HTML - What Is Real? [v0.85] [Walbobo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game. I remember playing it early in it's development, and being disappointed, but I am glad I came back to check it out.
    It's really good when it comes to impregnation content, and the grind to reach this content. You don't have to spend too much time grinding stats or money.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Standard HTML game, lot of useless places to explore on the map.
    Non-story driven navigation, but just "freedom" to waste thousand clicks before triggering some scene.

    No sense of real meaningful plot.
    Look for the permutation that will trigger eventually something that will be represented by a quick hasty few seconds of sex scene.

    Literally a CTRL-C CTRL-V from other HTML games no attempt to revisit/reinvent a better gameplay that involve the player.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    Review based on v0.75

    Overall 10/10 rating

    Yes, a perfect score....

    So I tried this game way back when it first got released and I was like wtf is this shit. But honestly this game has come a long way since then and it is easily my favourite female protagonist real porn HTML game

    It is a genre/subgenre I enjoy a lot so I've played a lot of female prota HTML games and this one definitely does it all but better

    A lot of HTML games get bogged down with repetitive grind that doesn't always bring much reward or has you exploring a big game world (as in many locations) to find the h-content which all comes across as random and unconnected

    Here that is not the case, there is a clear structure, the UI is great and you get clear guidance on what to do next. There is an in-game guide if you do get stuck and to top it all off you get tips on the actual dialogue scene where you are expected to do specific actions to progress that character's relationship with the protagonist

    There are many different characters to progress events with all with very different fetishes and the real porn scenes actually match the events and the dev has done a great job ensuring that events use models that all look similar for the protagonist and a lot of the events all use the same real porn sequences so that it is the same model always which is a great touch and helps with the immersion

    In terms of actual content there is hours worth of gameplay here so far in v0.75 and a lot of experimentation to find al the content as each character also seems to have unique pregnancy content as well so not only are you doing all the pathways but you can also try to get pregnant with each character and see where that takes you

    The overarching plot is decent enough to hold it all together and so far I've not encountered bugs, issues or deadends. It is also nice there are some of those classic real porn HTML events in exploration as well so you get the best of both worlds here

    As far as female protagonist HTML games go this is probably one of the most finished ones on the site and if the dev keeps up this development pace this may well be one of the first finished HTML games on this site in this genre

    It is also nice that the game does start off relatively slow to really build up to the corruption but all the while without being grindy as you are still being introduced to the game world, mechanics and the characters so it flows very naturally

    If you like female protagonist games and you enjoy HTML real porn games in that genre then this is definitely a must play
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I have no idea what this game is about... Seriously, is it a parody of The Matrix, X-Men, or It looks like someone had a little too much fun with the powder while writing this. That's all the hate I have for it. Everything else looks good. the characters are fairly consistent (for example, the main character is always played by actresses with blonde hair). The dialogues are concise, as it’s not meant to be a novel but a porn game. Earning money is quite enjoyable and quick, stats increase, and the game is exactly what it’s supposed to be, not pretending to be a great novel.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Better than most HTML games I've tried.

    The game is a bit grindy but the story, the scenes and the amount of content make up for it.

    English isn't perfect, but it's more than understandable, overall a pretty decent game.

    There is room for improvement, and I'd love to see where this game is headed.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    + Some hot gifs
    + lots of breadth

    ~ Some depth
    ~ broken money economy (just spam stripper)

    - grind kinda bad if don't exploit glitch
    - very bad Engrish
    - boring and and cliche characters. Alternate universe where everyone is a exhibitionist horndog
    - shitty UI. takes forever to travel from A to B.
    - gameplay design railroads you exhibitionist slut. No other character builds.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game. I think it does the best with preggo stuff. There is a bit of a grind to get things opened and a lot of overlapping quest items. I think it would be better if the requirements were for a time of day, not a specific day and time. Yes, I know that extends the play of the game, but when you are working on multiple quests and you have to meet X person on Friday night, but you also have to do Y thing on Friday night, then you have to go a whole week before you can move on with the second thing.

    There is a lot of content so far and yes there are some bugs (what in progress game doesn't have them?)

