Ooh, I like this question. In no particular order (I'll probably consider trends at the end) -
1) SuperPowered also. This one I've come and gone about. I thought the RAGS version was rad but kinda weird, then I enjoyed the very earliest builds of SuperPowered on ren'py, but when it actually evolved into the game it is now I felt totally lost. Later, as I learned to actually play the game (I even put together an early guide on how to get max grades by the end of the first month), I found it really satisfying. The grind eventually wore me down and it's been a few builds since I played, but I'd definitely say it's still a great game.
2) Corruption of Champions. The first few times I tried it I was like 'wtf am I turning into? I don't even know how to feel, sexually, about having huge tits and like five monster dicks, and my...intersex person/monster thing?...is getting anally raped by Goddamn everything.' Eventually, I learned that there's ALSO a decent RPG under the game and if you know what you're doing you can basically stay or become whatever you want and fuck a whole range of things/people/etc., some of whom aren't even all that monster-ey.
I wish I could say TiTS was in the same category, as it's actually got a decent RPG system under the hood too as well as some not-bad sex scenes, but as of the last few months I've had to put it in the same category as Patreon broadly: more interested in money than making good, weird porn games (and considering the fact that their main plot essentially requires the option for the PC bang their cousin [and they've gotten out ahead of getting reviewed by Patreon to declare that they think fictional incest is gross or unnatural or unhealthy or unpopular or however people into fucking literal hermaphrodite space monsters or clouds of nanites or fruit roll-up monsters justify to themselves telling other people that their fetishes are weird], I get the strong sense that they're quietly going to drop the game once people get tired of paying authors to make scenes for their favorite half-llama half-dickgirl DMV driving instructor postage stamp collector waifu). That and there are so Goddamn many sex scenes I just don't care about to get through before I find anything interesting to me at all in any particular playthrough that it seems less and less worth the trouble to try anymore.
3) A Spell for All. I actually first tried this game out when it was being developed by its original dev (Wizard, I believe), and while I knew it was cool it was also really hard to find any kind of explanation of how to play the thing far enough to really get into the main story, and I just got fucking LOST. Some difficult puzzles, easy to goozle yourself into an unavoiodable game over, and at the time it had a very small number of save slots.
Fast forward to the last couple years, and now there's a walkthrough thread on hypnopics, several nearly complete and different ways to play the game, and I really enjoy the hell out of it (also the save system is way more forgiving). The main thing I would say if you haven't played the game is: don't be afraid to use a walkthrough when you get stuck. There are a LOT of puzzles and ways to get lost or just run out of resources, and I doubt many players could get all the way through the game on their first try otherwise.
4) Free Cities: pregmod. Note: for the squeamish, the underage part of the mod is completely optional and there's a version that straight up doesn't have it. At first, I was weirded out by all the options. It seemed to focus on the simulation stuff way more than everything else as well as some fetishes that just don't do much for me. But honestly, once I found out that there was an extended family tree option I got much more into it, and found myself really enjoying running a simulated sex slave arcology much more than my straightworld self would probably own up to. I should also say that I think pregmod makes Free Cities a MUCH better game than the original experience, and even if I'm not such a big fan of all the options, what you can get access to is still worth it if any of the more niche options are your thing.
5) Man of the House. Much like with SuperPowered, I started off as a fan but got very frustrated when it actually got its eventual game loop together. Again, this is an instance where you probably just want a walkthrough the first time through if only to know what to do when. It's also really irritating to try to play one storyline at a time, so I'd recommend trying to plow everybody all at once and only making a choice when it becomes necessary due to time conflicts. While you might advance past a couple optional scenes, it's generally hard to miss most of the content aside from the hidden card things (they're, like, okay. Not a big worry if you don't want to spend time searching for them tho).
6) Daughter for Dessert. I really should have known with this one that it would be good, what with Palmer making it. For once, this wasn't so much a game with mechanics I didn't understand as a game that I assumed was just going off the rails by the third chapter or so (that is, the titular 'Daughter' seems to fade out so the dad can bang other people he's not [maybe?] related to). Still, by a few more chapters in, shit gets lit again. Eventually the game can start to wear out its welcome by just having the plodding 'visual novel' narrative style of describing things to death, but it's absolutely worth a look if that kinda game is your scene (daddy-daughter incest, of course).
7) The Himeros series. So far Seztworks is two games into the series and, I have to admit, I at first really didn't get Himeros Hotel. You just sort of wander around an apparently barebones (albeit with nice pictures) Adrift hotel map and try to stumble on events. For HOURS. REAL TIME HOURS. And it takes quite a while to get sex scenes going.
But once you figure out where the action is and get far enough in the plot for the sex scenes to happen? Hoo boy is that one a great game. Note: there's now a walkthrough, and I think that if you're willing to actually read the scene descriptions in addition to just looking at the photos then it can cut down on a lot of aggravation. Lots of bangable ladies, lots of plot stuff going on, choices to make that at least kiiiiinda matter. Solid Goddamn game. And once you get to the end of the first game, you can import your choices into the sequel, which alters some of the scenes there. The second Himeros game, in my opinion, is a bit more interesting and streamlined (not short by any means either in spite of still being in development, just easier to get a handle on), but I wouldn't recommend trying to start it without playing the first one.
That's probably enough stuff. If you got this far, I think I would say the things that end up on this list for me are: games with really good sex stuff that takes a loooong Goddamn time to get to, or games that hide good/incest-themed sex behind complex systems that are frustrating for noobs but really fun once you get good at them.
I should also mention that ultimately I love all these games. Pregmod is probably my most recent gamecrush, but I've played it through several times in the last couple weeks and it's fucking RAD. Doesn't exactly hurt that it is EXTREMELY not-Patreon-friendly, because I'm here to play weird porn games and not to try to make a living off making weird porn games that are also large-corporation-friendly. [Note: this is not intended to insult people who do want to make a living making porn games that Paypal is willing to be a payment processor for. That's totally your call to make. But I'm only gonna play/buy the shit I want to play/buy, and banning incest is pretty much 'the line' for me.]