was not expected tho is the (very few) events that occured in the game required me to have higher stats which was not possible as I had to run, work and rest to surive I couldn't get naughty at all. And once passed they didn't trigger anymore. I was caught stealing to the hospital and made a thief so couldn't prostitute anymore.

    Basically my whole game was spamming, hunt, steal, work, rest and drink at the end when I made enough money.
    The promising intro was far behind as I reach the end of the game as nothing happenned anymore. The maybe 2 or 3 events led nowhere (maybe bcs of my low stats ?) I tried to farm intel and charisma but seems like it's useless.

    Game looks great, intro is great but the rest is endless griding, no more story (what the point of the intro at this point ?), just spamming the same action to trigger the next scene but once you've saw it 10 times it becomes pretty boring... Most stats seems useless and the lack of events and connection to the story made me forget about the initial statement of the game and got me bored.

    I add 1 star to my initial 2 stars as the intro really hyped me and because the game is still WIP and at an early stage of dev but still the gameplay part doesn't look promising at all. If I could I'd go for 2.5 rating, went for 3 as I have hope that it turns out being better with time and not boring grinding with no events, no story and senseless playthroughs where all you have to do is to farm and wait to trigger next scene is each place.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    So on the surface. this game is unique, its fun for your first two play throughs. however, after an hour (if that), the cracks begin to form, and the flaws begin to show. now i enjoyed the premise of this game and its foundation, but it ultimately fell short with the amounts of inconsistencies with the gameplay, and elements that are either not finished at all (most of the scenes), or broken and unbalanced progression. but lets get on with the good points

    1. Normal looking female MC, which i prefer, so gg on that
    2. Monster MC, having to manage it, and it factoring into the sexual side too
    3. it seems to be leaning into an open mind when it comes to kinks.
    4. different and varied looking partners
    5. its hot asf
    6. story seems to hold some potential

    1. most of the systems are so unbalanced, its unreal. the blood management is fine, but the money you get from a journalist/bar tender playthrough isnt enough to survive, let alone progress. i spammed the hell out of hunting, and only 20 percent of the times (being generous with that percentage) succeeded, whilst the other 80 percent failed, forcing me to buy blood bags, or forcing me either into prostitution or messing around with the hospital guard. it almost feels like it forces you into either selling your body for money, or at the hospital for blood. as doing the normal jobs dont pay. and eventually after exploring the extremely limited scenes as a prostitute, you get paid pennies, and no longer does it feed you blood (although it says it does)..

    2. most of the sex scenes are not even finished, the cgs being uncoloured 70 percent of the times, and none of them are animated either.

    3. the scenes it has to offer are extremely limiting. no anal sex at all, no anal, no ass eating (recieving), just one vaginal scene, mostly teasing and flashing. i wanted to do an anal only playthrough, and some fucking liar on the thread claimed theres plenty. ive done five different playthroughs at this point, and yet to see anal sex, ort any other vaginal sex. although my main kink is anal, so id be aiming for an anal only playthrough..

    4. it just gets boring after a couple playthroughs, once you realise all the teaser cgs are misleading, and youve discovered all you can sexually. everything is pretty much teasing and flashing, with the two vaginal scene, and a blowjob scene.. i eventually got sick and tired of the unbalanced systems and called it. as it become a fucking boring chore.


    This game could be top tier 5 stars, amazing. however, it needs more time to cook. the developer should focus on getting scenes finished and coloured before releasing them, and expand on the sex systems. and make some tweaks to money rewards and blood tasks. i really really enjoyed this game for the first hour. i really did. and its no means a bad game. but its just barely resembling a functioning game at this point. it gets boring FAST. negative stuff aside. this game is extremely promising, it just needs to be fleshed out, and expanded upon. take user feedback into account too!

    1. ANAL ONLY playthroughs. i wanna do that, her butt eaten and played with alot, fucked as her only hole (besides her mouth), give us that option to do a complete VIRGIN route with anal only.

    2. sexual animations, it would make this so much better. as it has the animated tag, which is misleading.

    3. R*PE scenes. i wanna see her get molested. her ass eaten against her will, her ass played with and fucked, her boobs fucked and played with, her mouth fucked. (i dont care about vaginal, as i wanna do anal only).

    4. finish the damn scenes, colour them! expand upon the existing systems. you have a bestiality tag but i saw nothing of the sorts, ive seen anal sex (on other sites), and nothing of the sorts. give us variety, dependant on our lust and state of mind

    5. take your time man, dont rush scenes out, let it cook. id rather it come out the oven tasting amazing, then rushing it out, due to being hungry and impatient and then not eating/enjoying it as its undercooked.

    just take contructive critique into account, take your time. your art is amazing, your writing also. but some things need tweaked, stuff needs finished before its sent out, and alot of stuff needs expanded upon, or added. this is likely to be one of my favourite games in time, but it needs time to cook.

    edit: i also found that the days offered just restrict the gameplay too much and add to the already existing grind and chore of it all. like im not just grinding, but im trying my best to grind my arse off to get scenes, before i get booted to the main menu, and forced to restart over again. ITS ANNOYING. noone liked when DEAD RISING DID IT, I CERTAINLY DONT LIKE WHEN THIS DOES IT. its all fine and dandy having the limited time/race against the clock be a factor, once the games fleshed out enough, or finished. but this early on, its just a punishment. as this early on, we're trying to get a feel for the game, and we're not just put up against a big ass grind, but also against a time limit too. its way too limiting. if youre not up for/able to remove the time limit until it actually has a meaning for it, then add alot more days. ideally, remove the boot to menu thing.. as you think it adds to replayability, but really youre forcing players into a new save, with more insane grind. so if youre gonna add it, add it when it makes sense, cause rn theres not enough to the game story wise, feature wise, sex wise. its more a hindrance atm than anything. i originally had this as a two star, but put it to a neutral 3, because for the first hour i REALLY enjoyed the game. and intend to play again when its worth playing