This is an unexpectedly difficult review to write.
First the good: The writing is top-notch, with comparatively few grammatical errors and excellent conversational English.
The story remains readable and flows fairly smoothly, other than having enough time skips/flashbacks to sometimes be a little confusing if you're not paying close attention.
While I appreciate the motivations of the main character's interest in his mother being FAR better articulated than in most wincest games, the MC's "love" for her feels less like kink, and more like an unhealthy obsession most of the time. The MC's grandfather even calls it that, which leads me to give the dev the benefit of the doubt that this is tied to the underlying story. More on this later.
The art style isn't something I'm going to rate the game on, as everyone has personal preferences. I didn't find it super off-putting in and of itself. Single Again uses a similar large-eyed cartoonish approach to great effect.
That said, the art itself is somewhat inconsistent. There is a scene where the main character is given a handgun that appears so small in his hand that one is reminded of Will Smith's character in Men in Black receiving the Noisy Cricket from his mentor. Clearly, the artist has never handled a firearm before either, as the gun is handed to the MC barrel forward, loaded, and with the clerk's finger on the trigger, but I digress.
Otherwise, for art, the likely main antognist in particular looks so cartoony, he is jarring even against the backdrop of the already cartoony MC and his "love interests."
On the other end of the spectrum, the female characters generally still manage to be attractive, particularly Maria. I was struck by how expressive the dev was able to make her eyes in a few scenes. Ironically, to my admittedly subjective tastes, I found the nurse at the grandfather's hospital (a throwaway character) to be the most attractive female in the game so far.
Now to the crux of my (subjective) issue: The main character is unlikeable to me. Many games suffer from unlikeable main characters, and it's not necessarily a dealbreaker: To me, Summer with Mia and Echoes of Lust both have MC's that score with their mothers by leveraging unscrupulous tactics that amount to rape. I realize what's anathema to some is legitimate kink to others, so I try to contain my bias here.
That said, even if the MC here takes the most "noble" choice every time, he's still revealed to be a selfish, manipulative little shit. I hope that as the game progresses, there is a way for the MC to find happiness for himself, his mom, and Maria that doesn't make me feel like human refuse.
Development is devilish work, and it's hard to put yourself out there for the whole world to criticize. As such, while I feel like the current effort is worthy of a 3.5, I will give it 4 stars in hopes that the obviously-intelligent dev keeps at it, and has a few twists and turns for us who see the potential of the game now in spite of having reservations about the character we're put in the driver's seat of.