Quest marks on top of an NPC came for a reason - to communicate to the player that he can do new content.
No, they came about to make it easier on more casual players after World of Warcraft was so successful.
Other MMORPGs and CRPGs followed suit on such small conveniences to try and sell more copies of their games.
So, what im getting at - i love this game and it's content but every time when i played it on my own i just get stuck on like 1/3 of the story.
It's designed around an "old school" approach - You explore, you interact with NPCs and pay attention to what information is conveyed.
And to remind you - the map is not small for such feat.
No, it really is.
The majority of quests are given/found in the village, with others being given/found in areas you've explored with NPCs who are only located in those areas.
Yeah, you get teleportation but it consumes mana and for low lever player - a lot.
Then you need to be crafting better mana potions... Which comes by crafting mana potions.
And so i constatly cought myself in situation when i got several active quests but not enough to power me through since my level is too low (a tower ghost was a serious obsticle).
That's more of a skill issue on your part.
I know it's a trite thing to say, but it's also true.
And because of that i was forced to read a guide
No, you read a guide because of your own impatience and refusal to pay attention to the things the game had told you.
You can go through the game without needing a guide if you pay attention more.
- just because there is so many events and i just can't keep them in my head all of the time, to differintiate which ones are repeatable standart events and which are new singles.
It's fairly obvious what's repeatable and what isn't.
And because of that i decided atleast make a mod with the list of all such events so that you needn't to go in the fu***ing elf forest just to check if there is something new.
Seeing as it's a place where you harvest ingredients for both Krowly's garden and for making potions in alchemy... That's again a "you problem".
Speaking of the tower ghost - it was a major obsticle for me because i didn't know that you can study book near the MC bed in order to gain new spells.
Again, you not paying attention.
I thought that you only get them from level ups.
You made an assumption based on your own mistaken belief that this is just like any other modern JRPG styled game... That's something is obvious to not be the case very early on.
Maybe i missed this info, cause i skipped first dialogs (cause i already played the game long time ago), but still - this kind of thing - highlighting of interactable objects - is missed also and was fixed by a mod. Cause i didn't event thought of interacting with this particular book (but i did interact with every booksheld and everything in the basement).
So you're blaming the game for something that is in fact your own fault - You didn't check to see what mechanics changes had been made since the last time you'd played in an unfinished project that's in active development.
So my point is - yeah, dev have a vision for a lot of things. Bet he have a vision for presenting quests in convoluted manner also.
It's not convoluted, it just isn't holding your hand and flashing a big exclamation mark over an NPC's head.
But for me as a player, who LIKES the game, who WANT to complete it
You like the game, but you want the game to undergo a complete overhaul to make it easier for you... In other words, you don't actually like the game.
there is just so many obstacles in terms of progressing when playing the game naturally (and not reading the quide).
Yet others are fully capable of going through most, if not all of the current content without using a guide.
And im not the only one i assume. If the quest system was fine there wouldn't be a tons of posts like "Oh, i can't get that event" and "And i can't get that event".
Skill issue for people who've effectively been coddled by overly-convenient QoL additions and expect everything to be pointed out to them.
But also, there is no wrong vision - but there is a vision that work and don't work. And for me - it doesn't.
If there's "no wrong vision", why do you want it to be changed to cater to you?
How's about instead you try and change your expectations and learn to play it instead.