VN - Ren'Py - Wake up and change [v0.001] [KARKAS NYAMCO]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Did you ever want to be as pathethic as possible? if the answer is yes then this is the game for you. MC has a girl at home basically throwing herself at him but he simps over a shallow lying, cheatin gold-digger. despite looking buff he gets beat up by anyone. When attempting to save a girl from some hoodlums, he gets beat up and the girl;s brother has to save the day, raynar says he owes him a favor, this will be important later. MC goes to the beach with his sister that seems to love him and he almost drowns...

    keep in mind the MC is still simping for the gold-digger and they go to the club where he finds her fucking surprise surprise Raynar... remember he owed MC a favor? yeah, niether does him as he beats MC up while Iris the cheating gold-digger denies even knowing the MC... NC runs awa with his tail between his legs and gets hit by a car.. on purpose.. as he is uncounscious he has a vision of his best friend redpilling him about women. MC supposedly wakes up from the vision and begins his journey bto beome the Top G... or so the dev would want us to believe, but this wet ameba of an MC has no redeeming quality...

    it takes approximately 2 hours to play through version 0.001 with mediocre HS2 renders and bad engrish
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Terribly bad, no plot, a pathetic childish Mc, and a very kinetic story, no choices, basically a movie, bad thing, the Dev didn't mention in the tag what kind of product it was, a useless misleading, waste of time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Looking to play as the one of the most pathetic excuse of a man there's ever been? Someone who gets beat up, tricked like a toddler, and cheated on with no redeeming qualities, not intelligence, charisma, courage, resourcefulness, or physicality or anything really?
    Well, this is your game to experience that torture. Ive seen a lot of devs try to make the zero to hero story and sadly its not the only time Ive seen that they exaggerate with the "zero" and make the mc a -10000 instead.
    Either way, most game is the MC watching people fuck, acting like a dumbass, getting beat up, manipulated like a retard, simping like the most pathetic redditor, etc. Only play this if you are into hardcore humiliation, else you are not going to like it.

    This also should have the ntr tag since the woman who cheats on the mc is her "gf" and she is also on the banner of the game, so she is not just a character that is going to leave after the introduction. Plus she looks way better than the others lmao.

    Another dev that goes too hard on the reason for "revenge" that it makes you lose all respect for the MC by making him so damn pathetic. You cant have this kind of MC in anything that its not a humiliation/femdom/ntr focused story. So if that's not the plan, then this will just fail miserably.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Before you try this game, hear me out, this game renders are good, obviously if you have decent eye sight you can tell graphics is good! So 1 star for this.

    But cutting all 4 stars because MC is a pathetic wimp, simp, weak-ass, cherry on top he's a cuck too, curious how can a cuck build his own harem.

    Harem is Clearly a lie, I'm not into harem games but! I can still tell this game MC sucks because he's clearly a cuck, obviously you can't continue games without a decent MC, not only that love interest sucks too, they bully MC and as I said MC is wimp so he don't have balls to give a solid reply, if you're into humiliation, femdom, cuckoldry, welp this one is for you, first time giving a harsh review.

    If you're a vanilla guy this game is not for you at all.

    Well despite all those harsh words I wish you good luck.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of version v0.001
    Lately I am forced to write game reviews to do some justice, either because someone has written a one star review or a 5 star review which in both cases are clearly unfair. This is one of those.

    Graphics 3/5
    Not bad, but nothing special either. Some lights and shadows could be better. The girls are attractive and very well modeled.

    Music and sound 0/5

    Animations 2/5
    Plentiful, and from several angles. You see what you need to see, unless the lack of lighting prevents it.

    Gameplay 2/5
    Menu and basic interface of Ren'Py. So nothing special. Kinetic novel in a very basic project, so there are no bugs. It complies, that's all. Short sentences, without great substance. The scenes are not great either, but I've seen much worse. A few problems with tnglish language, but nothing really serious.

    Plot 1/5
    This is one of the reasons why I am writing this review. Some people say that this is an NTR game. It isn't. The plot is typical of revenge manga and MC who stops being a loser to be a winner. The MC is an adopted orphan. His adoptive father (I guess) wants to give him his company, which seems to be successful, to someone who doesn't even know how to deal with women. Something that of course the rest of his father's biological family doesn't like. One bad day everything explodes, and at the end of the prologue the MC is about to “wake up”, and with it change, as the name of the novel says. A very used plot, but well thought out and executed could be interesting. In this case it is simply normal.

    Characters 2/5
    Like the rest of the game: neither yes nor no, quite the opposite. MC simp and weak who gets beaten for no reason but he is not a cuck. His “girlfriend”, who in reality is not, cheats on him. In reality she is with the MC for his money and has a boyfriend. Brother and uncle who make the MC's life impossible, the sister who is clearly interested in the MC, cold girlfriend who behaves like a bitch with the MC, etc. Characters somewhat typical of this type of novels, which in this case are just passable, no more.

    Final thoughts
    As I wrote in a comment, this game is... just meh. It's not terrible but it doesn't stand out either. If you have free time, nothing to do and you like to play games with HS 2 graphics like me, it could be interesting at least to see how it is. In my case it's just a 2 and a half out of 5. But since only integers are allowed in the rating, I give it a 3.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I think saying "Stay away" (like previous review does) is way too harsh.
    It's just first episode. I agree that they took it way too far with dumb and beta MC but with the ending of this first part (and also as the name of AVN suggests) it seems they want to focus on his transformation from this pathetic being into someone more "manly".
    I do hope there will be some choices in the next episode though.
    Also girls look pretty hot which is a big plus.
    IMO it has potential, we just have to wait and see if dev will be able to deliver...
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Luke Cage

    No choices, cuck MC, bad plot, one dimensional characters......Need I say more. This just has bad writing with no direction written all over it. The game doesn't have a kinetic tag which is very careless by the dev.

    Overall: Stay away!!