VN - Ren'Py - Westview Academy [v0.5.1] [Tako Yuh]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game.

    Characters in this game actually speak and act like human beings would act, which is a surprise in the most of AVNs. Very relatable and funny references and writing overall is good. Not to complicated, yet not just a simple "sex, now".

    Models look very nice, lighting is on point, love the angles of the camera, and camera work in general. Game features many seemingly random animation, but I love them personally. They give life to the game and characters overall.

    Game offers two major paths, whether you are into sports, particularly basketball or perhaps a musical career. Whichever you end up choosing you will not regret it.

    I had fun with it, therefore I recommend it and cannot wait to see more. Overall 5 outta 5.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    play v0.3.2 with french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry) and without minigame

    story: 5/5 Very good, I have never been out of the story and I am eager to know what happens next.

    characters: 4/5 Pretty good, the characters are physically quite different, personality-wise they are also quite different, although in that aspect it could be even better.

    sex scene: 2/5 Quite few for now, but the big drawback is that they are really too short, which leaves no room to feel any kind of eroticism.

    renders: 5/5 The game is truly magnificent, with some very good ideas for staging.

    animation: 4/5 They are completely smooth and quite well done, but just like what I mentioned about the sex scenes, there are very few of them.

    sound: Unfortunately, like in many games, there are dull moments.

    gameplay: 4/5 There are enough choices with consequences.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Just found out about this this morning totally by accident on another obscure game's Discord (won't name it but it rhymes with lemon.... but I'll stay on topic :p) and got to say I was quite impressed. Very sweet VN, love the high quality renders, the humor, quite interesting characters especially your friend is a total bro so far very likeable.

    Each girls are quite good too but I got to say Alyssa is my favorite even though it seems like she is the one that will take a while to develop intimately I suppose I should be happy with holding hands scene from the photoshot for now and maybe in the 4th episode we will finally get a hug from her (I know such a degenerate behavior). All jokes aside there are other good and interesting LIs there for each taste.

    The pacing is good, seems like the story progress goes fairly quickly without wasting time or unnecessary filler which is always welcome, the music choices are also great, jokes on points, also the little effects enhance them. Overall the quality is on point.

    I also liked that early story branch for the upcoming career focus Sport/Music and I was quite surprised to see different scenes and on my both save files. I hope the the dev manages to develop both paths without being overwhelmed.

    To end the review I can say I was quite impressed by this and seeing it coming out on Steam is also a great plus. Added it to my wishlist and will definitely get it once it releases. Wish the dev all the best luck with this project and hope to see this little gem finished because it has a very good potential.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game's story is a mess to a point where you hardly even comprehend what and why is happening.
    Intro feels jagged af:
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    Episodes this game let you be the witness of feel just as disjointed.
    Characters are not being consistent in their personality so you are not able to relate to what they are trying to be.
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    nice visuals tho, overall a waste of time in current state imo.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best new games on this site. If the developer continues at this rate, I am confident this game will grow quickly. The writing is good and all the girls look so unique than other games. The big thing though is that they also look real. The girls, the clothes, the environment, the situation etc. Also, the dev is trying new and interesting things with the renders and animations, which sets this one apart. Can't wait to see more.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    For three chapters, this seemed a little short, but I enjoyed what was there. The renders are all made well, the writing is pretty good, and all the LI's are interesting. They all play into a typical troupe, but there's a reason why it's so common, it works. I think everything could be written with a bit more depth, as it is, conversations feel too short and lack depth. There was also some weird conversations around the coach not starting the MC, that I feel could use a rewrite. It's not made clear what exactly the coach is saying, and it feels abrupt from the scene before it. Also the coach basically saying he was wrong, after a single exhibition game, was weird.

    I definitely look forward to seeing what else is in store for this game, and hopefully with the Steam release, updates become a bit meatier. I feel like the entire story could use a touch up though, giving more dialogue and depth to the characters. There's just not enough here to really hook you in, and feels more like a rush through a crowded theme park. You enjoy your time, but there's just not enough time spent to enrich the experience.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on 0.3.1
    So far, very good game, indeed. Maybe not the most original premise, but writing is pretty decent, story is easy going, as good schnapps. MC is not brainless hormon overpumed creep who's every second thought is -ooo, boobz, what an booty, I'd bang that, I'd desecrate this...
    Renders are good, there are plenty of nice looking female NPC's - for all tastes.
    At the moment, there is not much of sex content, but most importantly, none of it is forced, so player have freedom to choose with whom to hook-up MC.
    There are mini-games, but it's not pain in the ass and it's easy doable.
    Would recommend to others.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The narrative style in Westview Academy is somewhat unorthodox. It almost feels a little episodic because you are always jumping to certain interactions between the protagonists. As a result, I didn't always find it easy to tell who was a real LI and which characters were just driving the plot forward.

