Ren'Py - Welcum to the City [v0.22.0] [Quiquersson]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art and little to no flicker animation (2 image back and forth) little grindy but i can see how repeatable and singleton events added later can help minigate this mini games are fine but hopefully there can be a late game perk to skip them when they become a chore (like every minigame in video game) the framewrok looks good would love to see icons for girls in areas in the loctation selector good luck to the dev
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game first in 2022. Back then, there wasn't much content, so I decided to wait to play it again. I played it after this release, only to find there it has basically NO new content from what I remember.

    It's grindy, the english isn't very good, and the sandbox elements do nothing to mask the massive lack of content. I think it's safe to call it on this one. It was a promising project when it first came out, but after this long with basically nothing new, I'd say it's not worth holding your breath over. It's all flash and no substance.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has a unique concept that I really love, and the idea behind it is intriguing. The scene with the cousin in the medical bed was definitely a highlight for me, but it took a lot of effort to unlock the full scene, which could be improved with faster ways to increase strength. Some of the other scenes, like the one with the black girl by the pool, felt poorly made and out of place. I really hope the quality doesn’t stay inconsistent throughout the game. The scene with the sister in her bed also didn’t match the art style very well, which was disappointing. Overall, there’s potential, but a bit more attention to detail would really help improve the experience.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    ive been followig this game since the first chapter came out on itch io. the plot is pretty east to follow and of now, theres not alot there. the artstyle is pretty cute and very well drawn. the dialogue isnt choppy and is funny at times. i just hope that this game doesnt turn into another spooky milk life.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I always take into account length of time put into projects, and considering this one is getting close to being 1.5 years old there is a certain level of content I would expect to be available in a porn game. The art for non sex scenes I think is great, but like other games where the art looks good outside of the sex content, this one fails to deliver.

    I spent hours grinding to get a single scene with the stepsister character only to find out it's basically what I would call an animated image (parts of the image move in groups to simulate animation) but imo this is the worst looking animation style and was a "fingering" scene where the finger literally didn't move (maybe an android issue?)

    Now once I enable cheats and slapped max stats on it I reached the scene with a chick at the pool at night, and this season while looking marginally better in terms of it's animation; To point it blankly the same image style is used except the entire character images distort by getting wider and slimmer throughout the animation. Really feels like I'm back playing flash games on new grounds for how bad it looks.

    Another issue I had is nothing changes in your interactions as you progress with the characters love, lust, intimacy stats. For instance the way the stepsister character reacts to you complimenting them sexually is always negative and pissed off regardless of those stats, which just breaks the immersion that much more.

    All in all even with the cheat code skipping the grind the style and animation of this game for sex scenes doesn't make the rest of it worth it. The poop icing on the poop cake is that progressing in the game doesn't have any real effect on your interactions with what I would say should be the main characters in the game, and got so turned off I'd rather uninstall than try to find anything redeemable about it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    high roll god

    The art is great imo and even though the gameplay isn't amazing, the game itself has a lot of potential. The problem here is that it literally has no content, every time it's an empty update with stuff added nobody even cares about. As of now i can't recommend the game, which is just a blue ball giver, with no content. Until MUCH more content is added (mom, sis, neighbour scenes and quests) the game isn't even worth downloading.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game starts off pretty strong but damn does it nosedive quickly. Great to know if you don't get sensuality before level 17 you basically fuck yourself because you don't have any way to get more experience, along with that how you even get experience isn't explained. I just got to 17 and stopped getting anymore. There's so little content I'd argue it basically doesn't exist. The effort to reward ratio is skewed in the wrong direction. Finally the closer I got to the end of the content the more the English started to fall short. I really do not recommend this game until it's closer to completion.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game not fully a fan of all the grind having to repeat squences can be a a bit tedious but a for an early game concept shows promise cant wait for more content to come and also looking forward to different mini games
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game with huge potential growing in a short amount of time the creator is very dedicated and consistent with updates. can't wait to see development of H-scenes (esp with sis;)) the animated scenes implemented thus far look great and the art is always on point. (also the voicing is pretty decent for hardly having much development into real H-content)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great developer, not alot of H content right now tho but its on a good path with alot of work done on gameplay and game mechanics before focusing on the content. I suggest supporting on patreon if you like the art so more content gets made.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.13.0

    I am very interested in the future of this game, but currently there is not a ton.

