Unity - Completed - ViruZ [Final] [TPJMStudio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Poorly made game.

    Characters - not exist, only models;
    story - not exist, like at all;
    level design - terrible (especially the mall);
    H - looked awful, tried to avoid it;
    Skills and level up - well, that one is not that bad, but not enough location levels to use it;
    Music - something played, it was fine enough;
    Shooting - okay for such types of games, poor for the normal indie shooters;
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Story/Characters: 2/5
    Non existent. Although I do like the character design. Hopefully more content is added.

    Gameplay: 3/5
    It's fun at first, but get's repetitive real fast. Passives are OP and skills make it way easier. Especially the GL.

    Art/Scenes: 4/5
    Art (3d) alone isn't that bad. I've seen uglier and more horrendous 3d characters that just makes me question if the female MC is truly that attractive according to the NPCs lol.

    As for the scenes, it's buggy but great! Not as great as the famous counterpart but I liked it I dunno what to tell you.

    Conclusion: Game has huge potential, I heard the dev is planning to add more and I am excited. I like the game's character designs it's just sad that it's being pulled down by repetitive gameplay, still though, beats walking or clicking simulator and I didn't feel like time wasted.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    sorry but the game is very bad, very buggy and you cant even reload and walk at same time, for you to switch weapons and reload you have to stop, if you want zombie shooter hentai games? there wayy better alternatives.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    If you ask me, the game is terrible.
    Anything feels very cheap. Characters movement, zombies, character models, sex scenes etc.
    Some bugs, missing animations where the girl just stands in T pose.
    Maybe if the games wasn't "completed" I wouldn't give it 1 star, but since probably nothing will improve I can't recommend it at all.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    [1.0.2 final]
    Finished it in 1-1.5 hours...

    Didn't like everything except some mechanics.

    -Shooting mechanics are great for a hentai FPS and mid for regular one
    -Sprinting is awesome not too short not too long
    -Special zombies look interesting
    -The AI is mid-bad, because it is very predictable and enemies can't jump
    -There are a lot of places you can jump on and no one is able to touch you
    -In some places enemies spawn out of thin air
    -The economy is somewhat unballanced, because if you buy one upgrade for weapons/health/stamina all of them rise in price (if you make them undependable and require more points to max it would be better)
    -Don't feel progress over time, all of the weapons are available for buying at the start
    -Only 3 levels... They are too long and boring to replay.
    -Zombies do *step-step* so loud you can't even understand if they are in front or at the back.
    -Redundant mechanic of switching girls (what is the point aside "special move" and "kinky" animations?)

    You can also speak with locals at the base, but it feels unnecessary.
    Meh game.
    It is okay if you want to waste 1-2 hours of time.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    well it cheap version of Zombie H game.
    Lot of bug, animation not that good (I cant even enjoy it)
    well if you bored and want taste it go ahead but make sure you had no regret.

    Time play only around 30 minute the fastest there only 3 map the 2nd map is the hardest. 1 map need like 10 minute and you need to do it fast like pull all the zombie and then kill it all in 1 go.
    well this was the first game they made so for first time it not that bad just need polishing here and there and it can be decent game.
    Likes: baged
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, I don't even know how to start. I'm really like games of this type when girl survives and if she loses she's "punished" :) And also love L4D so really would love to play nice, completed and polished game of this type but unfortunately again I only see some kind of cheap copy of Seed of the dead which is shit also. I don't know why Devs can't just make good and detailed porns scenes where dick goes into girl normally instead of pushing through the clothes, stomach and other textures cuz it's really destroying the atmosphere of a normal punishment, hentai and etc. I don't care that behavior of zombies is dumb and they're just running around frequently or other gameplay bugs, if there'd be normal porn I already love this game cuz the girls models pretty nice made. I even like the shooting part here, it's really comfortable to shoot in this project. And why in h scenes so much limited viewing angle? What's the problem to make camera able to see from below? So I hope TPJMStudio will see this review and polish its game to perfection at least in terms of hentai. Or at least I'm in waiting of a nice game this type again:(
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Short version:
    A crappy clone of a good game and the game that inspired it. Just play one of those games you will get a better experience than this.

    Long version:
    guns feel wrong
    movement feels bad
    upgrades make you unkillable at a point (but that isn't fun)
    1 character on the map at a time during a mission