Ren'Py - Abandoned - Welcome To College [v0.0.2] [Narazzi]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.0.2...

    This is a very basic grind style porn fest game, that almost makes me think it's a experiment for a first time developer... Don't know, just a gut feeling...

    The visuals of the characters are a bit odd... I believe they look like they are made in Honey Select, but slightly lower in resolution... One woman has extremely OVERSIZED breasts that do not belong on her body frame at all (even her clothes don't fit her right)... She would be hunched over at all times with major back problems, plus they defy the laws of gravity... Another woman looks like she used far too much sun tan spray and way too much makeup... Another is skinny to the point of anorexia, but is probably the most normal looking of the bunch... The smallest woman looks like either a goth chick or a vampire child... The backdrops are ok and unique...

    The script is decent with the occasional spelling/grammar error... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist college freshman who lives in a dorm with 4 distinctly different women, also attending the same college... After a very brief introduction, you jump head first into the grind game...

    The game play mechanics involve needing to attend class every day, study enough to pass exams not and then, work on other stats via swimming and practicing charisma in his room, as well as working on relationships with the 4 women... Plus, there is a time limit of so many game days before it ends, with varying different game endings based on progress (that aspect isn't done yet)... As stats rise and relationships build, more content opens up with them... Which for now involves mostly hanging out, talking, going to 1 of 2 places for dinner, and with one of the characters doing some kissing and a BJ... That is really the extent of the current content, as most locations don't do anything or do not function fully yet... Such as the mall, with the 2 students who work there never actually showing up to work there... Or trying to talk to most of the women at the pool does nothing, and the one willing to interact with you at the pool doesn't effect the relationship at all...

    There are also several bugs, which the developer warns you may exist... The ones I ran into included, any time you can Flirt with a woman, it takes you through the knocking on the door and entering sequence, every time, regardless of woman... Or when you select Talk with Riley early on, it sometimes kicks you to the Main Menu afterwards... Or Talking with Emma can be done an infinite number of times without progressing time... Or interacting with Riley at the pool has some interaction but no results, regardless if you splash her or not... Or how you can tutor students any time, even though you are told only after 12:00... I may have missed some, but that gives you a general idea...

    The characters personalities are also taken to the extremes... With the worst being Riley, as she is supposed to be very sexual, and all she ever talks about is sex this, gags that, BDSM this, etc... Even early into the relationship... No easing into it... Stuff like that, it just takes a stereotype personality and pushes it to the maximum of that stereotype, which feels unnatural and not very human like...

    Overall, the game is basically a grind style porn fest, in the guise of a relationship building date sim... The game has little to no real depth, and even though there is fun bits of dialogue, the story itself has no real meaning... It is still very early into it's production, so the developer still has plenty of time to smooth out the rough spots and shine it up a bit... Only time will really tell... Will I revisit this one? Perhaps, once it's matured a little bit and worked out all the bugs and rough edges... Have to wait and see...