    Visuals: Perfect! Its all lovingly hand-drawn art in a cute chibi style that remains consistent and in-tone the entire time. Kudos to the artist! The art remains well drawn and the characters are extremely enticing for each panel. I can tell lots of care was put into it, and I think the art style will continue to only improve and remain strong.

    Sound: Good! The music is fine, doesn't do much, but I love the sound effects from the characters talking; very Animal Crossing-esque, but if its the vibe of the game very well.

    Mechanics: Ehhh... Not great but not bad. There's the basics of what is needed in a dating sim and some more stuff (phone, stats, etc.), but right now none of it is utilized and it is easy to get confused of where you are since a lot of the backgrounds look similar. Maybe some text would help navigation? Either way, needs some work.

    Writing: I like it! The characters fit their archetype very well and there is tons of good dialogue. I am genuinely interested in the characters and like them. The english is a little rough sometimes, but its overall good enough.

    Overall: What's here so far is incredibly well polished and well executed-- BUT... as other reviews state... Once you go through a few days at school, you've seen everything there is on offer. What is there is very nice, but theres no H scenes! Please add some dev, this game could be so unique and amazing if only it fulfilled its goals! Stop building wide, its time to build tall!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit I do not normally, no, I've never written a review before, however this masterpiece of a game truly deserves it. The art, the fucking music, the funny ass humor, is all right up my fucking ally. It has been so fucking long since i've had the pleasure of playing a game like this.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.12.0 Review:

    : Don't get me wrong, I really love this game and hope dev succeeds, but wish more effort went into content instead of avatar build game, an opening theme song, and their site. It oozes with character... but sadly once you've done the simple tasks for each character (there's not many) the game is barren... without a decent fap to be had.

    Disclaimer - There is still no sex (AFAIK) and I've been attempting to max out characters for hours.

    Pros: (barely enough to keep it around average)
    - Good chibi art style. Like Animal Crossing meets Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
    - Great dialogue in the opening week(s)
    - Good humor
    - Lots of potential in the systems
    - Decent animation when it's present
    - Semi-enjoyable minigames (but only trigger once, so better hope that Dr. sits on your face, because you won't visit her again a 2nd time in this build)

    - No sex
    - Some humor is cliche anime tropes (boy trips into boobs)
    - Wait for content, everything feels "to be continued."
    - Misleading name... one would think there's cum every moment... but only once
    - Underutilized functions, like the phone... Can't call contacts? Why?
    - Empty school... for a game about school, no one is around to interact with except for noon and end of day (this is after week 2 and triggering all events)
    - Grindy... wouldn't be so bad if you had more freedom to meet classmates
    - Can only visit school and home (only 1 doctor visit?)
    - Repetitive dialogue... omg , and after a certain point, it's very limited

    0.12 Updates:
    - Yoga game with Step-mom works now!
    - Class project with Kanedere
    - Hallway encounter with tripping girl
    - Rival was removed for some reason (post week 2)
    - Updated UI
    - Backpack actually works
    - New Help/Info button
    - Updated Status button (where friends and challenges are located)

    - Back, History, Skip, Auto, Save... bar on bottom sometimes vanishes
    - No sex... this is a glaring bug... fix it!
    - Going home from the pool or gym results in either wearing gym clothes home or walking around the house naked!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of the v0.9.1

    So let me start by saying that this game is in its early stages and some critic maybe fixed as time goes on, but I feel that it’s fair to mention them.


    The game has 2 styles one it’s the “Over world” chibi style and the other it’s the events style a mix of the chibi and a more common anime style: while I don’t hate either style I feel that maybe choosing one style and sticking to that maybe better on the long run.


    The dialogue it’s a bit clunky and the “flow” it’s weird I understand why it because the author wants to add animations mid sentences within the same “Textbox” but it feels a bit awkward at least to me


    They are a bit one note for now but with hints(more specifically for the step-sister and the friend) of thing to come.


    This is where the game loses one star for me, moving is a chore, and the author hasn’t explained how anything work for example I don’t know how much time any activity takes, I don’t know the difference between intimacy and love(or how to earn love), what’s the point of my stats, that this game has stat checks(if you have enough INT you will know who the statue is supposed to be), another thing I know that this will probably be explained later but I think it’s fair to criticize the lack of any tutorial or explanation.


