VN - Ren'Py - Welcome to Free Will [v0.5.0] [MrStrangelove]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best game that got inspired from BaD with hot Li, plenty of side character s, lot of side branches and stroyline, though nbot branchiong as of the ch 2 , The game have high potential with the mystery/thrillwer plot underlying the story.
    It gives vibe of a tennage rom,ance adventure of its genre, w/o being into forced relationship. The only relation that seems to come out of nowhere is with Li , the deveklopment there is too fast as opposed to other characetrs . Other than that the game is great.
    For those who are offput by the MC and li character design in the start of ch 1 condiser it like that of Bad ch 1 it is okaty but it gets improved tremendously as the story progress, especially as you get to familiarize with the mc character design .
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are decent for the most part
    There is a bunch of content (maybe thats a con?)
    Lovely lis, a lot of scenes with them, although poorly animated

    Story is all over the place. As some already said, it tries to mix supernatural with twin peaks and other stuff, which I thought was cool at first but it fails miserably and by the end you don't know what the hell is going on
    The characters are as shallow as they can possibly be, getting no help at all from the terrible dialog.
    This might be the only avn that I think may have too much renders, long scenes that dont really go anywhere and dont have any impact whatsover on either the story or the characters, and the dialog is torture.
    Choices are nothing and continuty is a distant dream. I know that in these games choices dont REALLY matter but most of them tries to create the ilusion that it does. This game doesn't even try, you can do anything you want with little to no consequences to the story/relationships.
    Pointless and tedious minigames. The last part of this is you playing a boring house building minigame that comes out of nowhere and you can't even win cause the devs don't know how math works apparently

    If you want something more then decent renders and some pretty girls then you should look somewhere else. At first I thought it was pretty good but even early on you can notice the sloppy writting. After the first couple of episodes everything falls apart and I was convinced the whole plot and dialog was generate by chatgpt or something
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Hard to rate this because what started off as a promising game with an intriguing story and relatively nice looking LIs has literally somehow lost the plot, sprinkled in with some random bigotry and misogyny out of nowhere. Absolutely baffling about how a story of finding your mum and unravelling the mystery of the town has ended up being a house construction minigame (????), and all the LIs have coalesced into one thread with jarring sex scenes that end as abruptly as they begin with zero connection to everything else.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    For a while, this game was extremely hot and intriguing. There was a Twin Peaks-ish plotline going, where you and your brother travel to a small isolated town to find your mother, who has gone missing after your father died. There are intriguing plots with the mayor and the sheriff, and there are a number of sexy ladies, including the sheriff's daughter, an ex-girlfriend, your current girlfriend, your mom's friend who's running for mayor... Plus there's a car-building mini-game where you're collecting car parts from across multiple episodes.

    Fast-forward a few episodes and everything has gone off the rails, or rather on the rails. The car minigame has been absolutely abandoned, there's no use for any of the cash you've collected throughout the game's free-roam sections, your mom and dad are both alive and safe and you have no idea why but apparently it's no big deal to anyone, and all the girls' storylines have melded together into a single homogenous LI. In the last half-episode, they just show up to bang you randomly, in 5 poorly-paced scenes that are mostly about 10-15 static shots each. A couple of the scenes are actually different, but most of them are just the same scene, with a different model substituted in.

    The town, the mystery, the random sniper who was looking at you at the end of season 4, all gone now and months behind you. The car you collected parts for to rebuild, literally crashed and abandoned in a forest and forgotten. Your LIs ties to the town, your pasts together almost entirely forgotten.

    Instead, apparently your dad (who just shows up again) and your brother and you have started a construction company! You're in charge of hiring! First decision: hire another construction worker. You can choose between a young guy, an old guy, and... nope, no third option, because we just get a weird sequence where a candidate screams they're NON-BINARY at you while you insist that you can only hire a MAN for the job. Don't worry though, the choice doesn't matter anyways, because all it does is change 1 worker in the house-building mini-game, which is impossible to win anyways because the dev didn't math out the numbers properly, which also doesn't matter, because all winning would have done is change a couple lines of dialogue about the house's state when you move into the house. You also have to choose between hiring 3 ladies to be an accountant. Why? Again, no idea! Maybe this construction company we've started and its finances are going to play a huge role in the last episode of the game somehow!

