what do you want character

what do U want?

  • Big tits

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • big ass

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • curvy

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • tall

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • shout

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Muscle woman

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Skinny girl

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • monster girl

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Devil girl

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • angel girl

    Votes: 9 19.6%

  • Total voters


I need Korean-English translator. 한영 번역가 구함
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
whatdoyou want character?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
I don't see the point to this. No ability to combine options, some seem redundant (what's the difference between "big tits+big ass" and "curvy"? How is "devil girl" not a subtype of "monster girl"?) while others are missing ("small breasts" as opposed to just normal sized for example)

And what are you going to do with the results? If half the people vote "tall"+"muscular" and half vote "short"+"skinny" do we get one completely bland and average character? Or two with one being a tall skeleton and the other a midget weightlifting champion?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
whatdoyou want character?
Well, I would gladly answer to your questions, but none of the give choice fit : believable ones, with a real personality, that have a life and don't just wait to the player to interact with it, and that have motive behind their actions.

I don't care this much what the girls will looks like, I want to enjoy the story, not to fap in front of some porn. I'll perhaps do both, but the second is a consequence, not the original intent.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
The number of available choices seems very focused and not broad enough of a list to account for many varying forms of taste... It looks more like the original poster's personal list of possible preferences without taking into account that there are far more available then those... And what in the world is "Shout" ? Is that a character that loves to yell all the time, or a character that likes to yell and belittle others being more dominating, or a character that likes to go to the top of the mountain and yell out non-sense to the world, or someone with a mental disorder that makes them speak very loud all the time in attempts to be heard, or someone who just makes loud noises during sexual encounters? "Shout" is not a very descriptive word all by itself...

The question itself was a bit tough to decipher at first as well... Although it is a broken English question, I think I can guess what it's intention was... Still, not enough available vote choices for me to make a realistic vote, therefore I didn't... The list is far too narrow in scope, and seems to cater to extreme's and/or stereotypes more so then what someone may or may not necessarily be looking for in a well designed character... Plus, are these likes concerning the Character Model, Personality, Mind Set, Desires, Everything, etc?



Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
And what in the world is "Shout" ?
I just assumed they meant "short" but now that I think about it "u" and "r" aren't even next to each other on a regular keyboard and the first post clearly wasn't run through autocorrect either :unsure:

what it's intention was

Still, not enough available vote choices for me to make a realistic vote, therefore I didn't
Vote randomly then. That reduces the weight of "genuine" votes.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I just assumed they meant "short" but now that I think about it "u" and "r" aren't even next to each other on a regular keyboard and the first post clearly wasn't run through autocorrect either :unsure:


Vote randomly then. That reduces the weight of "genuine" votes.
I don't claim to be perfect when personally writing anything, and I even catch myself, days later, re-reading what I might have typed and fixing my own mistakes when I catch them...

It is very possible that the word was just interpreted wrong and came out as Shout, but my original point till stands...

If your gonna answer polls, it's best to answer them honestly... Not just cover your eyes and press random votes... I do not believe in poll trolling... Or trolling of any sort... It's disingenuous and completely immature...

Hopefully the original poster just goes back and re-vamps his/her poll...



I need Korean-English translator. 한영 번역가 구함
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
I don't claim to be perfect when personally writing anything, and I even catch myself, days later, re-reading what I might have typed and fixing my own mistakes when I catch them...

It is very possible that the word was just interpreted wrong and came out as Shout, but my original point till stands...

If your gonna answer polls, it's best to answer them honestly... Not just cover your eyes and press random votes... I do not believe in poll trolling... Or trolling of any sort... It's disingenuous and completely immature...

Hopefully the original poster just goes back and re-vamps his/her poll...

lol i say "short"
sorry! my mis take! Let me know if this happens next time!
But I can't change the ballot box already saved.


