VN - Ren'Py - Welcome to Hell - The Vampire Chronicles [Remastered v0.2.0] [NoobPRO Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I just finished chapter 7 i liked it
    Good visuals , good story with nice characters and many beautiful li
    Furthermore the remaster ch 1 is much better than OG and i believe someday dev should do the rest of the chapters a remaster
    Overall its one of the best Vampire VN out there.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has a big issue, and it's essentially a kinetic novel with false choices.

    For example:

    The MC's girlfriend became a vampire just because.

    The MC agrees to become a vampire and forget his human life to join a group of strangers.

    It doesn't matter if you choose to turn the twins; they still die.

    The MC is forced to join a group that includes his mother's killer, but what's worse is that when he finally has the chance for revenge, he's stopped by a girl he barely knows and who he hasn't deceived before.

    And now there's a rework that doesn't fix any of these problems.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    still pretty mach the same with this rework....
    cons: those reworks not going to change the fact that tthe story is a mess
    mc looks bad ,his beahviour is also pretty childish
    choices of the old chapters doesnt matter,and pretty mach the first 3
    chapters afre unavoidable characters.
    pros:female characters are good enough nothing out of ordinary but they are
    nice.the script is way better by chapter 4 and on not too much
    differnce in quality of renders or story,but is less messy.

    overall the product is bad not even in the middle of the scale .once a good story become something weird and strange,like dev doesnt know where to go ,
    a shame bcs had a good future
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Welcome to Hell throws you headfirst into a sizzling cauldron of intrigue; its plotline is a masterfully crafted tapestry woven with equal parts dread and dark humor. The descent into the underworld is masterfully orchestrated, with each layer peeling back to reveal deeper mysteries and raising the stakes with every twist. The narrative hooks you like a barbed demon's claw, leaving you desperate to uncover the secrets simmering beneath the surface. But alas, even the fires of hell can flicker. While the plot itself is a five-star inferno, the lack of substantial decision-making leaves you feeling more like a bystander on this infernal rollercoaster than a demon architect of your own fate. Sure, you get presented with occasional crossroads, but they often feel more like flavor variations than truly impactful choices shaping the narrative's core. This, sadly, leaves a yearning for more agency, a desire to truly steer your character's path through the underworld's treacherous landscape. Imagine if the crossroads were more frequent and consequential. Imagine pivotal moments where your decisions ripple outward, altering alliances, igniting conflicts, and even rewriting your ultimate destiny. This deeper level of engagement would elevate Welcome to Hell from a captivating spectacle to an unforgettable, personalized odyssey. Furthermore, allowing the player to have a greater impact on the story's direction could unlock even richer character development. By actively shaping their journey, players could forge their own identity within the infernal hierarchy, becoming a cunning manipulator, a ruthless conqueror, or perhaps even a reluctant hero fighting for redemption.

    4 out of 5 stars: An excellent story held back by a lack of impactful choices. A sprinkle of infernal agency could truly unleash its full potential.

    P.S.: To the developers, if you're reading this, consider this a friendly pact: unleash the power of player choice, and I'll happily rewrite this review with an extra star, glowing brighter than Lucifer's Morningstar. Just saying
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Mixed bag for me:

    This VN's target audience seems to be adolescent young men, who have a craving for everything "cool":
    Cool vampires in cool attire, cool kung fu style fights with cool jumps and cool hand poses, cool matrix style movements, cool amount of blood and splatter, cool furnished houses and most importantly the coolest shiny sports cars available. Not the cheap Fast and Furious stuff, we're talking business here, only the best!

    You see where this is going: plenty of "want to be / want to have" desire fulfillment for the young ones, who technically are not even allowed to see the lewd stuff yet.

    Which brings us to the lewds: Foot lovers will be quite pleased to see a lot of barefoot and open shoed, good looking women, although this anticipation gets stuck at the "see, don't do" level - bit of wasted potential.
    There's of course a bit of wanking, sucking and fucking in the game, but not very much for the time invested. It mostly stays very vanilla, with rare exceptions of backdoor entries sprinkled in between, nothing too fancy.

    Renders and female characters are sexy and quite good looking, but quality degrades a notable notch or two, when scenes switch to the short animated parts. Animations also are quite buckling / stuttering, don't know how to describe it best. Always looks a bit like the participants are having a mild stroke while shagging, strange.
    Overall it seems like more effort was put into arranging and varying the non sexual scenes, while the lewds are kind a handled in a "let's get over it" manner.

    Storytelling makes up for the most part of the game, it feels a bit like seeing a very long teenager movie with some adult stuff tacked on afterwards.
    If the set and setting tickle your fancy, this game will be good entertainment, I got bored too quick and the few lewds are not worth the effort if you're not into the plot.

