RPGM - Completed - Vulgar Stepmother [Final] [DanGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Animations 5/10 they were there but horrible angles or very simple
    Model 10/10, i like a good milf
    Story Inexistent 1/10
    Translation 2/10 Me no speak english level

    Overall, not worth downloading if you have other games to try
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I forget the name of another game.
    Similar gameplay. But like this one, not that remarkable.

    I've already forgotten that one and will likely forget this one soon.
    To the brother uploading the full save,


    the similar game was the aunt game by the same dev. . . .
    I suppose good job? on completing projects. . . .

    all the same,

    I'mma have to avoid what this here dev makes as it's. . . .. grindy. decent sex scenes but a terrible follow-through.

    Once you get mostly sex scenes for the activities around the clock. .. . there's no "and then."
    The loop just repeats with no good crowning achievement.
    the SM is now your "official" secret gf/slave/lover/anything. Or she's now preggo.
    Or anything really. Going back to the loop just. . . . disappoints.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh no step-mom, what are you doing with my dads wallet? What's that? Keep it a secret? Wellll I'm sure we can some to an arrangement~

    A benefit to living in a joint custody family, you can meet your old man's new hot wife who may turn out to be a money grubbing slut that's now the palm of your hand. Ok, that's not how those usually turn out, but it is here.

    Step-mom turns out to have many secrets she wants to keep away from your father's ears, and you are more than willing to keep them for her, for a price. Aka, blowjobs, handies, and full on pumping her pussy in the shower. A reasonable request if I say so myself.

    Step-mom's model was pretty hot, especially with the big bitch vibe she gives off turning into a submissive worrywart, and finally into a full on "let mommy help with that" slutty MILF. She'll pose in hot lingerie, let you jerk off on her ass, and so much more by the time you grind her control level to 100.

    Just wish there was an end game "hey, you beat the story, click the computer to check out all the scene you've unlocked, and keep fucking that step-mom!" But for all intensive purposes, if you go to sleep and step-mommy shows up and agrees to be punished, you have reached the end of the content. Which is weird it ends on just spankings as the big to-do, but whatever, I guess I thought anal might be the right answer.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent game ruined by a shotty gameplay loop.

    This is the first game I tried from this dev to just see what they are about. Renders looked nice and thought meh why not.

    Initially the game seems fine. You play as a guy who goes to live with his father who has remarried. And as a result you work towards building corruption (the game calls it control) towards your step mom to do more and more lewd things. You juggle your energy hunger and hygiene meter while trying to build that control.

    But then, the meat of the game happens. Certain events will trigger based on your control level. And certain daytime events that happen at certain parts of the day with the step mom will unlock as well with more control. The issue is GETTING that control. Most events only give you one control and the max is 100. So the tedious grind of it is so overwhelmingly boring and annoying. I think the main reason for this is that your energy, hygiene and hunger meter go down so quick. And if they go down all the way you can't act or do events. So you have to go refill and rest which takes time and continue.

    I played through all of it to just see if MAYBE the scenes were worth something. And really they weren't. Dialogue to create a narrative drops off sharply and the game just becomes a chore to unlock scenes with no substance to them.

    Reading other reviews it seems this is a pattern for this dev. Which is strange because the easiest way to fix this issue is to not make the meters go down so quickly when doing things. Sure the game will become shorter, but god damn it should be with the level of effort into the story was put.

    2/5. Try it out but don't expect much and block out an hour+ of your time to finish it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun small game with a little grind and opening new scenes step by step. Sexy milf heroine with big ass and big but not oversized tits. As attitude increases, MC gains access to more and more sexy interactions - groping, undressing, fingering, etc. This game is better version of Dev's previous game - Aunt don't be sad. I finished both these games. In Vulgar stepmother theres less grind, more butt slapping and more anal content - licking and fingering. What I would wish to be in future games - some indicator on the game's progress, to know if you have opened all the scenes.
    Good luck to the Dev!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: give a try if you didn't play previous games. If you did, expect another female and everything else being the same. Oh, and now you annoy her instead of helping.

    I played the Aunt game and decided to give this a chance, to see if there were improvements.
    Dev managed to repeat (or to ignore again) the same game-breaking bug of memory.
    Hitboxes on this one feel way worse as well, requiring sometimes you to position yourself in a specific place to trigger events.
    At least it still is short, and you beat it in an hour.

    I'm giving this a very low rating because I see very little to no improvement to the previous game.
    -If you consider the copy-paste formula, the same house, mostly same MC (though with a slight better face now)... it doesn't get much better.
    -We still have translation issues (brazilian portuguese texts popping sometimes).
    -Energy economy does get ok after exercising a bit, but food and dirtiness does not. There's no in-game way to overcome it.

    I do believe he or she can improve and can deliver a somewhat complete experience of a game, but I cannot in my right mind give this an average score anymore considering the lack of improvements overall.
    I do wish you the best and will come back to other games, at least one more time, to see if you do improve. (even more if you're actually a fellow brazilian).
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Final (01.07.23)

    Reached as far as 87 points in affinity/control to then get softlocked in kitchen after washing hands in morning because wife blocks path.
    The grind and soulless game mechanics are the bane of this game. Simple porn games like this shouldn't have this much grind for little rewards.

    Sex Content
    • decent amount of content for a short game but takes long too playthrough because of grind
    • hot female model, nice ass
    • some short but nice tease events involving exhibitionism
    • although sexual scenes are limited to one action, they aren't bad
      • actions comprised of slapping, tit groping, licking ass, handjobs, thighjobs, sex
    • animation is fine
    • sfx for animation and sexual actions are good enough too, has some moans
    • grindy af: takes too long to make progression for short actions
      • grind control/affinity points to 100 to do more lewd actions with her
        • but be limited in this pursuit by upkeeping cleanliness, hungry and energy levels
          • which is literally just there to make the game more tedious as there's no interaction/immersive features in these stats
          • little trick: in kitchen at night: fill cleanliness and hunger until full so you don't need to be as limited by it in day actions
    • exercising is useless
    • minigames are easy and don't take much time but again are just there to make the game more tedious
    • little actions like brushing teeth or washing hands take an entire time of day (in which there are 5 per day)
    • interacting with father is useless and also drains your bars
    • some engrish
      • one example: third yoga pose > remove clothes > "fondness" should be "fondle"
    • french text when:
      • she fall in bathroom
      • MC finds third gift
    • no shortcut key to hide textbox
    • RPGM sfx and music ruins sound experience because of how poorly mastered the volumes are and how limited the adjusting of volumes are

    Was not worth it. I like the model and the scenarios but it's really shit gameplay.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Absolutely mid. I don't know if this house is some commonly used asset but the game is suspiciously similar to something I played a while ago.

    Grindy, basic - but the stepmom is decently hot as far as 3DCG goes. You annoy the fuck out of her to gain "control" and then start to molest her and jerk off on her until she starts to jerk you off, suck your dick and fuck you. There's some goofy side plot where she has people sending her lingerie and flirty messages / threatening her about her past as a whore / model. You never see any dudes with her or anything but it might fuck up what little there is to enjoy here if that spoils the fantasy for you. Don't expect much more of a plot than: your stepmom is a gold digger and kind of a bitch - bully and fuck her.

    Sex scenes are primitive, borderline not worth the time investment due to grind. I seem to remember in whatever game this reminds me of that you could knock up the stepmom but that doesn't happen here as far as I can tell. She becomes more receptive to you and lets you spank her when you get to 100. I got bored after that and just ripped the CG to see if I missed anything, looks like I didn't.