    Everything about the last two, three episodes smells of a developer who has no clue how to finish the game. They've both bitten off more than they could chew and also have no ideas for how to keep it going. That the car we so painstakingly rebuilt is just abandoned in a forest somewhere in episode 5 is emblematic of how the end of the game has been lazily and systematically destroying every bit of quality and goodwill from the beginning.

    (How did you and your LI leave the forest? Your brother came and picked you up in a hippie van, so you could have a couple sequences of fooling around with your LI and then a pointless sequence where you pretend to talk on the phone to wait for your boner to go down before you get out. Brilliant. I'm starting to wonder if this has become a parody game at this point.)

    Girls are very fappable though and first 4 episodes of scenes are hot and not phoned in, so +1 star for that.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.5.0] When your father dies and your mother becomes distant, you leave her and your brother behind to attend college alone. 4 years later, your mother has vanished and your brother needs your help to find her in a idyllic town called "Free Will". A town that has many secrets and even deadlier traditions.

    First off, the game has great graphics and stunning women. There are about 6 or 7 main women to romance, all of whom are delightfully curvy and extremely beautiful. They each have their own individual stuggles, but the story doesn't veer too far from focusing on your own. Simply put, the cast of women is fantastic.

    The game allows you to date all of them, only missing a scene here or there by trying for a harem. At the end of episode 4, you must choose ONE woman to spend the rest of the game with. Which ONE do you love? I love all of them, what a brutal choice! The girls never acknowledge that you dated them all at once (so far). Having to pick only one sucks for those like myself who don't want to choose and desire a less realistic harem ending. However, choosing one woman does allow for a more personal and intimate conclusion to the story. A double edged sword for sure!

    Gameplay is linear with periodic free roam sections. The free roam sections are handled well. Areas to explore are small and you don't get lost in them. They never last too long and there are various scenes and mini-tasks to complete, as well as texting and phone calls. The interface of the game is well implemented and great, including a detailed and unique player diary to look at if you want. There are certainly decisions that impact the game's narrative, like I mentioned earlier, so multiple playthroughs are required to see everything. It also has some tonal issues, where very dramatic and time sensitive things are happening but the MC decides to call an unrelated woman and ask her on a date. Dude, focus up! People are going to die!

    Sex scenes are hot! The game has a strong emphasis on foot fetish, and all the women have beautiful, sexy feet to grind on your cock, with or without stockings and thigh-high socks! A good chunk of these foot scenes are optional, but it will be distracting if you really don't like foot fetish (what's not to like, though?). There are no sexual sound effects and while it is animated and there are several positions for each sex scene, I found that the angles and positions chosen often disappoint. This makes sex scenes with stunning women a little frustrating when the darn camera sits back and doesn't show the good stuff!

    In summary, the game features an interesting story with (maybe) supernatural elements. It has a cast of absolutely stunning women to date who are all very lovely in their own ways. There are plenty of sex scenes to enjoy, including a focus on foot play. And while I am certainly let down by the lack of a harem or multiple-girl endings, it does manage to remain interesting because that choice comes near the end of the game. Chapter 6 should be the final chapter.

    If nothing else, we should all celebrate that a game with such great quality is actually going to be finished. Lord knows that most games on this site never get close to finishing and are often abandoned! I strongly recommend this game!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that I do not understand how it gained its relatively high rating. Full disclaimer, I did not make it through all the content.

    The characters are boring, look really weird in places, there's a plot with mystery that barely advances. And what killed my playthrough, apart from the fact that other games are simply more worth playing, the game has pointless freeroam. It tries to be Being a DIK but it fails spectacularly. Whereas BaDIK has some fun moments and shenanigans nothing really happens in the freeroam here. And its just... Go here, do this, go there, do that. It's really boring. It wasn't an issue in the beginning but then you get several freeroam sections in what felt like two minutes and I'm out. Also, there's no conflict or anything of interest going on with the love interests. I assume the dev realized this was an issue and implemented a solution. Apparently, without any notice and for no real reason (which I totally believe after reading some of this story) the game is now monogamous. You choose a LI and that's that.

    I feel like I completely wasted my time here.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    What a rollercoaster ride trying to rate this game is... Well strap in boys and pretend internet girls here we go!

    Let's start with the good and good-ish. Most of the rendering is great - hard to argue with that. The biggest marks against the gorgeous models are inconsistencies (looking at you Elyce) and/or borderline unrealistic features (those DSL's are pushing it for me). The sex-scenes and varied and cater to players choice, including plenty of options for the foot-freaks like myself, but almost entirely avoidable if not your cup of tea. *chefs kiss*. The plot is even mysterious and interesting, definitely not an idea that's been trampled to death.

