Ren'Py - Onhold - $$$ Welcome to Alabama! It's Legal Bro! $$$ [v0.2.4] [Black Arts Theatre]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice game. (Haven't played it before because I thought the title sounds too stupid). Really straightforward and small in scope (a fairly standard trope: you're living with your sister and you have multiple ways to get to fuck her, but be wary of advancing things too fast and too forcefully). Still it's fairly refined at what it does, with smooth animations that I honestly didn't expect to see in a RenPy project. Waiting for an update that will extend mechanics and add more actions and stuff (afaik dev is working on animation overhaul right now so it will be a while, but a man can dream...)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly blew my expecations out of the water. The game has a good amount of scenes for where it's at (v0.2.2). You slowly corrupt your sister and you can make her do some degrading things if you push her far enough. Obviosuly the game isn't finished and there's bound to be many updates in the future so keep your eye on the game once you finish.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I don´t like it at all.

    The game has okay animations and the models look good, except the blood which looks very bad.

    But everything else is just kinda bad, the story is just awful, the dialogue boring. And the two worst things are the UI which looks just horrendous and the gameplay which is far too open with no rollback which is just annoying.

    But there are options to disable/remove the UI which is nice.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    James Cook 1232

    one of the better games on the website, would love to see video tape blackmail and pregnancy though, this game is really good in terms of gameplay and graphics, maybe, just maybe, interactive groping or something like that idk, either way its really good
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As of [v0.1.6b] there isn't too much content as this game is still in the beginning of development but it has enough to blow a load or two.

    There's around an hour and thirty minutes of content so far and has a little more scenes than most games that are this early in development

    The story is pretty much nonexistent other than the prologue but that'll most likely change in a couple major updates

    Some scenes like missionary pose 1 could use some work on as there's some weird clipping but other than that they're ok and get the job done

    While the minigames for money grinding are optional, The Flappy Bird one is janky and sometimes will not read some inputs I'd say to replace the Flappy Bird with a Rhythm Game DDR style, Duck Hunt or just some Memory Game. The Puzzle Square thing is cool and I like it its just hard and player skill issue so no real complaints for it other than that.

    Also there's no real point in spending money at the at the Pharmacy as the Fertility Drugs don't do anything other than change a number but that'll also most likely be done in a major update with Impreg (and hopefully around [v0.6.5+] with birth)

    Nextly as of hypnosis thing you can make her do sex and be naked but the rest are more of a quality of life thing as you cant do too much with it now other. Also Please add a Hypnosis Command to have her turn off all lights and shit after she leaves that room the rent gets up to 3k+ if you forget about a single light or tv being on. This is the most annoying part of the game for me as I have to play a turn off device simulator to not get the game over (Yes I know you get time turn back thing but its still annoying to happen)

    Finally just make Leveling or getting Skill points a tad bit easier its a pain in the ass to grind Exp as you start off with so little MP, I'd say make the Exp gain more rather than being a 1-1 ratio or you could give Exp for doing things to her and others while they're Hypnotized, give 2-3 Skill Points per Level, or add a quest system where you can get them

    I'll update this review every couple of Versions but keep up the good work, I've enjoyed it so far and I see this game having a lot of potential
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great little game here, it's already showing so much potential as an early demo that I'm very excited to see what it'll grow into in the future.

    Big props to the dev too, they've been answering a lot of questions in the thread and they've been implementing a good amount of feedback as well from what I've seen so far.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has sleep sex, a cute girl, mind control, you can record sex you have with the girl and make her watch it (granted she just gets upset but the potential for the future is great), and its all sandbox.

    Things like shotty mini games, and money will likely change in the future. The game is still fairly new, and I think this game is exactly what alot of new games coming out should be like. Simple, sexy and easy to get through.

