Collection - Unity - Wanderer: Broken Bed [v0.11.5 - REMASTERED] [TopHouse Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game, since I quite like the art.
    However, the quest system is just pure tedium. While there are quest hints that tell you the vague areas to find things in, finding tiny items at specific times of the day or finding the exact time that a character is standing in an area is not my idea of a good game.
    The quest and hint UI also don't tell you what you've already done - this isn't always an issue, but if you're coming back to the game after a break or don't know the names of characters you've fetched things from, this can make things confusing.
    Lastly, there are frequent spelling errors. Not a huge thing, but it annoys me.
    Ultimately, it's a game where I don't think is worth slogging through the quests to get to the art.
    If the dev wants to improve this game, I would recommend changing the text color or putting a strikethrough on completed individual objectives within a quest, both in the quest log and in the hints menu. Having more quest indicators on the map for where characters or objectives are would be very nice. Having a button to highlight clickable items would also be very helpful. Finally, being more specific with the quest text, hints, or both would make the game much less of a slog.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    As of right now i don't really see why you would play this game. it looks good, but other than that it has nothing.
    Gameplay is repetitive and boring. Visit 5-7 locations (Game punishes you for not using quick travel (top right)) to see if smth changed. Click on new items. That's it, there is nothing more to gameplay. Sex is unrelated to gameplay at all, you may as well just look up gallery, instead of suffering through fetch quests for like 5-6 quest related scenes.
    Quests are boring point and click item hunts (Also one quest has weird requirement, you can find 3 out of 4 items just fine, but to get ability to get 4th item you need to finish unrelated quest)
    Ratio of content to gameplay is bad. Spent multiple hours of my life hoping for the game to finally get good only to be disappointed.
    Some bugs for example some quests (clear cafeteria) would glitch and not leave dialog, endlessly repeating last line or blank text box.

    And finally WORST THING not all tags are relevant to the game (some of them are just for prequel). Who thought of that? Why prequel doesn't have a separate page with relevant tags? Take NTR for exaple, dev in this thread said main game has no NTR (not even planned) so why is there NTR tag? It just fucks with people, if you don't like NTR you will skip this game not knowing it has none, and if you want NTR you just waste your time on this game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I am a 2DCG fan. Porn games with this tag are minority, so I can make discount when evaluating.

    I really liked the models of Cruella, Anastasia, Vanessa and Ameli. I wish these characters will show more often in sex-scenes. I dont likemodels of nurse and Isabella. In general, the graphics in the game are very nice!

    The plot of the game is simple. I liked setting and lore of this, but I didnt like dialogues, I think they need to be rewrited. I like Isekai genre, but in this game could have been done better

    Iwanna see improvements in UX/UI design of this game cuz some elements made inconveniently for me. I had to collect things all over the map for the sake of minor events...

    Overall 4/5. I would like authors to develop game more carefully cuz I see potential here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I finished playing build 0.4.3 and I can say a few things about Wanderer: I liked the plot and atmosphere of the game, the characters are beautiful, the quests are interesting to complete. Not a lot of nude scenes, and the game is still in development. I like 2d style, especially anime. I hope to see more projects like this on f95. Cruella one love <3
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game left a good impression. Beautiful illustrations, interesting fantasy world and the main thing that's not a VN, there are also some mini-games. The scenes are medium, I want more interactive. I fount some bugs, keep in mind. I hope the developers will fix problems with inventory. Characters have uncommon names ahah. I recommend, but I also hope new updates will release more often.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    If this rating system allowed for half points then this review would be a 3.5 instead of a 4, but I'm feeling generous so I'll round up. There isn't much to do in this game as of build 2.0, but the game is obviously in a very early state so I don't hold the lack of content against it. The art looks fantastic and the animations are great as well. The story so far is a bit lacking but I can chalk that up to it just not being fully developed yet (and to my ignorance of the source material that this game is apparently based on/inspired by). The part I took issue with, however, was the writing. It pivots back and forth between decently structured sentences with good diction and feeling like it's been run through google translate once or twice. Additionally, it jarringly jumps from the characters to an unnecessary exposition machine in the form of the "author". Going forward, I'd suggest the dev team look into recruiting a good proof reader to keep the flow and conversational nature of the writing solid. All that said, I am looking forward to more of this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is obviously heavily inspired by Zero no Tsukaima and like Goredan I see it as a plus point. I really liked the anime and wanted to play a game similar to it and now we can with sexy stuff on top which is also a plus point.

    The quality of the drawings and the animations is also very high, higher than in most other similar Patreon VNs. Be aware though that this is just a 5 minute prologue demo so far and you can therefore hardly make any judgement how the quality of the game/story develops further. The pictures of scenes you can see in the first post are mostly not even in this version yet, you can`t even talk to characters yet or make decisions (beside a single sex scene where you have the option to run away or let it happen).

    Edit: After over 2 years later the game honestly became a mess that has nothing beside its beautiful art left. The original story idea was thrown out the window, the characters are now just hollow whores that have no personality to them whatsoever and don`t even act like normal human beings but cock starved whores that can`t think about anything but sex instead of being just normal women in a school and it is overall a real disappointment. Therefore I change the review from 5 to 2 stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the build of the game, I was very surprised by the level of animation and backgrounds, in fact, I have not seen such a high level of visual style for a long time, the backgrounds turned out to be very detailed and convey the atmosphere of a real magical fairy tale.

    Now everything is crammed with games collected in a daz or on a renpy, with very bad art or 3d evil valley.

    The list of games that you are inspired by is simply amazing, no one has ever done adult games with such amazing taste as yours! Continue.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, guys. I understand that you have made a game based on the amazing anime Zero no Tsukaima. Throughout the entire anime, I wanted to see sex scenes, but now I can finally play for the main characters of this anime myself. I hope that you will finish it as soon as possible, and more and more people will support you on patreon.