What are some cool concepts you'd like to see in a game?

May 2, 2017
What the title says, I'm interested to hear what creative ideas you guys have came up with. For me I would be interested to see a porn game that passes through generations kinda like JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, if anyone of you have seen that. Or a game where the MC has a power like a stand that helps make him decision when trying to get laid with a girl. Now that would be fun to see,.I can imagine some funny dialogue between the MC and the "stand" or something like that.
Jul 19, 2018
What the title says, I'm interested to hear what creative ideas you guys have came up with. For me I would be interested to see a porn game that passes through generations kinda like JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, if anyone of you have seen that. Or a game where the MC has a power like a stand that helps make him decision when trying to get laid with a girl. Now that would be fun to see,.I can imagine some funny dialogue between the MC and the "stand" or something like that.
I would love to see more erotic horror/supernatural/crime dramas. they're genres that are difficult to pull off, since there's not a lot of content out for Daz or Poser. Aside from that, I would really love to see creators modifying their characters a bit. It's like some just take the character right out of the "box" and plug it in to their story. I'm so over it seeing the "cast" of BB and others being used at nauseum. Maybe just a little more effort...


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
What the title says, I'm interested to hear what creative ideas you guys have came up with. For me I would be interested to see a porn game that passes through generations kinda like JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, if anyone of you have seen that. Or a game where the MC has a power like a stand that helps make him decision when trying to get laid with a girl. Now that would be fun to see,.I can imagine some funny dialogue between the MC and the "stand" or something like that.
I vaguely remember playing a japanese VN that has generations. It was 2dcg and translated. Fantasy setting. Thats all I got, because I only played the beginning heh

Jojo parody porn would be cool, but there is about a 99% chance that it will be gay. Too many fabulous bois.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I'd of course, like anything involving a theme of impregnation. Over the past year I've had the following Twine projects started and then abandoned on my hard drive. In no particular order:

  • A game loosely based off the , where the player would be presented with some kind of lewd mystery (IE: "Someone stole my sex tape and is blackmailing me." ) There would be a massive address book and the player would have to use his/her wits to follow the case and attempt to solve it. Much sex and humor would be had along the way.
  • A game where you play as a venture capitalist (akin to ) where you take on projects pitched by various harlots (who's projects are usually sexual in nature). You then have a period of time managing the project for sale, and getting others involved in the project. You then are rewarded funds from project launch and use those funds to invest in future projects. I wanted a major theme of you influencing the entrepreneur that you invest in, where the more money/effort put towards her project, the more slutty things you can pressure her to do, like fucking investors or something.
  • A sequel to , where you once again solve riddles to get magic powers to turn women in to willing sexual partners. However once you unlock a sexual act with a girl, there's a chance she will jump your bones as you roam the world solving riddles. The more women the slutify, the more you're accosted while attempting to roam the world. Was puzzling how to do a stamina mechanic when motivation died (irony?).
  • A reverse-corruption game where you're given magic women-manipulating powers somehow. However unlike the million other games where you use your puss-magic to turn normal women into turbo-skanks, the focus is you on altering women into more traditional motherly roles. The main theme being that each one of your actions magic or otherwise slowly shift the character towards a motherly role (Including pregnancy, because impregnation is muh thing). Maybe the character is a punk rocker who hates kids, a student who is focusing on studies, or maybe a career woman who is more interested in being a CEO rather than a mother. But no matter what, after fucking you enough times they shift towards settling down and raising the bastard you nutted in them.
  • A game based on The Bachelor, in that you play as a contestant on a dating show where all the women are irrationally in love with the player. The player will be forced to vote off a contestant each week as each girl fights for the players affection. since this is a lewd game, each girl uses sex as a tool to have the player not vote them off. Each girl reacts to the players choices, maybe forming alliances, or pressuring the player to vote rivals off. I also had hoped that the girls would react to player choices, such as if the player knocked up a contestant and then didnt vote her off, the remaining contestants would then try to get pregnant too in an attempt to secure a place. Whereas the opposite occurs if the player boots a babymama, they will then avoid vaginal sex out of fear of pregnancy and subsequent dismissal. But the main theme would always be that not mattter how much of a dick the player was, all the contestants would still irrationally love him.