    This one I actually dislike, its supper annoying for me to choose a name, surname city, village and 2 for every character I feel that it would be better to have some default options(also the randomization feels weird because it can lead to someone call Kate (Japanese name that I don’t remember) so still prefer some default names)


    This is an interesting system but one that I feel can bring unwanted heat to the game mainly from the NTR/Vanilla community personally I don’t hate any of this but I feel it’s worth mentioning for someone who does. (and maybe implement a toggle option for this.)


    As I said before the game it’s still in its early stages there isn’t enough to know how the gameplay loop will feel but this game has a lot of promise at least in my opinion.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. Love the art. It feels very polished. It has great potential so I give it 5 stars. However. it has almost no content yet, so I will be following with great interest in the future
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, the miniature doesn't fit your eyes very well, but once you try it and get used to it, the art becomes very pretty and very good, then the scenes where there are no "chibis" improve a lot, some scenes are quite funny, dialogues or moments, apart from the fact that the scenes there are are quite good
    It is short and there are few H scenes but they are good, I think the game promises a lot
    For now I love what there is
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v.0.8.0

    TL;DR: Amazing potential, overall great execution, original, but currently nothing more than a tech demo.

    I think this game has an amazing potential, but to be rather blunt; i'm entirely unsure if the game will be able to deliver sizable amounts of content in the future. More on this later.

    The game has all of the standard features of a dating simulator type game; you can grind several kinds of stats and money to help you in your horny endeavors. The execution is rather well made mechanically, however some of the UI elements could use a few improvements to make it clearer and more concise. I like that you can choose how your character react to (most) events, giving you an excellent sense of freedom, yet that is pertinent due to how it affects the accumulation of stats and skills for different characters.

    The characters are somewhat one dimensional yet rather charming, with a pretty diverse set of body and facial features, although the body frame is pretty much exactly the same between all female characters. The name generation thing is a nice touch, allowing people to tailor their narrative however they see fit, and represent how the characters are clearly centred around their archetypes (Tsundere, motherly, gaga, etc...)

    The writing and story itself is rather simple, straightforward and uncomplicated, which i believe serve this game rather well. The interactions (the few present in the current game version anyhow) are actually really quite well made, with a clear effort and focus on giving characters movements and expression, making them substantially more appealing this way.

    By far, the biggest issue right now is the content. As it is right now, there is pretty much none, other than one H-scene with the "cousin" and the occasional nip-slip/boob spillage incident. The current structure of the game's design and gameplay make it suggest there is plenty to come, with clearly ambitious goals that only ask to be fulfilled.

    The massive, big question the dev now must live up to in the year of 2024 is to be able to deliver sizable amounts of h-content to actually populate an otherwise empty game. The 2D, hand-drawn nature of the characters combined with the high number of different characters could be a massive bottleneck in the long term.

    To be blunt, it's something quite common with dating simulator type games, where they try to advance the story and progression of a bunch of characters at once, making the content delivery very slow. The best way to remedy that would be to focus on a few characters at a time, and to progress them in acts/chapters, so that you can get a meaningful amount of content on every update.

    I honestly wish the best for the dev, become Welcum to the City has some amazing potential, that i can only hope it can reach out for.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Does not have alot of content at the moment but, has a lot of potential. Love the art style and simple but yet fun mechanics. In the future it might be a banger of a game. But right not it's just some frame work and not much more
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Umbral Knight

    Came back months after this was initially uploaded to see how much content it has gained since then.

    There's still not much. This is more a proof of concept game on how to setup a dating simulator. The art style and random generation of names for characters/places are what makes this title have potential.

    I fear that progress for this will be done at a snails pace. There's some teasing scenes here and there but no sex yet. There's some sandbox elements in the game already but no complete full day yet. There's stats put in the game that have no effect yet.

    Right now it's Blue Balls In The City
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Zin Zi

    As of Version 0.6.1

    - Art is interesting
    - Characters are interesting

    - Very small amount of content
    - Not much story
    - No H-scenes, if that's what you're here for.
    - English can be rough at times

    There really isn't much here in terms of both game and story. I honestly thought there was a lot more content when I saw the version number but that is not the case. It actually feels more like a 0.1 version release in comparison to other F95 games.
    Also, the game has this 'Immersive' dialogue option which gets annoying very fast.. i recommend you lower the voice volume or disable it entirely.

    I don't mean to come off too negative here.. but this is not 5 star game. There is just not enough content here to justify that kind of score.

    I do think there is a lot potential here.