    But that's where we start going down-hill. This game is a premier example of plot blue-balls. Everything clearly revolves around the "secret of the town", but for 3-4+ episodes (hours of content) you learn basically nothing about it. Nothing, to the point of absurdity, in fact. The amount of filler-content to main plot progression here feels like a page out of One Piece's book. After a while, none of the character's actions make sense or feel grounded in logic. It feels as though occasionally the MC will point out the nonsense, everyone will say "Yeah that's weird" and then we move swiftly along to another filler scene that frankly feels like a way to squeeze in another sex-scene. Which, don't get me wrong, I haven't come across a sex-scene I didn't like yet and I've gone through most of them.

    And for some people, with the quality of the renders and animations, that might be good enough. And I would be fine categorizing this in that particular mental box of mine, calling it fine, and moving along. But then the game does something that feels completely disjointed from this notion: it makes you pick 1 love-interest.

    Now, I'm a Harem guy generally speaking, mostly because I'm a greedy collector who wants to see all the scenes and I get a sad sense of accomplishment from getting those organically (enough of this personal therapy session) BUT I can respect games that have a good reason and execution of this choice, especially considering there are more than enough fuck-em-all games out there. The problem is, Welcome to Free will has neither.

    I've spent the entirety of the game fucking every single girl at every opportunity. My MC is such a heartless-sociopathic bastard that there was a 20-minute clip where I told every woman I encountered that I loved them including some poor girl that was driving across the country to be with me and my female cult. Despite being a flagrantly devious womanizer, none of these actions or choices seemed to really matter to the other characters. It's not like me video calling with my college girl friend Kate mattered to Nikki or either stopped me from continuing to romance the childhood sweetheart Candice. Just one day the author decided, "You know what, there should only be one path the MC gets to be on" - like it was the winning result of a Patreon poll or something. No exposition or internal struggle from the MC, no consequences of my actions - I received a pop-up menu that told me this choice was going to lock me into a

    That's just lazy and boring. And frankly speaking, demonstrates that not a lot of thought is being put into the continuity of the story or it's longevity. So... why am I putting myself through plot blue-balls for this?

    That's the question I ultimately asked myself as I continued plodding along through the head-scratching interactions and one-dimensional character dialogue until I realized there wasn't a good answer.

    If these incongruities don't bother you and you're here for the n00ds not the plot, I think you'll generally like this one. But if you're looking for something more, I don't believe this will ultimately deliver. A for effort though, I guess?

    3.5/5 stars from me, get an extra half a star for Flavia's ass.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Played through the first part of it.

    1. Story - Is ok. Not logical at all, but you can sort of live ewith that. This is a pron game afterall...
    2. renders - Ugh... They are all weird looking. Either the face is wrong, or the lips are wrong, or the body is out of proporstion, or the hair is terrible.
    3. Sandbox is fine, but more of an irritant then anything.
    4. Mini games - You can skip some of them, and that is fantastic! The rest... please stop>

    3 stars - there is plenty of effort, and that is appreciated. If the renders were top notch, that would carry it... alas it is not.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    This one just didn't click with me - bodies were oversized or misshapen, faces were usually disproportioned in different ways, free roam was unnecessary, music was a bit over the top and present most of the time. The MC's brother was an asshat. Most girls have larger than DD chests.

    And the plot - ugh. Brother shows up unannounced after 4 years of specifically ignoring the MC, and expects him to drop everything RIGHT THEN and follow him out of the building, on a hunch. Then gets pissed at the MC if the MC gets a little ass before going.

    I just didn't find any of it appealing. There's definitely some effort behind the game, but the net result wasn't entertaining.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    the story and the game are great the worse part about this VN is the fact is you have to pick one woman to romance and run off with into the sunset with which is really a bummer because the renders to the ladies are very well done and the story as i said couldn't of been much better than it already is and are
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This review will be rather short as I didn't get very far into the story. Thankfully I downloaded the Gallery mod so I at least had some idea what I was getting into before I got too far into it.