    Who cares if you have to go to the laptop to save instead of anywhere , its 3 extra clicks for what based off the Dev has said are some pretty valid (future proofing save files) reasons.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    It's unfortunate when devs let it go to their heads
    "Choose a name or game over"

    They made sure you cant enjoy at your own pace by forcefully removing rollback
    They forcefully remove saving with cheats on, again no roll back. And when you "lose" you have to start all over, which means you need to interact, make way back to bed, sleep, make way back to npc, repeat

    And finally, mayb you just want to skip all of that so you edit the file
    There seems to be a new warning feature of using altered files that I've never seen before
    But despite accepting that you want to use that file, the game is made so that it doesn't load, so no save sharing

    Skipping to the point, we all know why we're here, a good time
    Please be mature enough to let us choose whether to play at your time padding crawling pace or own
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    EDIT: I've added a star as Black Arts reached out to me about the concerns I listed, and let me know when they had made some adjustments. Communication with players is something sorely lacking, and so I really appreciated that. Due to real-life personal issues, I have yet to play the newest release (as of 10/15/23), but I will fully update this review once I get a chance. Take a moment and play it for yourself!


    I really don't enjoy being overly critical of early games but this one is just... sheesh.

    First off, the inability to save anywhere, to the point that pressing escape doesn't even bring up the options menu! Yes, I have read the dev's logic of save compatibility, and not wanting the game to be too easy. But we have long since moved past the days of games needing to save space so you have you limited save game locations. Players of this particular type of game * cough early access cough* understand that saves can break with a new update. It's part of the process. It even happens with non-porn EA games. And most players of the porn genre are playing for one purpose. If we wanted to smash our face against challenge, folks would play Dark Souls or try to Solo Queue in CS or brave the toxic wastelands of LoL.

    Second, the money grind. I do need to point out that these minigames are optional, and you can use an option that lets you skip them but you get a flat rate with a multiplier depending on how many in-game hours you put in. But to me, the point of having a grind is to keep you engaged. Clicking the skip button doesn't keep me engaged. Who knows though, I could have been a squirrel in another life.

    I will admit, I'm not wired for the 16 square lights out game. It's not my thing. The other one, the flappy bot, seems to be very unresponsive. I feel like I have to constantly click, otherwise, the bot just nosedives straight into the ground. It needs to fall at just a bit of a lower rate so I don't have to spam click because that just then shoots you into the obstacles coming from the sky. I have a high-end gaming mouse plugged into USB 3.0, so while it may be a user error, it's certainly not an input error on my hardware.

    I don't generally mind grinding. I'm one of the few it seems on this website who likes grinding sandbox, but the grind needs to be enjoyable, not rage-inducing.

    Third, the chatbot for the vendors. It's a really unique and interesting idea, but it doesn't belong until it's much more fleshed out. It also needs a bit more clarification. Reading through the thread, I discovered you need powers to do anything with them which I think should have an explanation in the game. It could be an inner monologue from the character. Something like *I should come back when I've expanded my abilities with Gwendolyn first* would go a long way.

    This is just my opinion. I think the game has potential. Add some more depth to the characters, polish the rough edges and for the love of all the T&A on this site, just let people save... It could be a lot better.

    Edited to fix grammatical and spelling errors. Also added that minigames are skippable.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Still early on in development, so reviewing this more as a demo than a full game.

    The premise is amusing and the basic gameplay loop is decent.

    I love games focused on a singular character rather than a harem game, so that's a huge plus for me.

    I like the FL's character design. She's cute, and I'd love to see her with a few more outfits when the game is fleshed out more. Also more character development, but again I get that it's early on in development.

    The sex scenes were nice, although obviously lacking in a bit of variety since it's early on in development.

    I was pleasantly surprised by seeing some exhibitionism content since I love that and wasn't expecting it based off tags haha.

    At first, I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about the whole saving money via turning off the lights... but you know what... I think it was kinda an interesting idea. I'm always a bit of a sucker for devs trying something new as long as it doesn't make gameplay tedious. Also it weirdly reminded me of when I was a kid getting yelled at for wasting electricity by not turning off a light, turning on the AC when it wasn't needed, etc, haha.

    Ending on a few critiques, albeit minor:

    The in-game minigames for making money don't particularly appeal to me but, since they aren't required, I don't feel like they really detract from the game. Expressing my opinion on them anyway, the puzzle game is tolerable if I want extra money but I don't particularly enjoy it. The other one is seemingly impossible for me, but maybe that's a skill issue. Anyway, a certain game, cough cough Dandy Boy Adventures, left a lasting trauma on me when it comes to minigames for money, so I'm admittedly quick to dislike them. It's not like adding non porn game mechanics in a porn game is inherently a bad idea. I've played a few that I've loved like Black Souls, which honestly I played through despite the porn rather than for it... but I think if you're going to do that kind of thing right, you'll have to spend more time on the game mechanics than the actual porn, or else you'll inevitably end up with a mediocre result. Just my opinion though.