    Good game for very specific genre fans, otherwise it might turn cringe too fast. Try it out, you'll see early on where this is heading.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The way this story is written is to me annoying, you will see MC act in ways you might light to then find out its all a show he put on so alot of the story will lose all of its meaning, there is quite a few errors in the writting as well, like MC kissing hes girlfriend and he thinks "i missed him"...him??? and the standard small mistakes in spelling every now and then.

    There will be alot of spoilers below with things that happen in game.

    There are also some parts that feels very stupid even from the very start, just after turning into a vamp your told to just forget about your real mother and MC simply just acceept it no question asked, its like hes real mother dosent mean a thing to him anymore, but hes mother is not even alive and everyone is lieing to him from day 1 and brainwash him on top of that so he cant remember what happened.....all while the vamp mother talks so highly about familie values, trust, loyalty and so on, and all she does is lie and being disloyal, very weird start to say the least.

    MC accepts the hole vampire world extreemly fast like within a second, he ask no questions about anything, it feels like hes very submissive and without a brain of hes own.

    Turing into a vamp also made MC a 12 year old child that cant controle hes toughts, its very cringy and he thinks every girl is hot, he also acts like a 12 year old running around in a candy shop just from seeing the house and the pool and a few nice cars, he even ask hes new vamp sister if she could hold hes hand and come with him to just feels weird and stupid and again submissive and without any balls between hes legs.

    MCs real girlfriend also got turned into a vamp as well in an idiotic way, it feels so rushed and pointless, without any story to it, its like it just had to be done so she can get back into the story later.

    And next you jump forward 5 years.....

    He should never be able to trust hes new family again....and why he only put on a show is even more stupid, he should be pissed and rightfully so, but apprently he dosent care about hes new mother not taking care or even look after MCs old girlfriend as she promissed or the lies about hes real mother or the brainwash they did to about brainless and submissive MC just bows down and kiss ass and is just fine with getting it up the ass from hes new family.

    And letting Russo get away? really? wouldent killing him first be alot more importen then risk him killing MC or hes Girlfriend due to them being in lala land when they meet again, why not kiss after hes mothers murdere has been killed....gees....

    And why is MC and Annabelle acting like they are a couple? it makes 0 sense MC has been away for 5 years and there has only been some flirting thats it and they have only seen one another for a single day....story dosent make any sense.....
    Also MC is worried that Annabelle wont understand or be mad at him when he leaves with Lily, why is that even an issue when they arent together....

    Once MC gets back after the fight thing, it goes back to him being very submissive, and lets just ignore that they are out in full sun light when going for a drink.....or that MC has become a buissness owner out of nowhere, without ever having the time to do so.....

    And again MC is forced into becoming a leader of a group which he dosent want, you get 3 choices all accept.....a bit to kinetic and also makes no sense to become the leader of the group that has members like your mothers truely kills the story and shows MC yet again as submissive for everyone to use as a doormat, he should be powerfull but it just dosent show in any way, so he accepts leaving hes familie and all he loves to join up with the murdere of hes mother.....claiming there was no other way, when he could simply just say no.....idiotic, Russo even stands right before MC and he does nothing....its like MC has now gone evil becoming the leader of a clan that kills humans and is pure evil, and talks about hes familie as hes old familie....he keeps talking about protecting hes familiy meaning vamp family and girlfriend, but he keeps doing stuff that could make them hate him and push him away, i just fail to see any reason what so ever for MC to do that, its just a very poorly written story trying to create some kind of stupid drama that will most likely end up in a fight with the vamp bosses, atleast thats my guess.

    And more kinetic crap, you get the choice to save the twins or not, clicking dont turn twins will result in turning them...why even give the player an option if it dosent has any effect...also shows again the MC is brainless and goes against hes vamp familie and all the vamp rules to help hes new crazy clan.... whats even more idiotic is why its kinetic, its just to make more weird and very stupid drama where the twins get killed anyway, its a AVN and killing off the twins seems just very stupid.

    Other small but stupid things, how he cant see aura of katrine because shes older then MC makes little sense since he has the soul of a 400 year old vamp in him....

    The virgin scenes are extreemly bad, no deflowering, not even any kind of pain, MC just slams hes over sized dick all the way in like shes a 2$ whore, and shitty dialog doing it and only pure pleasure, feels nothing like a virgin scene in any way, not worthy of the tag since it only says "it will be my first time" and thats it nothing else but a standard sex scene.

    I could go on with all the weird and stupid issues in this story but review is already to long and you should have a good idea how it is by now.

