Identify Western Kitsune game

May 12, 2019
There was a game that I remember seeing a demo for a while ago, and it might have been completed by now, but it was a game that starts with you in your hut, as a female protag. You're doing chores with your sibling, and some sort of kidnapping happens then and there, or a bump in the night makes you leave the house, and you are some sort of ninja, i think. Eventually you are traveling through the woods to make it to the nearby city, where you have a boss encounter with a massive beast, and after slaying it, are allowed into the city to do odd jobs during your stay. The game was perpetually at night/during a storm, in a RPG maker style, but an advanced version with a lot of lighting effects, that for my computer at the time, made it run kinda slow. Any idea what game I'm talking about here?