I need Korean-English translator. 한영 번역가 구함
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
I don't see the point to this. No ability to combine options, some seem redundant (what's the difference between "big tits+big ass" and "curvy"? How is "devil girl" not a subtype of "monster girl"?) while others are missing ("small breasts" as opposed to just normal sized for example)

And what are you going to do with the results? If half the people vote "tall"+"muscular" and half vote "short"+"skinny" do we get one completely bland and average character? Or two with one being a tall skeleton and the other a midget weightlifting champion?
I just assumed they meant "short" but now that I think about it "u" and "r" aren't even next to each other on a regular keyboard and the first post clearly wasn't run through autocorrect either :unsure:


Vote randomly then. That reduces the weight of "genuine" votes.
lol i say "short"
sorry! my mis take! Let me know if this happens next time!
But I can't change the ballot box already saved.
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: Cul


I need Korean-English translator. 한영 번역가 구함
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
I don't see the point to this. No ability to combine options, some seem redundant (what's the difference between "big tits+big ass" and "curvy"? How is "devil girl" not a subtype of "monster girl"?) while others are missing ("small breasts" as opposed to just normal sized for example)

And what are you going to do with the results? If half the people vote "tall"+"muscular" and half vote "short"+"skinny" do we get one completely bland and average character? Or two with one being a tall skeleton and the other a midget weightlifting champion?
The number of available choices seems very focused and not broad enough of a list to account for many varying forms of taste... It looks more like the original poster's personal list of possible preferences without taking into account that there are far more available then those... And what in the world is "Shout" ? Is that a character that loves to yell all the time, or a character that likes to yell and belittle others being more dominating, or a character that likes to go to the top of the mountain and yell out non-sense to the world, or someone with a mental disorder that makes them speak very loud all the time in attempts to be heard, or someone who just makes loud noises during sexual encounters? "Shout" is not a very descriptive word all by itself...

The question itself was a bit tough to decipher at first as well... Although it is a broken English question, I think I can guess what it's intention was... Still, not enough available vote choices for me to make a realistic vote, therefore I didn't... The list is far too narrow in scope, and seems to cater to extreme's and/or stereotypes more so then what someone may or may not necessarily be looking for in a well designed character... Plus, are these likes concerning the Character Model, Personality, Mind Set, Desires, Everything, etc?

There were a lot of similar things next time I voted
Next time will draw a character concept that fits the story
that time so let's discuss it.


I need Korean-English translator. 한영 번역가 구함
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Well, I would gladly answer to your questions, but none of the give choice fit : believable ones, with a real personality, that have a life and don't just wait to the player to interact with it, and that have motive behind their actions.

I don't care this much what the girls will looks like, I want to enjoy the story, not to fap in front of some porn. I'll perhaps do both, but the second is a consequence, not the original intent.
Story and character is conversations will be created one by one when I am used to making rpg games!

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Story and character is conversations will be created one by one when I am used to making rpg games!
Well, many would say that you're doing it in the wrong order. That the story and the personalities of the characters should come first, that what they looks like should depend of this, and finally that you'll learn to make the game according to what you want to achieve.


I need Korean-English translator. 한영 번역가 구함
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Well, many would say that you're doing it in the wrong order. That the story and the personalities of the characters should come first, that what they looks like should depend of this, and finally that you'll learn to make the game according to what you want to achieve.
i say means
i'm Unfamiliar rpg tool. so i more the upgrade, i will make story.
my game is not yet story.
I have a character that I also thought of, so I'm going to take the basics and share ideas


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Just saying but a characters body and personality don't have to match, sometimes it's fun if it doesn't, very petite dominant girls for example or shy fit or muscly girls, a little shakeup doesn't hurt.

None of the girls in CoBD really fit my type but i like all of them more than most of the girls that would normally be more my type because they are written and rendered well, great bodies are also a big plus but normally i wouldn't be that interested in someone with Ellen's body type, at least not more than other characters in the game but since the character is well done i tend to prefer her.

Also little nod to race here, it would be nice to have at least one east asian girl who isn't either flat as a brick or pneumatic stacked, same with black girls, not all of them are thicc. A little variety and good writing goes a long way, that said however give me an athletic blonde or sassy redhead and i'm interested to be honest, so long as they are neither too tall, too fat or muscled to the point of cracking walnuts with their thighs i'm fine, i prefer female characters to still look feminine, which is admittedly a fairly broad range.