    Atleast relationship choices work, you arent forced to be with the mother or anyone else if you dont want to, but as for the story you cant really change anything and there are fake choices on top of that.

    The music is pretty decent and above average.
    It does have some animations even though no tag for it and they are a bit below average and some are just picture to picture.

    There is alot of holes and missing information that makes alot of the story make little sense, and the submissive and brainless MC dosent help either.
    It also gets really annoying that MC never acts like you want him to, take Russo, cant kill him at first clan meeting, next you plan to kill him and sam stops you since MC is very submissive constatly and never acts, and after 6 years training he still gets hes ass kicked.....
    Fake choices are also annoying, so cant really give more then 2 stars, theres just to many issues, and story is more annoying then good.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    WTH is one of my favorite stories. From the first update to the last update, you can see how it has improved in quality. You will see plenty of characters in some games, but most of them are just shells. But when it comes to WTH, the abundance of characters is a wealth because the developer has given reality to each of them with their weaknesses and differences. I can't wait for the continuation of this fantastic story,
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a grossly underrated game!!

    The story is great, the models, posing, renders are also great

    while, I do think it is a great story, I will admit the wording needs to be a bit more 'polished' ... I think I read the dev was not native English speaking, and this is most likely the reason for the wording being 'lackluster' ....

    even with the weak translation, the story does shine through

    my next criticism, because I truly do like this game, is that now I need to wait until the next release .... not a real complaint, but one I do have about any game I really do like
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is a masterpiece! The characters are well-developed and the story is engaging. The art style is beautiful and the music is amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good story!”
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this might one of the best stories i´ve ever read here! Yes, the english is not the best.... who cares, i am german and i can understand enough. The animations are not good... true, but i don´t care and i am sure they will improve as the dev gets better hardware. The renders are not top.... again: who cares? They will improve (and already did).
    I am seriously amazed by this unique story. I am only in the beginning of chapter 5 but i can´t stop reading. There are only two games with a better (imo) story and these are Summers gone and Leap of faith, wich are a class of their own.
    Kudos to the dev and for sure i will support him on patreon.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I´ve read tragedies and this isn´t one.
    Remove choices all together if they have no bearing.

    When you have a weak/cucked mc you need to explain the mc´s action even more because of his weird behaviour.

    Writing a tragedy is really hard and it need way more work and explanation than a normal fictional story that can easily just be written when you have and idea.
    Renders are really good tho.
    Much of the plot here is unexplained and the mc just behaves this way because of reasons. When you create a game make it just that, a game with choices and twists and turns.
    This is just an attempt to write a sad story and sorry to say not even a good one.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    English: 2
    User Interface: 4
    User Experience: 6
    Art: 5
    Dialogue: 3
    Story: 5
    Opinion: 4

    This, unfortunately, is another one of the VNs on this site that suffer from an abysmally bad translation. It makes the already generic plot points in the beginning sound even more robotic and boring. As if it was written by an AI. "Why yes, hello fellow human, it has always been my dream to fall in love in the High School times. You must be kidding, we humans feel the same as each other." And it never really reads better than that. So, once again I have to scream into the void all by my lonesome:
    And the dialogue is so childish, you have to read lines like "I'm sorry to disturb you, Annabelle, it's just that this place is perfect!" THEN you have to read her thoughts about him saying that with "(He was so impressed he didn't even let me finish speaking!)" Like, thank you I, the dumb reader, could not infer that MC was stunned by what he's looking at, never mind the less than stellar English there. Which he's just looking a flipped DAZ model that I the reader have seen in at least three other VNs. I'm all for knowing what other characters are thinking if, and only if, it's a complex situation. Not "I like your dress" and her thought are "(Wow he likes my dress)" That little extra nothing of a thought doesn't need to be written, show an image of her embarrassed. Anyway, cringey writing.

    The story, I guess, is MC graduates high school with his childhood sweetheart. They confess feelings for each other, then him, his mom and his love all are killed. Well, she's kidnapped. And honestly if it wasn't executed so poorly it'd be a little comical. Then James, whose posed like a Whacky waving tube man, stumbles on MC bleeding out and James takes him to become a Vampire. It's there they erase his memories of his past life, because vampires can do that in this universe, and he starts his new life, a little over enthusiastically. MC and Annabelle have love at first sight for no reason then after they kiss he touches her butt and she immediately hates him. Then he convinces her she doesn't? And tells Rebecca that she's not teaching him properly because she won't kiss him again? And then there's a 5 year time skip to avoid telling the reader any information or decent character development, and MC gets his memory back. And questions the 24 hour relationship he had with Rebecca and Annabelle. That is how long he knew them before being shipped off to vampire school or whatever garbage he left for.

