3D-Daz [W.I.P.]Advise on gravity


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Ok im trying something out that i have never gotten right or at least to a satisfying level.
The image (ignore the grainyness its a test render):
Test gravity.png
How can i get the breast more realistically hanging. Its mainly the undercurve that i am not satisfied with.

Any advise will be more then welcome

Made a bit progress:
Test gravity 2.png
It's better but not yet there.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I am not a daz user so I can not be sure how breasts are done. I use blender instead. I find your second image to be more satisfactory, at least by my standards.
I assume you are either, using shape keys/morphs to shape the breasts, or a posing rig to move them. I find a hybrid of both work well, sometime using a corrective smooth with a custom weight map. or if that still not enough, mesh transfer deformation, lattice transfer, and even softbody physics simulation can all be blended in together to try different methods, but I don't know if daz allows for such tricks.
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Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Yes i use morph dialers to shape the breasts the pose only poses the body bus not take gravity in account.
Had i more (or any for that matter) skills in blender or better z-brush then i would have made something custom.

As it stands im stuck using morph/shape dialers in daz. The second image is the best i have been able to get so far.