Ren'Py - Completed - Wands and Witches [v1.0 Public] [Great Chicken Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Very poorly designed game.
    The game is extremely grindy, which is very unreasonable.
    RNG can fuck you over, since the location of NPCs can be random at time and you need them to be a certain location for grind or quest triggering.

    You are racing against time. You need to grind enough affection points. If you do not have enough affection points with someone by certain dates they will either end the relationship or cheat on you. You pretty much need a walkthrough to know which characters to focus on and in which order.
    Cuckoldry content should be based on you explicitly choosing you want to be a cuck. It should not be based on grind, stats, and timing. You do not "punish" a player for not grinding the right way enough with a scene of them being cuckolded.

    The handling of the gay and lesbian content is really stupid.
    There are gay only scenes, and "lesbian" only scenes, but due to poor mechanical implementation the only options are to be bisexual or straight. I am straight mind you, but I noticed just how poorly this was implemented and am adding it to my review.

    There is no gallery and never will be.
    Game is pretty much walkthrough dependent.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    beautiful game. intersting plot. honestly it worth playing if you fan of the Pottter's books. I do love graphics. I wish they would be more proffesors available to interact but in overal I would say plot is 5 out 5. good luck with your next games!
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Game looks pretty nice and the quests arent bad, story is somewhat decent as well, hint system isent really worth much since it dosent tell you where to go or at what time, so you will just be clicking around trying to find the next thing to do.

    One huge issue is the missing NTR tag, you see girls you are in a sexual relationship with fucking other dudes, theres no way the tag shouldent be there.

    Story also fucks up every now and then, to make one small exsamble you can ask Luna out of the ball and she will turn you down, then you invite someone else and next day Luna comes back being sad/pissed about you not inviting her......its a bit fucked up since it absolutly fucks up your relationship with Luna closing her path even, so its a serious fuck up in the game.

    Game dosent really feel finished, very late in game you can send owls out but they do noting, i tried sending multiple owls out to Ginny where Harry talks shit to her, she even belives the texts but still ends up fucking him so yeah.

    And for endings they can be extremly shitty, i picked someone to stay faithfull for that still ended up marrying someone else?? i mean game truely is a pure joke.

    Girls 2/5
    They just dident do much for me.

    Animations 2/5
    They just arent good in any way, you dont really see anything since the pussy and dick is always covered by other body parts or something else, its more softcore then anything else which makes it pretty boring.

    Music 3/5
    Standard background stuff.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    i actually quite liked the quest line of this game, the open mindedness of who you can fuck and date. the choices of what you want to focus your studies on, what kind of student you wanted to be. its almost like a faithful recreation of its world in its NSFW format. i truly like this game, however i will say the models and animations themselves needed work on just the smoothness and overall quality of the animations, and more model details, i wanna see butt holes, vagina holes etc. i wanna see it, i wanna see more model details during animations, and just overall better animations.

    shame this game got abandoned, as besides a few quirks, i really enjoyed myself on this
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Wands and Witches is a game which, in theory, I should love, but one I find difficult to deal with due to the almost complete absence of player control.

    Let's begin with the positive: The game is fairly freeform with what you choose to do - socializing, studying...that's about it - and the art is overall very attractive. Characters are unique relative to each other, in both appearance and personality.

    It's when you get into the actual mechanics of the game that you realize the presentation is a facade.

    I'm going to start with an issue that many others have brought up - yes, this game needs an NTR tag, because it is GOING to happen, at least on your first playthrough before you decide to just do a non-orgranic guided run. There are multiple reasons for this:

    - Becoming close to characters takes the player a prohibitive amount of time if they're also trying to pursue quests or decent grades.

    - Successful dates with characters take a series of choices to pass (of which only one combination is correct - an incredibly unrealistic addition, if they like me enough they should be willing to accept that I am an individual and not every preference will be equal to theirs)

    - Characters will date, and sleep with, other characters while you're attempting to figure this all out

    - You have *very* little ability to affect the relationships of other characters.