    The renders are high quality, but the models vary between ok looking and positively Frankensteinish. The second love interest I met was Candace, who is meant to be your long lost love, but she looked positively hideous. This isn't a matter of taste. There's just no way to sugar coat it: She's just all kinds of wrong. Lips too big, weird feet and feet jewelry, proportions are insane... this perhaps one of the hardest "NO"s I've ever given for a 3D model.

    Another big issue is the MC. The first thing you learn about yourself is that you're with someone who is cheating on their, as far as we know, perfectly reasonable boyfriend with you. So right off the bat, he's unsympathetic. Then you meet the MC's brother and things do not improve. He's also a douchebag.

    So within the span of about 30 minutes, we've got a grotesque love interest, an asshole MC, and an asshole MC brother. That's just too many red flags too early to be worth continuing on when there are other, better games out there. Games that don't trip quite so hard over the starting line.

    Oh, I almost forgot the Sandbox portion. Completely unnecessary and boring. Get notebook, give to girl, talk to girl, get phone, check phone, look at plant... Yeah, just no.

    I didn't play long enough to give a 1 star review. For all I know, there's puppies and rainbows in the next section. However, first impressions and a stroll through the gallery mod is enough to justify this rating. If playing a game as a douchebag so you can lay ugly girls is your thing, more power to you. I won't kink shame, and you'll probably find this game to be a 10 out of 10.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First things the game is ok, Nice render and all, and the story is fine.

    My biggest complaint is choosing a girl feels meaningless. There is no friction or drama between the girls. They seem to exist in their bubble. Nobody is questioning you about the other girls and what is your relationship. No one is trying to push you to make a choice. why not just put a harem ending at this point? The fact that there is no real dynamic between the girls concerning your relationship with them makes them appear even more bland and devoid of personality. Maybe the ending will address that. seems too late to me. Overall Nice game but the characters feel lacking
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has everything I enjoy the most in VNs. It has a nice balance of romance and drama, the story is well written and the dialogues are perfectly enough to understand what’s going on without the need of tons of boring thoughts from the MC as seen way too often in other VNs.

    The girls are all different and each of them has unique traits, physically and mentally, but none of them is a cold bitch or a massive slut, which is refreshing.

    The renders and animations are of good - to great - quality. There are enough sex scenes to please everyone, but not too much so that it doesn’t disrupt the storyline.

    Ok, let’s still find a flaw to this game then: the MC. He is not a dickhead and he is not ugly, but he is not handsome either and sometimes thinks too much with his lower head. Well, he’s not perfect, like everyone of us, so you get used to his ugly haircut after a while ;)

    All in all, those 4 chapters gave me exactly what I wanted and the fact that the next and final chapter will be dedicated to the love interest you, the MC, choose for the rest of the game is the perfect way to end a great VN. I just hope the last chapter will explain a little bit what the deal is with the mystical/magical mysteries hidden in Free Will. And as a more personal note, I would love to see Sheriff Queen-Bitch, aka Peace, leaving a miserable life in jail…
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    I did not enjoy this game, in fact I stopped playing at season 3. Sure, animations are quite good, and renders are mostly good, but its the same old, badly written “every girl wants to fuck you now” without any reason. And MC is a giant scumbag, fucking friend’s girlfriend from the get-go.

    Sanbox mode is also an annoying time-waster, especially when you are done looking through the house for the third time, to realize it was a hidden call on the phone you had to make to progress.

    Also, most of the girls don’t look good to me. Most of them look like rejected porn models. Skin is also problematic.

    Good Things

    • Good posing and animation of sex scenes
    • Decent variety of scenes
    • Renders look good

    Bad points

    • Very bad writing
    • Story is trash, but it doesn’t matter, since character actions make no sense anyway
    • MC and his brother are horrible human beings
    • Unearned sex scenes. Any girl you just met sucks you off right away.
    • Most girls look like bimbos
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    • Visual quality exceptional
    • Story seems decent, but ruined with porn logic
    • Lewd scenes are ok, not the best, but not bad either. A lot of them feel rushed
    • I don't like that it is a sandbox
    • Like so many other games, all girls are too easy, they lust after MCs big cock
    • Cheating. Even though it is players choice, so far there doesn't seem to be any consequences to this, MC fucks multiple girls that are close friends and they never find out about it. And also MC has no conscience about doing it. (well maybe not that surprising, the first LI in the game is cheating on her boyfriend with the MC)
    • Personal preference, but too much foot fetish, that is only sometimes avoidable
    I hoped that this would be more story focused games, especially considering devs words in the game intro, but so far this is mostly just porn
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It's certainly not a bad AVN by any means, however the longer it goes on, the worst it feels.