    Having to save via the laptop isn't a huge deal, but it's counter-intuitive and serves no obvious purpose. If you're determined to go that route you should also make it a bit more obvious for the players. Everyone who's ever played a Ren'Py game is going to be trying to save through the normal method and probably will end up frustrated even with it being obvious via tips or whatever.

    Edit: Grammar
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.1.1

    Overview: *Banjo music intensifies*

    Story: You are a demon of some sort who apparently wasn't evil enough so you're getting sent down to do some 1 on 1 corruption time with some random girl through her brother. The parents are mysteriously missing and since it is COVID era there is nobody else around. That's about it. The rest of the game is sandbox corruption with mind control and drug elements.

    Gameplay: There is a realtime clock that advances about 1 minute per second, but really the game is broken up in one or two hour segments. Much of the time is spent just grinding your mind control stat by forcing the girl to take off her clothes and put them back on. You can also simp for her and help with homework and cooking to raise a love stat. Once the love stat is high enough she'll let you start making out and eventually fuck her. Or you can level up your hypnosis skill to mind control her into doing sex acts. Or you can drug her into nymphomania or sleep or having to pee. When she's asleep there is a rape minigame.

    If you push too hard, like if she wakes up while you're raping her, she will run away, but that isn't a game over. The demon jailers will just return her to the house.

    The strange thing is that we're supposed to be mind breaking the girl, but it's impossible to tell if we're making progress on that front or not. You can bare ass spank her any time you feel even slightly aggreved and she totally goes along with it. Even if she's just mad at you because she woke up with you balls deep inside of her. There is a fear mechanic but it's not entirely clear how it works. She does remember every traumatic event, and it actually affects her behavior. Give her drugged juice once and she'll refuse any more presents from you. Rape her in her sleep and she'll keep one eye open all night long. Cause her to pass out too much and she'll start fretting that there's something wrong with her. Punish her too much and you can't raise the love stat. But of course you can just make her forget everything bad through hypnosis.

    There is also a money mechanic. The drugs and other supplies cost a bit of money, but the big bill is at the end of the month where you get charged for all of the energy used in the baths/showers she takes after you fuck her, and unfortunately for you the power company is burning pure unicorn farts to make the power so you can rack up thousands of dollars in power bills each week. This would be a problem except that making money is dead easy if you spend the full day at it and do the color flipping squares game. You can make enough for the month with a single day of play easily, only "failing" when you're too bored to continue.

    Overall it plays fine except that grinding up hypnosis levels to unlock the attitude change spell takes way too long and is just plain boring.

    Art: The art looks a bit Koikatsu, but there's tons of animations and even idle movements. It adds quite a bit of life to the game.

    Conclusion: A pretty good corruption game, despite some vague gameplay mechanics and a somewhat inscrutable final goal.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    "That time a demon lord was reincarnated as an incestuous brother", is basically the plot of this game. You play a demon who takes over the body of some guy who lives in Alabama with his sister during the lock downs. Games fine, doesn't do to much wrong but it's pretty shallow, very middle of the road. Can easily get straight into the meat of the game if you start with the hypo skill so there isn't much grind to see what this game has to offer. Visually, the game is fine, nothing mind blowing but it does the job. If you enjoy incest, hypnosis, rape or Alabama check this game out. 3/5.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5410619

    I am baised due to it containing many elements i lust after.

    Good for a quick fap.
    The game doesnt take itself to seriously and for a 0.1 it has more gameplay then most have at 0.7.
    I recommand giving it a playthrought just because it is a well designed porn game.
    With a focus on porn.
    Gameplay is your basic:
    Stats manager.
    Make money to pay taxes and drug, rape or hypotize your sister into fucking you.
    No subconsions/in trance fucking.
    It is a very small game.
    God(In all but name) is also in the game.
    But he is just the plot starter.