    I want to touch on that last point, because to the credit of the developers, it used to be "no ability". They later added a system to do so, but there are a massive number of issues with that system too, as it is locked behind a quest which requires strict actions and even more to be lucky on RNG elements, when in reality it's a very OBVIOUS thing to do.

    With the NTR and relationship issues out of the way, let's talk player preference. I hope you're not gay or lesbian, because this is not going to please you. The game has male/male and female/female content, but no option to disable male/female content. You are asked in the beginning, after selecting your gender, whether you would like to enable male/male and female/female content. Now, let's say you're a male, enabling male/male content is of course going to allow your romantic and sexual interactions with other males, but enabling female/female content does....something? I assume it allows female NPCs to date and sleep with each other, but has no direct impact on the player? Except that NPCs already have defined orientations(one of the Slytherin characters won't date women regardless of your answers here)? It's a very odd system, but you go ahead with attempting to play your gay male character. Suddenly, he's dreaming of sleeping with women? Wait, what? This is precisely what happened to my "lesbian" girl who, to my surprise, suddenly wanted dick. I was not happy.

    The sexuality questions make no realistic sense, you're straight or bi. A better system would simply be two questions that ask, do you want to bang women? Men? Brilliant, get out there chief. Just two flags, same number of questions, completely solve this problem and allow for all combinations. And I made the absolute foolish mistake of suggesting this. To be completely honest, that was when I stopped following this game quite some time ago, because damn were those devs pretty rude about it. Maybe it was a language barrier problem, but nothing could have turned me off a game faster. I'm only here now because I was recently disappointed with the state of "Innocent Witches" and wanted something more open. To be fair, the most realistic reason not to implement this alternative system would be that they've already built too much on top of the current one to do something like this. I don't know their implementation, I don't know what's reliant on what, I do know how I would design it and it wouldn't be a problem, but they may have done something different, I'm not about to Unren the game to read the code and find the best way to restructure it when the devs already made it clear they won't be entertaining the idea.

    Moving on, but somewhat consequently, I want to address the lack of a gallery. I know GCS has stated numerous times they won't be adding that function to the game, primarily for the reason that there are too many scene variations based on stats, or that they don't consider one version canon so they don't want to present it as such. Here's my rebuttal:

    - Establishing "canon" in your parody porn game is not the point of a gallery, it's so people can quickly hop to a scene they liked and get off to it. It's a porn game, that's its #1 purpose.

    - You absolutely do not have enough variations that a simple text box choice at the beginning wouldn't handle it, or maybe even a sub-gallery for a scene if you're THAT concerned.

    And I stand by that second point, because I actually did unren the game, found scene flags, and used the console to jump to them. Sure, maybe 5% of the time they had a graphical error, but overall, they worked totally fine. Funny enough, I ended up doing this because there was one particular scene I wanted to view, but could NOT reach in-game even following the provided walk-through because the character was never at the necessary location when the guide said he would be, or any other time for that matter. Maybe the walk-through was out of date, maybe it was a bug, I don't care, I saw the scene.

    Wands and Witches is a game which offers a lot, and delivers very little. It is mislabeled, poorly constructed, and very limited. Yet, the few things that do work, work well, and I can see myself staunchly supporting the game were it to be overhauled to be in-line with player expectations. Sadly, from my own interactions with Great Chicken Studio, and the way I've seen them interact with others, I'm left with no confidence that any major changes to the existing game would ever be considered.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is quite charming & it's fun to be a witch. Lots of short quests, quite a bit of content all told. Yes there is some grind, but it didn't really detract from my experience. I've come back to play the game twice now. Good luck to the devs on getting it finished!
    Likes: Rolo
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the mother of all grind.

    To unlock quests, you need to be at least friend with the other students.
    To be friend with them, you need at least 10 relationship points (you don't see your points, only your relationship status.)
    So, if you are lucky and you start with a neutral relationship, you need to interact with them a minimum of 10 times !!!!!!!!!!

    I put 10 ! because there are 10 people to interact with. So that's a minimum of 100 hundred interactions to unlock only the first tier of quests with every character.

    And I said if you were lucky and started with a neutral relationship. Because you can start with a dislike relationship, who is around -8, so now you need 18 interactions, yay!