    First thing first: visually, it's great. The renders are great, lighting is great, all looks good. The models look a bit too similar, but that's a bit pedantic.

    The novel part? Not as good. The premise is all well and good, but the longer the story goes, the more that each character just seems essentially identical to each other. The dialogue gets monotonous, with each conversation feeling familiar to the next one. Sure, each character has a list of very basic traits that identify them, but beyond that they are essentially the same person. I think the biggest hindrance is that each of them almost immediately are into the MC, which means we don't have to adapt or learn anything about them. I can't even remember anything about these characters besides their one-line description: The MILF, the rebellious girl, the lesbian, the sheriff's daughter. There's nothing there to attach to, and the attempts to flesh them out are generally just filler that is quickly discarded to have another very similar conversation.

    Another issue is how the story is essentially entirely kinetic. The longer it goes, the more kinetic it feels. Sure, you are TECHNICALLY given choices, but the majority of them are either arbitrary or just what content you want to see.

    The experience is extended by pretty tedious free-roam sequences. One free-roam is basically the same to another. All you do is go through a room to find the one "side quest" which is to fetch something for someone around, check your phone, and get a render. It's not bad, but paired with the boring story, it just further serves to unnecessarily lengthen the experience. Since none of your choices feel like they matter, the side content feels pointless. It may be meaningful, but it never FEELS like it is.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    At 6.5Gb, you might expect better quality renders but you'd be let down. Most seem to have skin problems and such.. But otherwise the environment looks really good given the lower resoluion appearance.

    1. The Mc is a slimeball who is carrying on a relationship w his buddy's girlfriend.
    2. Mc is estranged from his mom and brother for the last several years partially because of the mom and part college. During the last month of college the Mc just up and leaves to go w his brother on a search for the mom.
    3. The brother has been working off and on for the last 4 years and saved up enough to buy a new $200 thousand dollar car, but got a good deal at only $100 thousand.
    4. They drive cross country and show up at Mom's friend's house one evening. Though they've never met, she cancels her date and asks the boys if they want to sleep with her daughters.
    5. After paying $100 grand for a car you'd think bro could afford a hotel.
    6. Next day or two, the Mc is kissing the toes and naked ass of the daughters mom while giving her a sensual massage.
    7. The friend mom asks the Mc to swap out the motor on her car the a couple days after meeting him though he says he's not that good with cars.

    Rather than looking for the mom the mc goes to the gym, dates girls, goes to a party, cheats on a girl that he's been cheating with, etc.... Many silly things...

    If not for the ignorant storyline parts, this would easily rank 3 or 4 stars. If you don't mind all those parts then you might like it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)



    It's not something amazing, but I think we can say it's "good" for a 4 star rating.

    There are certainly strengths and weaknesses. On the romance front, it's not great. You won't find genuine relationships here. I don't think the game takes the relationships seriously at all, though, so maybe that's fine.

    Thankfully, the main plot is interesting enough. Don't get me wrong, the MC undergoes his rather serious quest with the urgency of a paraplegic on a stroll. He makes any and all excuses to bang a girl here and there. And the majority of those carefree romps happen in supposedly stressful situations. STILL. The main plot about the mysteries surrounding the town is interesting.

    Other than that, the renders are pretty nice and the animations are quite excellent. The sex scenes are pretty robust and stimulating enough. The models are a hit or miss, but mostly... they look nice.

    Honestly, I could give this a 3*, but the "average" quality of the games on this site is rather abysmal, and you can do a lot worse than this game when picking out a porn game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    There are alot of other games like this one. The renders are truly top notch, the lewds are well done. So, for fapping purposes its probably fine. The overarching story is not the worst out there, not great either, but seemed fine for what it is. The problem is the writing. Its just awful. Its simplistic and robotic. There are, like other have mentioned many typos and word choice issues. It really does the game a disservice. It just feels like it could have been written by a 12 year old, thats the level of the prose. A shame. A story driven game like this one is trying to be needs a story that helps drive it along. Oh yeah, the sandbox/free roam stuff doesn't do it any favors either. Really unnecessary. Adds nothing to the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    the AVN is top notch with the renders and the story is not too bad either it is all around fun to dive into and not skip right to the good stuff and renders are top notch you couldn't get much better renders than these .