Websites/Resources for Community Driven Game


Nov 17, 2017
I'm looking to create an ongoing game driven by community polls, essentially a DM-ed create your own adventure. Basically create a poll for what actions to take then DM (behind the scenes) the winning choice for the situation using images and text to convey the results and so on. It would be fairly image heavy per poll, I imagine. This type of game would be much more free and allow more creativity and choices by virtue of the content being determined through poll. In a more conventional game content for all choices must be created whereas done this way I only create content for the winning results.

The type of content is a Eastern/Western fusion of 3D rendered images with hentai-like content such as non-con, fantasy, corruption, etc. Thematically the game "Virgin Invader" is an influence and closest point of reference: you are the Big Evil looking to conquer a medieval fantasy civilization which has been heavily depopulated of men due to war.

Patreon would be a good choice but the content I'd create is prohibited. I'm looking for suggestions in regards to services that would be usable for image hosting and a potentially growing community of voters. The content will be free, but if popular I'd like to have a tip jar\Patreon-esque system to provide bonus content to supporters.