    The teacher for instance? Honestly not sure. Is Mary a LI? Or Kiara? I couldn't tell you by just playing the game. You could argue that makes it more real since in real life you always have to act based on limited information about your surroundings and about people you just met. But it also feels a bit imprecise and makes you wonder whether you closed a potential LI path in favor of a random character. It's not bothering me that much but I noticed.

    On the other hand, I really like the division into a music and a sports main path. I don't know where this will lead in the end, the development is not far enough along for that, but such decisions feel as if you as a player have a lot of influence on what happens.
    Many smaller decisions, on the other hand, seem to be mainly flavour, whether I react angrily or calmly, whether I am very convinced of myself or have doubts. It remains to be seen if that has any impact whatsoever.

    I would probably give Westview Academy four stars at the moment, but I'm giving it a fifth star for potential. There are many conflicts and issues that are only hinted at so far and I think as the plot progresses, some of them will intermingle and create an exciting overall picture.

    The mini-games that the game has are entertaining and not annoying, so I would recommend everyone to leave them activated. If necessary, you can always rewind and try again.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good. It has my kind of humor with all the random effects and setups thrown in.

    • Characters all look attractive. It's actually weird that they look better in the game than what's shown in the preview screenshots
    • It's just that I feel like something's missing or that the story goes too fast. Like I need more context or fleshing out of scenarios. Seems like it just jumps from one thing to the next. It always feel like it's just "half of a scene" for some reason if that makes sense. There are times where you're kind of forced to infer a lot of things.
    • Also, the mini-games come at really random times and catch you off guard.
    • Some warning or notice would be nice for the slideshows too . I had to just guess half of the time when I was supposed to start clicking again.
    • Sometimes there's music and sometimes there's not.
    • Overall, this was a good find. I don't really know why I thought the renders didn't look that great from the previews but it kept me from trying this for a long time. Still, I just wish the writing for scenes was fleshed out more. Feels like everything goes too quick or again just more context that needs to be added. Feels kind of like half-ideas written down on the back of napkin then not expanding on them to flesh it out in full. Even in just the form of exposition narration through inner monologue. Idk.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Dear TakoYuh,

    Pretty good game, loved the presentation, clever use of UI, random animations and automatic sequences. Interesting camera angles, good dialogue flow and good humor. Lighting is vastly different from what I do which leans more on the darker side so that's a plus to me. Something different to appreciate.
    I noticed a few noisy backgrounds and one missing image on my playthrough but they didn't impend the gameplay and story at all.

    Personally I went with Jordan which is the best to me, no competition. But the selection of ladies is wide and I'm sure anyone will find their own dream girl.

    At this point it was an easy 5 stars for me. But then something terrible happened... I noticed a serious lack of mommies and that, just pulled the whole experience to a 2 stars...
    As I kept going though, I never stumbled upon a single yoga scene.
    So We're back at 4.4 stars.

    Now as for the dev, knowing him a little, I rate him 0.2 stars so added to score would make 4.6. Rounded to 5 stars.

    Good job my friend. Will never play again. Too jealous.

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is in my top 10 for AVNs without a doubt. What is not to love about this game? An amazing bestfriend, beautiful women, hilarious moments. The potential of this game is limitless and I can't wait to see how it progresses.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 0.3.1.

    I just discovered this game and enjoyed it. The story is interesting and the characters don't seem to be dull sex objects. Yes, there is one or two that seem that way, but that that is ok. I can't say much for the sound because I don't use sound when playing first playthroughs of games. I get distracted from the text otherwise.
    There characters are very different in looks and body styles. I like this a lot. My favorite character at the moment is Leslie, BUT there are others that could take that spot as the story progresses. This game has a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to the next update.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game, but not really good either. I give it 3 stars, but I would give 0 stars to easily 90% of the games of this site, so 3 stars is decent to me.

    It seems there is no actual plot right now, just a succession of disconnected scenes. Most of the dialogues are well written, but pretty dull actually. Nothing terrible, nothing really witty and memorable.

    About the characters, there is a cliché "funny bro" character that is more annoying than funny but the female characters seems OK. The 3D design is more than decent and that's the strong point of this game. The personalities and stories of most of them are just "meh". There is a nympho that behaves as an asshole but MC is OK with that because she's kind of pretty and an easy laid, a couple of shy girls, an internet wannabe celebrity, and a few generic students without real personality and story. Also a couple of generic MILF teachers. Well see if there is more develop in the characters. About the MC, nothing remarkable either. Just the classic good looking MC with a tragic background that doesn't actually affect his personality, and a magic big cock.

