Let's see what you need to know about this game in my opinion, if you ever consider to give it a try...
[!!Some spoiler maybe can be found below!!]
[[Game]]: Do not be fooled by the others tag, this is very much a rpgmaker style game. The fact this made with other engine won't help, you need to control a tiny man on a big map. Yeah. Except, that while the RPGM have some functions, this don't have. You can press F1 for some help and I/J, but menu on esc? Nope. Options? Nope. Settings? Nope. Save? NOPE...
[[Gameplay]]: Yep, you need to control a tiny man on a big map as I said, but that tiny man is awfully slow. So boring just to walk from one point to another, and then walk back. There is no option for run, probably because the main character is a fat f*ck who can't run... Sorry.
The controls is usual than in any other RPGM game. The minigames are somewhat interesting at first.
- Fishing: You need to control the hook, and exacly "hit" the fish head with the hook to catch it, so it's a bit frustrating. Also while our waters is filled with a huge amount of garbage, why there have to be empty cans and boots! and whatnot in the imaginary world's water? Just my opinion... Other negative thing that fishing can't be interrupted, so either you catch something or just hit x on the top right corner of the game window.

- Licking game. Nothing unexpected, you need to fill a meter to success. But the pressing is so monotone, it could be harder at the meter fills, but just again my opinion.
[[Story]]: Slave men, ruler women. Check. Incest. Check. Peeking on sister. Check. Somewhat crazy but very disgusting, ugly woman, but hero have to do something to her to achieve something greater.... Yeah, check...
The story other than that could be interesting, and let's see what the devs can make out of it.
The language originally is russian I think, because there are some lesser/bigger mistake, also there is some text which remains russian. Nothing too serious (except the russian text), but should be fixed.
[[Graphics]]: The graphics overall is not bad at all. Of course there are huge mumber of games where the graphics is much better than this, but still not bad. The animations is also good. There is always place to improve but I won't turn down the game because of that.
Actually after those games where the MC has unreal dick, I literally laughed when MC stripped down. But on the other hand it was very disgusting when grandpa did the same, yeah. >.>
I don't have that much complain about the map either. It's true that it's too big for such a slow guy, but other than that for this version it's not bad.
And one other thing, it was really irritating, that every place where you can go through door, or at the side of a map there is a circle. Why? I am suppose to discover the world and see where can I go. Why there is a frikkin' circle everywhere?
I don't need circle with fish and heart in it where there are fishing and quest related things either...
[[Overall]]: Unfortunately I can't recomend to play with this version. Maybe it's would be the best for waiting to fix up the errors, and change and tweak some feature. Also this should be an oppurtunity to solve quests and go through the story multiple way, like I want to choose if I go there or don't and instead do something else that can help me achieve things. Like "do there do that" linear games are not good. There should be cahnge in that too.
Until next version folks.