I played this before the shitty translation, so here's what I can say about the game according to my memory.
Minigame, there's two type of mini game, the first one is how you earn money the other is to unlock blackmail.
1.) Stocks, buy low and sell high, it's the primary way to earn money. The game itself is very boring and just require you to stare at the stock market for 1-2 hour real life time and buy low sell high. I kid you not 80% of the time I spend on this game is staring at stock exchange. 1/5
2.) Hacking, the mini game is quite simple, you first have to buy all type of hacking program, the main one being the Malware which you use to infect the girl pc. There's also other program which are catagorized to GO UP, GO DOWN, GO LEFT, GO RIGHT and Special. Each of them have up to 5 or 6 different pattern and you use them to control the virus and avoid fire wall and stuff to reach the blackmail file. It's quite simple and most of the time you can just blast tru the firewall or just use special to clear wall. 4/5
Vtuber stream:
1.) You mainly just watch the vtuber play the other beelzebub game and chat with her. (If you are wondering why the game is so big, it's because of this, there's 3 very huge video file that is used for the "Play game" asset. 3/5
2.) Chat feature, basically you can obtain detail and information about the streamer by chatting and donating them, you can also piss them off by using bad comment and vulgar stuff, just don't go overboard or you will be banned and lock out of the girl permanently. (Remember to save often) 2/5
1.) You get to start having sexual act with the girl after collecting all the information about the girl and in the end you will get their address, which then you can confront them about it and blackmail them. 3/5
2.) The sex scene is very meh tbh, I don't really enjoy much of it and honestly not too many variety at all. 1/5
3.)There is also a molest scene, where the girl go on stream and you touch them behind the scene, I quite enjoy this feature. 5/5