    In a game where most interactions are meaningful, where there is variety in dialogues, I wouldn't mind. But that's not the case in that game, there is close to 0 variety in dialogues, and it's always the same.

    And mind you, that's only the first tier of quests, the second tier requires you to be a best friend, which is, toll drums.... 25 relationship points... So 150 more interactions if you are unlucky (you might get more than one relationship point once you are friends, but it actually requires to use a lot more exchanges, with once again, always the same dialogues, and there is no guarantee to get the bonus relationship points)

    And if it wasn't enough, some quests are also time-gated, and some require a character to be at a specific place to trigger. And the probability that would happen is just that, a probability.

    And finally, some quests also require some other quests to be completed in a precise way, otherwise, they won't trigger.

    I said finally, my bad, no, some are also gated behind your character gender. Meaning you would have to play the game twice to get everything done....

    So let's repeat that you need around 250 interactions to get tier 1 and 2 quests from every character, then you need to complete those quests in a very specific way to not lock out subsequent quests, and then pray the rng god you will find the characters at the right place at the right time.

    All of that with absolutely 0 variety in dialogues and choices.

    Also, I'm 5 hours into the game and have yet to see some actual adult content. I mean, I saw one or two events with a static sprite and that's it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Usually not my preferred drawing style, but this game gives the player a lot of freedom. There are even some lesbian scenes, and gay scenes. I am not gay myself, but this is a good way to provide people who are are with Harry Potter content they would like. There are a lot of quests and the story is very fun to play.

    The only downside in my opinion is that sometimes it's not easy to know what you need to do for a certain quest. However, there's a lot to do and a lot of content you can find. This game can require multiple playthroughs, and that's also nice.

    One of the best Harry Potter parody games out there.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    An okay Harry Potter based VN in which you are a random bloke or girl that receives that letter invitation via owl. You can pick whether you want to be male or female and what name your character has. You are then whisked off to Diagon Alley to pick some stuff up where you meet a few characters, generally dialogue has a few different choices which affect whether characters dislike or like you and the quests you can receive later. You also get sorted into a house, yet for some reason my character always ends up in Slytherin (oh and a nice touch is the change in uniform for your character too).

    Essentially at present it feels like a dating sim in that if you talk to a character enough, get them to like you then events open up with that character that can include lewd scenes. For my own two cents I like that there is a spell to get a futa dick, that's interesting in how it can affect scenes too.

    Speaking of the scenes, whilst some are good in my opinion a few of them have a rather annoying quirk of 'paper dolling' where the character will glide across the screen to another character and boink them by taking the character back and forwards, not in a brilliant animation style (although there are scenes that use that) but in a kind of back and forth motion akin to a kid playing with his toys and trying to do something naughty with them, it feels robotic, I 'm hoping those scenes get re-mastered, or maybe it was the intention that none main scenes are like that for ease?

    The other gripe is more my own and that is that I like games with high replay ability and tend to shy away from linear ending games, this one has since it's early days featured a limit in terms of days, get to a certain day and it ends. Although in fairness they do keep extending that.

    For those that like the Harry Potter universe it's quite good, varied characters and personalities, yes you can boink Hermoine and Ginny etc etc even Draco if you want to. There is the usual male on female scenes and vice versa and even female on female and male on male (although a choice at the beginning can censor that unless I am mistaken) the futa seems so far to be on female only at present although whether they add a futa on male option only time will tell, although the temptation to dominate Harry Potter and turn him into a futa cocksleeve sounds quite fun, When he who shall not be named shall appear in this, nobody nose.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The games odd. In some way I really like it (or maybe the idea of it) but in others I find it incredibly cumbersome and frustrating. Overall I lean on the frustrating side, and this review will go into detail on what I find most frustrating about it, so if you don't want all that reading there's a TLDR at the bottom.