None of these ideas got much father than the initial planning stages and brief design.

The biggest problem I tend to have with game development is that I don't want to make these game, I want to play them.

Edit: actually read OP's post

What the title says, I'm interested to hear what creative ideas you guys have came up with. For me I would be interested to see a porn game that passes through generations kinda like JoJo's Bizzare Adventure.
Didn't a recent fire emblem do that? I was interested in a game where you time travel forward and backward in time, with characters changing based on your actions/who you had sex with in earlier timelines. Never nailed down an exact concept though.
May 2, 2017
I vaguely remember playing a japanese VN that has generations. It was 2dcg and translated. Fantasy setting. Thats all I got, because I only played the beginning heh

Jojo parody porn would be cool, but there is about a 99% chance that it will be gay. Too many fabulous bois.
Haha as long as the game got some cool poses, I'll play it
May 2, 2017
I'd of course, like anything involving a theme of impregnation. Over the past year I've had the following Twine projects started and then abandoned on my hard drive. In no particular order:

  • A game loosely based off the , where the player would be presented with some kind of lewd mystery (IE: "Someone stole my sex tape and is blackmailing me." ) There would be a massive address book and the player would have to use his/her wits to follow the case and attempt to solve it. Much sex and humor would be had along the way.
  • A game where you play as a venture capitalist (akin to ) where you take on projects pitched by various harlots (who's projects are usually sexual in nature). You then have a period of time managing the project for sale, and getting others involved in the project. You then are rewarded funds from project launch and use those funds to invest in future projects. I wanted a major theme of you influencing the entrepreneur that you invest in, where the more money/effort put towards her project, the more slutty things you can pressure her to do, like fucking investors or something.
  • A sequel to , where you once again solve riddles to get magic powers to turn women in to willing sexual partners. However once you unlock a sexual act with a girl, there's a chance she will jump your bones as you roam the world solving riddles. The more women the slutify, the more you're accosted while attempting to roam the world. Was puzzling how to do a stamina mechanic when motivation died (irony?).
  • A reverse-corruption game where you're given magic women-manipulating powers somehow. However unlike the million other games where you use your puss-magic to turn normal women into turbo-skanks, the focus is you on altering women into more traditional motherly roles. The main theme being that each one of your actions magic or otherwise slowly shift the character towards a motherly role (Including pregnancy, because impregnation is muh thing). Maybe the character is a punk rocker who hates kids, a student who is focusing on studies, or maybe a career woman who is more interested in being a CEO rather than a mother. But no matter what, after fucking you enough times they shift towards settling down and raising the bastard you nutted in them.
  • A game based on The Bachelor, in that you play as a contestant on a dating show where all the women are irrationally in love with the player. The player will be forced to vote off a contestant each week as each girl fights for the players affection. since this is a lewd game, each girl uses sex as a tool to have the player not vote them off. Each girl reacts to the players choices, maybe forming alliances, or pressuring the player to vote rivals off. I also had hoped that the girls would react to player choices, such as if the player knocked up a contestant and then didnt vote her off, the remaining contestants would then try to get pregnant too in an attempt to secure a place. Whereas the opposite occurs if the player boots a babymama, they will then avoid vaginal sex out of fear of pregnancy and subsequent dismissal. But the main theme would always be that not mattter how much of a dick the player was, all the contestants would still irrationally love him.

None of these ideas got much father than the initial planning stages and brief design.

The biggest problem I tend to have with game development is that I don't want to make these game, I want to play them.

