VN - Others - Completed - Violated Hero II ~A Throbbing Hardon Even Though I Lost~[Dieselmine]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    ya need log in to see uwu

    Games an improvement on the first game, but not without its own flaws.

    Pros: Navigating the level with the map is less confusing and dumb. The game actually lets you fight all bosses on a map instead of forcing you to progress (apart from to the part at the end where barriers force you to lose to the final boss before fighting the other generals). The plot synopsis story does a better job explaining what's going on and why Lucia is here than the much vaguer first game. Regular monsters are actual monster girls instead of shadow hand puppets. The combat is better. The MC isn't unhygienic like Seed was.

    Cons: double and then later triple sex scenes with no gameplay breaks between is not ideal when Dieselmine CGs are already a slog to read through, I'm glad they moved back to single CGs in their later games. leveling up is pointless when bosses get stronger based on players current level. While the art and sound design is mostly good, the sound design for vaginal sex is bad enough to almost make me switch teams completely, not even joking, it sounds like someone's smoking pot. bosses where you need to lose to win like the mermaid, zombie and dog girl are just a pointless break from a format that works that just serve to trip up people who don't save after every fight. Speaking of saving, the game still haven't moved on to putting saving in the pause menu, not a lot of new players are gonna figure out that they need to move the mouse to the top part of the screen.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: Completed

    A pretty solid game with a shota that gets abused. The gameplay is unique in terms that is was custom build from the developer. Sex svenes are really solid with a lot of monster girls that dominate the protagonist. Overall a fun game if not really long.