Video Requests


New Member
Jun 24, 2024
Hi there. So I've been thinking of creating HS2 style porn videos, using both the game itself and StudioNeo. My process would go something like this:

- Plan out which characters, maps, and poses to use in each video.
- Use StudioNeo to pose the characters in various positions, mostly ones that aren't standard in the HS2 game. I would mix and match different poses to see what they look like and move certain body parts to make them look as realistic as possible.
- Screen record the characters in the animation and capture multiple camera angles.
- Record audio clips and SFX through the HS2 game (or grab the audio files if anyone knows a way of how to do that) and occasionally use audio clips and SFX through other resources.
- Edit everything together using an editing program. This would include arranging the clips in a way to make sense, syncing the audio files with the video, and adding some screen FX on top of the video to make it look cleaner.
- Upload the videos somewhere.

It would be a long process, but it seems StudioNeo gives you enough control to make position animations look as realistic as possible when you mix and match them. I guess my question is, is there an audience for this? Would people be interested in watching videos like these?


Aug 23, 2019
There's always an audience for it. You wouldn't be the first. It's more common in Koikatsu and far more popular done in custom 3d art through blender or something but there's still demand for HS2. You can look at the animations page here on f95 and find examples of exactly that along with almost any other site for animated porn like newgrounds or rule34video.

If what your question really is is if you can make money off of it then that's a different matter. For you to be very successful at it it'll have to be very high quality and of content people want. Not a reason to not try it but I wouldn't get your hopes up. IMO it's only really worth doing if it's what you want to do instead of as a cash grab. Then if you get good at it it could go anywhere from there. Everyone has to start somewhere.


New Member
Jun 24, 2024
There's always an audience for it. You wouldn't be the first. It's more common in Koikatsu and far more popular done in custom 3d art through blender or something but there's still demand for HS2. You can look at the animations page here on f95 and find examples of exactly that along with almost any other site for animated porn like newgrounds or rule34video.

If what your question really is is if you can make money off of it then that's a different matter. For you to be very successful at it it'll have to be very high quality and of content people want. Not a reason to not try it but I wouldn't get your hopes up. IMO it's only really worth doing if it's what you want to do instead of as a cash grab. Then if you get good at it it could go anywhere from there. Everyone has to start somewhere.
First off, thank you for the lengthy reply. Much appreciated!

This is something I am currently working on for fun, so I figured if I can put scenes together and upload them, great! It's more of just a fun side project at the moment when I have spare time. Obviously getting paid to make these would be amazing, but it's not my goal at the moment.

I'll have a look through the animation's page and see what examples I can find. Everything I have learned about StudioNeo is what information I have been able to gather through YouTube tutorials or just self teaching trial and error. I enjoy video editing as I have a background in the film and television industry, so I'll keep at it and see what I can create.

Thank you!