    There are two main separate branches right now: music and sports. A bad move, IMO. It's like the developer wants to make two different games in one, and that's not easy unless there is a big team working in the game. It probably means that updates for every branch will be too short. There are too many Lis too, IMO. Classic mistake. It would be better maybe 3-4 Lis with well developed characters and stories, instead of 8+ shallow ones.

    Not a lot of sex right now, and vanilla. But it's OK. At least there is not forced sex scenes just because (except maybe for the nympho girl)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the look, feel and play of this game. I'm looking forward to seeing the story progress. I also like the presentation of the game itself. The animations that aren't expected are nice. I like pretty much everything about the game thus far. Nicely done dev!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a good start to a new game. It is really nice to look at, but the story is extremely inconsistent and jumps around a lot. Overall I will keep an eye on future update, but visuals don't matter to me as much as a coherent story.

    Positives -
    - Really nice renders
    - Nice selection of LIs with realistic models
    - The animations so far have been really smooth
    - The tone of the game is nice with some funny moments

    Negatives -
    - The story jumps around a lot and isn't really coherent at times.
    - Most of the LI interactions aren't really believable even in an AV world.
    - Splitting all content between Sports and Music means each update will be smaller unless you are the type to do multiple playthroughs.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Starts out a bit rough which I'm willing to forgive since the dev is pretty new at this. With that said, I noticed significant improvements between part 1 and part 2, in renders, writing, and animations.

    Characters are likeable and are distinct from one another, which is always welcome.

    Writing is consistent and even makes me laugh now and then

    Can't wait to see where this game goes!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good renders, and the story is still starting so is hard to know if its good or not. Hope in the future updates we get more choices,hope choices matter and have impact on the story and the relations with the girls, hope there is more choices to choose (instead of 2 to have 3) in the future,hope that the girls arent all slutty and hope there is more girls,can see that certain girls are for music (brooklyn,jordan,etc) and sport (paige for now that is known). The game has potential but the dev cant get lost on the story,have more choices with impact on story and relations with girls.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely wonderful game from start to finish. It has a decent amount of content, beautiful renders, cute girls, and is fantastically written. The game has branches so it allows for replay-ability and a new experience every playthrough. The girls all have unique personalities and are designed extremely well. Can't wait for more.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    In its Current State i give the game an Overall: 7.1/10. I rate overalls based on 4 Weighted Categories: Story 40%, Sexual Content 25%, Renders 20%, and Character Models 15%.

    Alright so i saw a screenshot of Brooke on reddit and immediately downloaded this game. Sad thing is there is barely any Brooke content, hopefully the next update will be kinder. Also the difference between the Preview i saw and the game was slightly disappointing but it seems to have improved in episode 2.

    Story 8/10: The game so far was been really well written, its got an interesting premise it got the similar feel to WVM, i went the basketball route of the music route. The MC himself seems like a down to earth guy, and i honestly would hang with him. Now for other character we will start with Jalen, now i love me a Male BFF however Jalen just doesnt do it for me, his character seems just stupid. Clearly he is written to be the funny dumb best friend but he doesnt really come off as funny, more just the guy who tries to make jokes but just gets weird stares. The Chemistry between the MC and Jalen is also just not there and feels like a forced friendship just for the sake of the story. For Female Characters, none of them really gave a strong impression with the exception of June, who is a wild horny monster. Paige and Athena seem interesting, Alyssa just is a stuck up bitch who needs to get laid. Honestly i hope we get a chance to hook up with Diane or Diana, that would be nice. But like i said none of them really gave me a strong impression.

    SC 6/10: So far there are only two scenes both with june, their quality is okay, the animations arent the greatest but hopefully will improve over time. Reason i gave it a 6, while the spacing between the scenes 1 per episode is good, between having both scenes with the same girl and the average quality, i was teetering between 6-7 but ultimately settled on 6

    Renders 7/10: So Ep 1 renders werent all that great, they were pretty grainy compared to the previews i had scene however i grade on the latest episode and EP2 seems to have gotten rid of the grain and gave a much more clear picture.

    Character Models 8/10: The MC is on the average side which is nice to see, not every Mc needs to be a perfect male model. The girls themselves are okay, their quality is good, Brooke, Alyssa, Diana, and Leslie are good, Athena is pretty as well. The rest arent all that great for me. I love seeing a Diverse and Huge Variety in the cast, so i think an 8 is a solid score.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game! The renders are super clean and most of them can easily pass as a wallpaper. The characters are very likeable and memorable, love Brooklyn and Alyssa! They feel alive and believable just from a few dialogues and interactions with one another. Love the references in game, they never felt out of place. The animated transitions fucking slaps and it looked pretty smooth.