Edit: actually read OP's post

Didn't a recent fire emblem do that? I was interested in a game where you time travel forward and backward in time, with characters changing based on your actions/who you had sex with in earlier timelines. Never nailed down an exact concept though.
Dude some of the stuff you've mentioned here are actually pretty cool. Especially the last one about a game based on Bachelor, I think that could make a great game. Also can you also send me the link for the fire emblem game you mentioned? Thank you.


Nov 9, 2018
Adult medieval sim with full character editing feature and lots of races(elves, fairies, harpies, orks, kobolds, minos, etc) to hookup with.


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
  • A game loosely based off the , where the player would be presented with some kind of lewd mystery (IE: "Someone stole my sex tape and is blackmailing me." ) There would be a massive address book and the player would have to use his/her wits to follow the case and attempt to solve it. Much sex and humor would be had along the way..
Ooooh! I -like- this idea. A lot.

Once Heavy Five is finished this year, I'll need a new project. I've currently got a few ideas on the slate but if you don't mind I wouldn't mind discussing this one with you further as mystery and humour is sorta my thing :) (as is impregnation oddly enough).

*won't do a thing on it otherwise as not her idea*


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
AayushBhai said:
What are some cool concepts you'd like to see in a game?
Honestly? The basics--the vision, its story, and the art (if applicable). That's assuming we're talking about games that are in the adult gaming genre much like the majority of games found here on F95. I think just getting the basics down would be some cool concepts to see in a game. Let me just quickly go over what I mean.
  • Vision: The game should focus primarily on its core concept or idea. It's okay for a game to go off on a tangent or two if it complements its stated objectives. The development of games should set certain goals, and then maintain and keep those goals. For example, if a game's pitch is all about a romance in a visual novel format set in modern times, then it shouldn't morph into some sort of ryona side-scroller fighting zombies in space midway through. Somewhere along the way, the game's scope and development in this example obviously took a wrong, left turn and never came back... If, on the other hand, this is what the game was actually aiming to be, then the synopsis of the game needs to state that right from the start so that such a departure won't become a shock to players jumping into the game.
  • Story: In a similar fashion, the game's story needs to stay on track. The vision of a game is about its goals, but the story is how the players get there. If the game revolves around a specific theme or idea (i.e., romance, pregnancy, whatever), then it's prudent for the game to talk about it at some point and its game-play should represent some aspect of it. If the game is about how a group of adventurers goes on a quest to defeat a demon, then the game needs a way to move forward on that quest instead of focusing whether the in-game laundry for the group has been washed. Side events and tangential paths are all well and good, but the main story line--the game's nucleus--is where the focus should truly be.
    • In addition to maintaining focus on the plot, how the game is actually written is also extremely important. The story has to make sense at some level. For instance, if a character is a strong-willed, no nonsense individual portrayed all throughout the game, then that character probably should not jump someone's bones on the spot just because one of the antagonists is chewing bubble-gum. It's not that hard to ponder what a thought-out character might do in any situation in a game. What's that character's motivation to take a certain action? The other part of this and, arguably the more important facet to writing the game's story, is the appropriate use of grammar. The style of the writing, the point of view, and the diction and lexicon used should all flow seamlessly throughout the game to advance the game's plot--it should not be a jarring experience. Hell, even spelling most of the words correctly would be an achievement. The bar for this--in how the text is written--is set incredibly low for the adult gaming genre much to the dismay of many players; yet, there are so many projects out there that cannot even maintain an elementary level of writing. We're adults (and it is adult gaming after all); we know how to read--most of us won't be offended if there are words used that are beyond two or three syllables. Players should not lose brain cells or develop a headache just from reading the text in a game. Encountering numerous errors, often repeatedly, will cause players to divorce themselves from being immersed in the story. Many players such as myself will refuse to play games that cannot maintain a certain level of quality when it comes to this aspect of a game. A game is telling a story, and for most games the text is the engine that moves the plot forward; thus, developers, as a whole, needs to step it up.
    • Quick sidenote: I personally do not mind games that take the slow burn route. I enjoy them as those games usually go for a deeper experience; however, I don't want it all to be for "nothing". There better be some "sexing" going on somewhere, or soon. There are several popular games in that regard that comes to mind (which I won't name here).
  • Art (if applicable): As this was already mentioned in an earlier post, I'll just succinctly state that I am also tired of the whole "cookie-cutter" experience in many of the games found on F95. Just mix it up a little bit, y'know? That's all we ask.
It's cool that there are many new games out there nowadays with interesting ideas, and that the adult gaming industry itself is beginning to create new stuff specifically for Western audiences by Western developers. That's just awesome. (This statement excludes those games that are using the "developing forever" model that are now commonplace with the subscription model. That's a whole other beast, and not pertinent to the topic on hand.) I would love to see further growth of the industry but with more professionalism injected into the games. I hope developers keep in mind the basics and don't lose track of their vision and the stories in their games (while using proper grammar). Maintain some quality control, because frankly, and respectfully speaking, that's at least one detail Western developers, in general, are failing at.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
One of my cooler concepts is a (simplified) Football Manager turned visual novel. Basically, the player would be a manager/coach of an underdog professional women football team (to any North Americans, I mean the football where foot is actually used most of the time:p). Here's my envisioned list of features:

- Story-focused with right doses of both comedy and drama.
- Choices and consequences.
- Multiple endings.
- Squad management. (As much as possible within the constraints of the story and the game engine. It should have some depth without being too much of a chore.)
- Major characters with their own storylines.
- The player would deal with stuff like conflicts between players; training and motivating players; personal issues; relationships; pressure from the board, media and fans; transfers; integrating foreign players; and much more.

As for the lewd stuff, it wouldn't be a fuckfest game. There'd be plenty of it of course, but it would need to be earned (through right or wrong choices, not grind).
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Ooooh! I -like- this idea. A lot.

Once Heavy Five is finished this year, I'll need a new project. I've currently got a few ideas on the slate but if you don't mind I wouldn't mind discussing this one with you further as mystery and humour is sorta my thing :) (as is impregnation oddly enough).

*won't do a thing on it otherwise as not her idea*

Of course, feel free to PM me and I'd love to talk about it.
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Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
Ooooh! I -like- this idea. A lot.

Once Heavy Five is finished this year, I'll need a new project. I've currently got a few ideas on the slate but if you don't mind I wouldn't mind discussing this one with you further as mystery and humour is sorta my thing :) (as is impregnation oddly enough).

*won't do a thing on it otherwise as not her idea*
Of course, feel free to PM me and I'd love to talk about it.
I don't know if you 2 played Long Live The Princess, but it has a clue sysytem that could work in this
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Dec 28, 2018
Game like Dangonropa 1 or 2 with the same basic concept :

- A group of students shut in a strange place, with murderers among them
- A serie of murders to solve
- A great vilain

But with news ideas as :

- You can chose the main protagonist among the group of students, each student has a special skill to use during the investigation of murders.
- Depending on this choice, the others students can have differents endings.
- Multiple ending for the protagonist.
- System of relations with others students (but have sex with them can not garantuee that they will trust you or not lie to you)
- Punishement for the murderer more sexy (of course)
- A system of trial more accurate (like in ace attorney games) which is linked to the system of relations
- The phase of exploration can be in 3D or in classical 2D
- The main protagonist can chose if he want to commit crime or not (freedom for the player to play what he wants)

(sorry if my english is bad x) )
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New Member
Mar 13, 2020
A game like a zombies life which is a survival adult game but should have First Person Shooter experience, like a modern day dystopian society last male shooting zombies with limited bullets crafting bullets and stuff like that like as in Escape from Tarkov without heavy graphics, or medieval setting where MC is an archer or a wizard shooting arrows or projectiles. Instead of last male there could be bunch of corrupted males trying to snatch women from MC or the MC is corrupted trying to acquire a harem.

These are some of the concepts I would like in games FPS is the one I would like the most it would not only be something new but also would be bringing a variation in H-games.