    My biggest issue with this game is it's lack of information given to the player. For example, it's possible for the romantic interest to date other people if the MC takes too long pursuing them. Would you have guessed that from the tags or games description? Because I wouldn't and didn't. The dev defends this by saying it's realistic, and on principle I kinda agree, but the issue is that the possibility of this happening is just not brought up in the game. Think of any other dating sim; AAA, indie, or porn, and then think of how many actually have a system like this and you'll understand how rare it is. Because of this, I 100% believe the game should be very clear in saying that this is a thing that can happen, but it just doesn't. The reason I consider this such a big deal is that very few people like sharing (especially without their knowledge until after the fact). It can ruin games for many people, and dating and relationships are a huge part of this game, meaning anything that could ruin those for people is important.

    On top of this, even if you know it's possible, again, due to the lack of knowledge the game gives you it's impossible to really know how to prevent it. For example, let's say you were pursuing a girl. You started off a bit slow, but then you decided to focus on her and you're pretty close to dating her...
    Then you see her getting dicked by some dude in the park.
    Now, ignoring the people who didn't know this was a possibility and would just be like wtf and get (rightfully) angry right then and there, lets look at the people who see this, don't like it, and then reload a save to try and change it. You have absolutely no clue which save to reload because there's no way of knowing characters are in a sexual relationship other than seeing those sex scenes. Did it happen that day, and you only need to load a couple of days earlier to prevent it? Did it happen that week and you happened to not see the scene until now? 2 weeks ago? Who knows.

    Different characters have different relations with each other, and I'm not sure if it's possible to check any of these other than your own. Issue is that even if you could, you have no idea at what each level these relationships become physical. For a game with no sharing or NTR tags, there are a ton of ways for you to get cucked without knowing what's going on or how to prevent it.

    Finally, there's Ginny, and she's a whole can of worms. I'm going to go in detail here, so skip if you don't want to read or get spoiled of Ginny or are tired of reading about her. She will pursue Harry and go after him no matter your relationships with her because, in the dev's words, she never actually becomes your girlfriend. Despite going on dates, doing sexual things together, straight up having sex even, she will still pursue Harry no matter what. The dev again defends this and says it's somehow not NTR, but when you're character finds her and Harry in the park together they feel angry and betrayed, the textbook emotions of NTR. If this was straight out told to the player, then okay, fine I'd have nothing against it being in the game, but it's not. People argue that because she starts with a crush on Harry, that should be enough for the player to know she's never going to be faithful. Ignoring the fact that if being realistic, crushes can change (fuck you can pursue a character enough so that they have a crush on you, then just ignore them until they fuck someone else), Hermione also has a quest where she wants to impress Harry and Ron and seems to have a crush on them, yet she is able to be fully romanced without any cheating. For a game with an already confusing sharing/romance system, Ginny is the worst offender.

    The issues aren't that these paths or options are in the game. The issue is that the game doesn't TELL the player that they are. If the game had a more detailed way to tell how close romantic interests were with other characters- If the game was much more clear on Ginny not being exclusive- If the game made it clear what relationship YOU had to be before them pursuing someone else stopped being an option, etc etc, then I'd honestly give it 3.5-4 stars. As it is now, though, the biggest reason to play the game (the romance) has so many unclear variables that end up cucking you that I cannot recommend it without seriously reading through this thread first to understand the rules.

    TLDR: Insane lack of information in regard to dating characters leading to frustration and seeing a girl you were pursuing with someone else with the game giving no reason why or how to prevent it. Without these it'd be a 3.5, maybe 4, with them like a 1.8.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a very unique and interesting game that has a storyline quite different from anything else. I believe the art could be better, but it is overall a well done game.

    More detail:
    I like that the relationships in the game are much like real life and not bound for the main character.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 15555

    The game starts with lots of stats for relationships, that later in this last update no matter even if you have maxed out they will still go with someone else except for the one you pick, totally forcing that on the player,
    Even if you have them on GF and maxed out Ginny (she will still try to rape Harry) and like this many other "story" parts that the devs think is okay to force on the players.
    The whole gameplay is grinding for things that ends up being ignored for the most part in the game, like the relationship stats.
    Apart from the whole grinding fest, you have quests log that is not very informative when it comes what to do at all.
    The writing is okey for the most part though you will see some things that don't even make sense at all, the animations are mediocre and the only good thing about this game is the Art.
    The only thing that could hype you is the whole Howarts thing but it seems like the writer killed the game by having most the Heroines / LIs having cannon relationships and force it on the players.
    Not worth playing this, maybe it was worth in the past but the new direction this game took in last few updates has certainly made the game worsed and worsed.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Little to no H-scenes well into the game and also would be nice to have anything other than "you have not received this quest yet" if you plan to put 76 of them into the game. Running around clicking random NPCs in hopes of triggering a quest isn't really fun
  14. B
    3.00 star(s)


    Solid game, deffinitely worth checking out but its kinda boring.

