VN What are the opinions of Kinetic Novels?


New Member
Nov 29, 2020
Maybe it's just the phenomenon of "having the loudest voice in the room", but there are some strong opinions on KNs. Like the freedom of choice being nonexistant, or being overly wordy.

I'm asking because I'm developing a story-based romance/drama KN (the music, 3DCG, and writing will be done by me), acting as the first entry to a bigger world, but it focuses on the development of 2 character's relationship with each other (it's also not an incest story, you deviants). After reading multiple threads, I've come to gather that people like having control over what the MC does. But my view of what I want to share prevents that. A branching story also increases the workload significantly, and I feel as if I were to pursue such a path, the quality would significantly drop.

Obviously, I have to work my ass off in keeping people hooked, while also fulfilling sexual needs and keeping the story grounded.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Honestly, I don't bother with KN at all. There are a couple of exceptions but overall if I want to read a story I'll read a book. I do like making decisions for the MC, branching narratives, and feeling like my choices matter. If you are not interested in making more of a VN and are comfortable with making a KN that's fine. You should make what you want to make and not what you think people would want. If your vision is a KN then do that, maybe later you will have an idea that is best suited for a VN.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
In general, I'm not a fan of nonstop reading with no meaningful gameplay. A KN would have to hit my fetishes with pinpoint accuracy to get me to check it out.


May 28, 2017
Well, people watch TV and movies and porn without getting any input in what happens, the input stops at selecting what you're going to spend time on. Just like with Netflix, the competition for attention is high and in general people that download adult "games" do tend to expect input in what goes on and if they don't there's often many other games available to give a shot.

Now I'm not opposed to following along a story, being a witness rather than a participant (really, that's imo the difference between a KN and a VN) as long as I'm well aware that's what I'm getting into. I suspect you will need to write a very good description, be very specific with your tags and signal the fact it's a KN up front clearly. After that, just like with Netflix, it's mostly going to be review driven imo.

If I see a bunch of 6/10 on a TV show and their reviews read as reasonable, I tend to give it a miss. And IF I am in it for a story experience, the presence of really attractive visuals doesn't count for more than 0.1 or 0.2 out of 10. Emilia Clarke could have been topless for all of season 8, it would not make a 3.0/10 season a great season.

TL;DR: Be clear up front, be very specific with description and tags and realize reviews will matter more to a KN than any other game due to being in the witness role rather than being a participant.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Depends on the content for me. If the MC is a spectator (ntr/cheated on and such) then I'm not interested, if he's the one 'in charge' of what happens I might try it.


Dec 8, 2019
I'm new to this, what is the difference between a KN and a comic if there is no input in either? Just the style and the medium used to deliver the story?