Let's get this out of the way first: i'm just a random idiot, so anything stupid i write or did is on me.
My experience with your game is quite short: I've seen it a few times popping up, clicked on it out of curiosity and left before i even downloaded it for a try.
Again, it could be my fault, maybe i would have really liked the game, but i never found a reason to check it out.
The title is not bad, but doesn't tell me anything at all.
The banner is much the same, it's just the title with a font, but i still don't know what's going on.
The version number of gives me the feeling that the game doesn't have much content and i should check back on it later.
The overview is only one line long and does not tell me anything about the tone, scale or even the main fetishes or real setting of the game. Is it going to be vanilla? Is it a fantasy, since it mentioned myths?
The genre list is the absolute minimum for a game here. " 2D Game, 3DCG, Male protagonist, Adventure " fits vastly different games, so i still don't know what to expect. " Oral sex " is the only sexual tag and without the mention of other options like "vaginal" or "anal" and what not, again, it just gives me the feeling that this is an early release without much content yet. Probably best to check back later...
The sample pictures look pretty good, but i can't discern any personalities from them. While the characters are OK, a few hugs and smiles won't tell me who they are and why i should be interested in them over any other game here.
Still speaking only for myself, there are a few things i like to know or at least be able to guess from the front post of a game before i download it:
What is the scale of the game? 1-2 hour straight to the hot parts or is it a longer game which requires a bit of time to enjoy?
What kind of story does it have? Does it even have one?
What is the tone? Humorous, serious, lighthearted, dark, epic, vanilla, maybe plain lewd?
Who is the MC and what is he like? And who are his partners? What are their characteristics? Just a good line of dialogue or a picture that shows me their personalities can be enough.
What are the fetishes and interests already in the game and the planned ones?
In short, i had nothing against your game at all, i just never saw the hook that was supposed to get me into it.
I wish you only good things for this project or the next one.
Thank you, this is good feedback, yes i agree with many of the points you said here and in my patreon there is no much about what the player can expect from the game, the title screen is boring and don't show so much, same can be said about descreption,
i think i can change that but part of me want to make the game feel like magical mystery, part of me want the player to enter the game with 0 expectation and start exploring the game by himself, but let be honest you can't get player attention with title screen like that ...
let me answere your question now,
-the scale of the game right now is very small and the time system the game have made it feel much smaller, yes like you expect the game still early in development, the save i have when i test it is 12 hour but that just me trying many things so i don't know how much a player time need to finish the important content, it more depend on how he play the game,
i can say the game right now have little grind to be honest so you can spend time grinding for something and some of the events happen with random triggers but i have reasons for that so let me move to the next question to understand more.
-there is story for sure but it's not linear, it also have side stories but some of them are related to the main story, my goal is to make the game feel like open world game and the player make his own choices, imagine something like the 1st Buldar Gates, they interduce the player to the game mechanic and then he is free to go where ever he want, i will have some limitation for sure,
I don't know if i should talk about the main story because i will spoil many things i paln for the future but i can talk about the current story and answere the question who is the MC, the MC is guy born in rich family, his mother died when she gave birth to him, his father married to 2 wifes before his mother and when the game events start he married his 4th wife,
to make things short he was spoiled but now his father go hard on him and he need to man up, he fall in love with his father new wife and from that he will start meeting many new people, learn more about the world around him and go for adventures.
for MC partners he will have many partners in any place he visit, imagine something like james bond in every movie he have new love but in this game in every place he visit he fall in love with many girls, so you can expect many type of girls and the player will choose if he want to make them lovers or submmisive depend on what the player want and also depend on the women so for example if you meet a bad women who try to make the player submmisive for her walking the love route make the player submmisive and walking the submmision route make this women submited to the player. (still didn't do that in game but the 1st 2 women the player meet will be something like tutorial for how to walk each road)
-The tone of the game will be mostly Horro/dark with mystery and magic, so far there is no dark or magic contents but i will need to finish the city and the main stories there before i move to that phace of the game,
but there will be also Humorous, serious, lighthearted moments in it too.
-The fetishes and interests in the game are romance combined with corruption, black mailing and submission, in the future you can imagine everything, the only things i want to stay away from are Futa/trans and gay, still they will exist in the world of the game but they have nothing to do with this story.
for now there is like 3 sex scene with some BJ scenes and HJ scenes, kissing and all that stuff,
it RPG maker so there is combat and 1 big dungeons still in development (need to add loots, bosses and stuff like that).
again thank you and i 100% agree that the game right now can't hook players, i hope you try and enjoy the game, but keep expectation very low because i belive right now many of the mechanics of the game are bad and it lack contents,