    Every interaction seems as if they happen in a vacuum. Every minor inconvenience makes the characters act as if that was the greatest betrayal they've ever faced. And you have to choose between Lilly and Anna, but all you know about them is Lilly grew up with MC and likes him, and Anna likes him... And that's all you know about her. I couldn't get through the bad translation again but MC just becomes some super vamp demon thing that has all the powers and the story has escalation issues going forward.

    The English is terrible. The UI is slightly modified but nothing special. The UX is default renpy but reading it make your brain hurt. The art is mostly fine, just DAZ models but the backgrounds are all not that great. There's the plane scene where the plane's shadow is on the background, or when you're driving with Anna two big squares of the BG are just pictures of other buildings that shouldn't be there. Dialogue and story is typical childish power fantasy so nothing special. Pay someone to edit this for the language you want to sell to and I will happily re-read everything. As of right now, there are just too many issues with the quality of this for me to recommend to anyone.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    constantly feel story ignores past choices ,does sudden 180s, and says NO this decision MC is going to make. Love the world creation and NPC chars, but dont give a peaceful/evil choice if 5 mins late the story going auto choose opposite and ignore all past chooses IMO
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    plus point vampire game

    negative points

    1. Supposed to be a harem game ... But the game makes u dislike alot of females

    2 .. the story doesnt make sense at certain points were the mc does or not acts on certain things like u would expect him too

    3...Killing off cute twins like seriously
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is for v0.5.2 Its a solid game. Story is pretty interesting. The women are hot. MC has a model I havent seen before so thats a plus. It has audio and real music. The animations arent the best but not the worst. There are a few typos but I dont mind them. I subtracted a point because of the choices that didnt even matter.
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    Its a solid game but take away certain choices that come up because the MC dont listen to the choice you make anyways.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made, really gets you to feel what is to become a monster for the sake of your family and how it feels to be misunderstood, really liked the struggle of the whole game.
    The growth of the character feels organic just as much as his transformation into someone that will do anything to save the people he loves.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    This game had a good start, but the story quickly became nonsensical, and the MC became really annoying.

    MC: I am all for characters growing throughout the story, but when you make the character idiotic, unlikable, and stupid, I do not really care much about that character anymore and hope for the worse for him/her. This is what the MC is like. He befriends his mother's murderer get away, betrays his family, friends, and life-long love for a girl he has known for a few minutes, and really only thinks about himself.

    Other Characters: Generally good even though a few of the LI lie to the MC about important things.

    Story: Good in the beginning but you are railroaded by the MC's stupid decisions and it becomes more boring due to that. Also, the routes are very convoluted.

    Graphics: Okay
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok so here's my fair and honest review on this one:

    I love chapters 1-3, the only problem that I have with those chapters is that if you want to get "harem points" you literally miss ALL the sexual content in the game except for 2 girls random events that i can think of. Kind of the opposite of harem honestly. If you wish to see all events, you have to go back and replay the game on each girl's solo path.

    Chapter 4, while improving a great deal on art and content, is a clusterf--- of a story that makes NO sense whatsoever. The writer basically resets everything at the beginning of chapter 4 and forces you on specific path with the illusion of having a choice in the direction the plot goes.

    This game has so much potential, and I love the girls and the content. But it desperately needs to be REDONE entirely with a more plausible and believable story. The models are fine, content is great, but really really really needs a new story that flows together and give some more attention to the harem tag, at least make some basic content with each of the girls and then move it into a group thing. Don't just SKIP all the basic content with all the girls and then pretend you have a harem planned.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is surprisingly good. If you like vampire love stories give this one a try. Story plot is also good. In chapter 1 render quality is kinda low. But from chapter 2 render quality is increased. There are many vampire girls to pursue. Game features sounds like lewd sounds, gunshots, fighting thuds, screaming etc. Some music in the game are good. Also bgm gives the vampire ampience. If you want more scenes with the girls if you have to follow their solo path. There is also harem path to fool around with girls. Check the walkthrough for more info. Overall I enjoyed this game. Looking forward to more updates. If you like vampire games give this one a shot. Keep up the good work dev :coffee:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very good game, good luck developer
    both the characters are very good and the story is very well established
    In this respect, I can say that it is a good game.
    But character graphics can be understood even when looking at dull 3D designs
    But in general, both the story and the characters are well fed into the game, so I can say that the graphically dullness of the characters has been eliminated.
    Finally, I wish you continued success, I want you to know that you are doing a great job, keep it up.