    + The art is great
    + well written (nothing extra great but its deffinitely one of the better-written games)
    + HP world
    + male/female PC choice

    +/- its light-styled, dont expect any hard or more kinky stuff, just some basic
    +/- low amount of NPC to interact with (I think its like 5 guys and 5 chicks + 2 (1+1) teachers but its not a full version yet so its expected.

    - its boring for me but its mostly because of the light style i mentioned above. *spoilers* you can transform to hermione and run around places in *sexy* clothes to worsen hermione's reputation, you can do some mischieve to other students like luring Harry to a corridor at night only to be caught by Snape, look for a Lockharts book containing like 4 pages of "erotic" text then talk about it with another student about how awesome that book is and stuff like that, nothing exactly... thrilling. *end*
    - 90% of the time the only thing you can do is talk. talk talk and talk. very rarely you go pick some stuff somewhere or simply interact with some objects.
    -dialogue choices arent changing much and you kinda feel that it makes no different what type of stuff are you talking about with the person.
    - no pregnancies :'(

    but if you like classical dating sim and you like Harry Potter's world, you can give it a try.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good things:

    - A lot of characters
    - Customization options for your own character
    - Unique art style
    - A lot of events and every released update is massive

    What can be better:

    - Dialogue options are the same almost every time
    - Not always clear where which character is
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    Hook: Another Good looking HP Harem sim date RPG.

    + Good artwork.
    + Wide variety of opt-out / opt-in kinks.
    + Can be straight, gay, lesbian, or bi. Can be female or male.
    + Pretty good writing, quests, and characters.
    + Good world-building and background art
    + Good, consistent tone (a bit silly but not asinine)

    / Animations are simple
    / ESL text can be awkward

    - No Voices. Limited sound effects. No sex sounds.
    - Shitty, grindy sim date gameplay
    - Obtuse plot-progression triggers

    Score: 6.8 / 10

    Ver: 0.87
    date: 4.29.20
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been watching this game for a long time and I find one of the most fun, easy and complete parody games of Harry Potter here on the forum.
    Art is good (it can get better, always. Never conform, always get better), not as much as Innocent Witches, but better than some other parodies.
    My only complaint is the difficulty in making a 100% lesbian route. There are scenes that force you to act with male characters or you don't have access to certain quests, not even to say "you failed that quest". It is blocked there.
    And also the mandatory situations where you are required to use the "male wand" and become a futanari character! Like Moaning Myrtle or Professor Tonks!
    If I'm playing with a female character and only dating female characters, it's because I don't want to see any penis!
    Girls together can do a lot together in a sexual relationship without using dildos or futanari! Take a look at Xvideos!
    Other than that, if you want a good Harry Potter parody you can download for sure that you will have fun and have some action with one hand (or finger(s))
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The Idea of being a student at hogwarts + havinga dating sim is great.
    The art is something really great, There is just 1 thing that is a problem for me:
    The quests are not well enough explained and I had to guess a lot, but that is probably something that only concerns me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an authentic adult game in Harry Potter universe. Protagonist can be male or female which is influence the quests too so it was motivation to replay the game. Artwork is nice and unique style. Writing is smooth and humorous especially if you know original Harry Potter characters. Gameplay is fun if you love this wizzard world but if you don't then you can feel grind to attend classes and improve stats and relations or solving quests but i think it has a good balance. Choices matters and you can do a lot of things differently so game is really replayable.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    Honestly, if you like HP, this is a good game. Plenty of opportunities for H scenes and the artwork is unique. The game doesn't run that slow and most of it actually makes sense.

    Not as good as Witch Trainer but definitely better than the other HP games.