It was very hard for me to find the ammount of stars to put on this review, for me this game is worth 3.5 Stars or even less...
But every early games need a helping hand and not a weight
First, good points.
-Interactive sex scenes: you can move as you wish in sex scenes, and you need to consider the feelings of your partner. If he/she want it slow you need to be slow to build the arousal and not lost it.
-Original combat system: combat are in real time, you have 2 movements so far, Blocking and attacking. simple but efficient.
-and finnaly the biggest good point. THE ENVIRONNEMENT
By that I mean the whole world is just awesomely designed. that really plunge the viewer in the theme.
Bad points.
- Basic movements are clunky and not natural
- unergonomic, by that I mean that the player need to find everything alone, I am dumb guy and the first thing I do when I was free to move was to explore the world to find quests or something to entertain me. but no you need to follow a precise path of event between the pnjs in order to advance in the game. too bad with environnement like that, I wanted to be free.
- BUGS (still funny though), you can do trampoline on a dead corpse 10/10. and some others less funny, like in the character creation, can't change colors of hair, character stuck on ground, camera having a seizure, ridiculous character position when having sex when you are moving too much your penis. etc...
- Bad talking system, by good talking system we all await a pnj that react according to what is said, but here you can said everything you want, the pnj will always respong the same way. what's the point of making several talking decisions?
in conclusion this game has potential, but at that state it's more of a demo or test place than a real game when you can have fun. still fapable of course.