Victorian Era Game

does it have potential?

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Oct 28, 2017
Hello everyone,

i am thinking about making a game, and i made a blog about it.
in the blog i will describe what i am planning to make it about, and i just wanted to know if i'm onto something or if it is better to give up.


i would appreciate all kinds of feedback,
and i wanted to thank you guys for your time


fuzzy miscreant
Game Developer
Nov 4, 2016
I never depended my game making decision on what others thought about it

I wanted to make a game, so I started to make one, exactly how I wanted to make it
don't let others discourage you for your ideas if you believe in it just fucking do it

as for your game idea, that's a pretty barebone description... what else will this game be about? what play style? VN? RPG? think a bit further ahead and decide on which engine you want to build your game on as this decision really also depends on what play style you want to have for your game


The Bug Hunter
Feb 21, 2017
From what I've read on your blog, it definitely interests me. Maybe because I'm starting work -bare bones atm- on a game (not NSFW) in the same era with a few friends.

But I also agree with @PandaPenguin's points. You have to decide on the engine, and the play-style of the game. Also, decide if you are going to have drawn art, or 3d models (For this idea, I'd go with drawn art, but that's just preference).

Go for it, if you really are interested in it. Don't do it for other people. Work to please yourself.


Oct 28, 2017
what i have is just a concept and i know that it is bare bones, it needs a lot of work i know.

just as i say'd on the blog i'm new to this, i never made a game or wrote a game, i never did any coding. so there is a lot for me to learn. that is why i made this post i am not sure if i really want to spend all the time into doing something that might be hopeless for me from the start.

as for the engine i am not sure i want to do it in ren'py (not rpgm at least its not my preference), for the artwork i dont really mind if its drawn or if its 3d models. but for this i would need to find someone willing to do the artwork.

so there you have it, i am inexperienced and insecure. so the feedback might help me get over how insecure i am.


fuzzy miscreant
Game Developer
Nov 4, 2016
well, coming up with any concept is the easy part.... refining what you envision for your game, that's where the real work starts

how strong are you at "learning by doing" and self teaching?
if you are good at that, it doesn't matter that you have no experience yet

RenPy is a good beginners engine as it does not requiere much coding knowledge for the basic stuff
also there are plenty of tutorials for it available

getting over your insecurity will be the hardest part I guess... my advice: just fucking do it
and see where it takes you

see it as a new hobby, don't depend your monthly income on it (yet) and take it step by step
make yourself familiar with the engine of your choice, this will help determine if it's the right engine for your intentions at all

you don't need a fully fledged story at the beginning, but an overal general direction where the game/story should go will be a good thing to have right from the beginning

and then: just start it, work on it, build the first game parts and see how it goes for yourself and how you feel about it while working on it


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Every ere has the potential to be a great game if well written so, yeah why not, it would certainly please me very well


Carpe Diem
May 23, 2017
i'm thinking about making a game ?? Hell go for it > would suggest googling victorian names for a bit more of an authentic feel as im not to sure you would find many lisa's or melissa's but that is superficial.At the end of the day idea looks ok so go for it.Few tips if you do start building a game you will get feedback some good some not so good constructive critism is good but be prepared to bat off trolls and dont get disheartened by them.But importantly remember it is your game do not let people deviate you from your vision of the game. If you go down the backer route ie patreon and wish to reward your backers do it with clothes choices or hair colour/styles only open to your backers, Never ever allow them input into the story it is yours.With that said i wish you every success with your venture will be keeping an eye if you wish to go for it