Of course, it depends a lot on the person, I think. For me, good music definitely improves the experience of the game, especially if it is thoughtfully chosen and matches the scenes happening on the screen.
It's impossible to imagine BaDIK, Summer's Gone or Fog of War without their soundtracks. I think, it creates a kind of self-reinforcing feedback loop - the music creates a mood and enhances the impression of the scenes, and when I see these scenes, I subconsciously remember the music associated with them.
And for me it was really noticeable when DPC lost the license for the Friday Prophets songs, or Ocean had to cut some cinematics because they were built around a certain song that had its license revoked. Or how can you even see the party scene on Lexi's plane the same way after Drifty had to delete Love Automatic? What's playing there now doesn't match the mood of that scene at all.
But if there is no possibility to choose really good music, it is better without it than hackneyed free stock tracks. And the voice acting just complete turn off for me. If you want them to talk, make a movie instead of feeding me talking static pictures with weird synthesized voices