    I'd like to see an option when you are repeating an event for the game to prompt: "repeat event y/n?" that way you can skip it, if it doesn't have any impact other than use time.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it. The interactions felt ''real'' and the clips used were chosen well. Some bugs or glitches such as being able to easily get 100 dollars at the bar by spamming the facial contest multiple times pr day. But quite a lot of interesting sex unlocks , eg if you've watched porn at night and masturbate, suddenly your bro will join you later if you corrupt him enough. So it's interesting to re-visit places.


    I find it cool that mom can leave, and dad can be arrested and there are late game unlocks in court for this. I wish there were more risks such as a risk you'd get caught doing sex would give some punishment, but also interesting rewards/unlocks.

    I'd love to see the few bugs ironed out especially how easy it was getting money in the bar, perhaps only 1 pr day so that other jobs like in restaurant, photoshoot or cleaning would be viable. More clothing examples, more corruption levels (think 3 or 4 now?) and it was quite easy reaching last corrupt level.
    Likes: DuniX
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This would have been a 4+ if it wasn't for the dreadful grind!
    There seem to be some kind of standard of most real porn games that the player have to spend hours on end grinding stats. The power up for the needed ability doesn't even increase for all obvious sex interactions!
    The underlying scripting doesn't make sense either since there are some scenes which shouldn't be possible to see. The game also suffers from the core problem with all real porn games, the persons involved differ from scene to scene, this game does this far better than others but sometime they are just thrown in for the fuck of it.

    Where the scripts can be fixed the fundamental issue with grinding would still exist.

    Part from this I enjoyed the game, it had some nice pregnancy images too but I wouldn't pay money to unlock the majority of scenes hidden behind the paywall.

  10. 2.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This review is for v0.50

    Grindy, broken English all over the place, buggy as hell, and you can apparently hard lock yourself out of being able to progress the story (which in itself is grindy AF to get through).

    The story is very vague at best, with your character getting some sort of ability to do vague things after having enough sex, but don't have specific kinds of sex with specific characters, otherwise you'll have to either wait for time to pass by because you got pregnant, or you'll have to start completely over because the person who got you pregnant was key to the story and is now in jail for incest and you have no way to get them out of jail, effectively hard locking the story and wasting your time.

    If this were a finished product, I would give it a flat 1/5 purely because we can't give 0/5, but since it's only half complete, there is the chance that it redeems itself by reducing the grind, removing the ridiculous ability to hard lock yourself in the story, fixing the writing, and just making the gameplay more enjoyable overall since as is it is just a gallery unlocker with extra steps.
    Do X task enough times to unlock Y event so that Z event can happen.

    As is, just check out the image folder or very specifically don't have sex with any named characters unless they are female because getting pregnant brings the game to a halt for a minimum of 14 days and if it happened to be a key family member who got you pregnant, well, now you have to reload an earlier save or start over entirely because they are going to jail and you can't get them out.

    If the game gets fixed, I might change this review, but as is, it's a broken, grindy, exhausting experience.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    v.047 There is no character development, no rhyme nor reason for the "corruption", and the English is straight up broken (eg; "Your dad feeled shocked").

    Time is used (events are scripted at different parts of the day), but fully broken. For example, studying once during the early morning advances time, but you can study a dozen times at night without time advancing.

    Navigation is a pain in the ass, and there doesn't seem to be any random events; just a matter of repeating events, increasing stats, and unlocking new scenes.

    It lacks many basic functionalities such as keyboard shortcuts or selling clothes that you don't want anymore. There's obviously no map.

    So why 4 stars? Because it has considerably more content and less grind than other games of its kind, and by the looks of it, the dev cares, which is out of the norm when it comes to adult games. The choice of porn is also enjoyable.

    My advice would be to spend some time polishing the existing content and learning a bit more about Twine to improve both the presentation and the functionality.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    While the game is currently not finished, what is there is quite fun and the latest addition of things like a pregnancy system as barebones as it currently is (the whole system was only introduced with the current patch and you can only become pregnant from one character) is already one of the best implementation of pregnancy i have seen in any game! The dev seems to be very eager to really make an amazing, fun and sexy game to be enjoyed by us players, and is not simply sitting on his patreons and milking them dry while slowly bringing some tiny patch every 6 month, like so many other games that started very good, so i have currently a high hope that the development will proceed in a nice tempo.

    The only bad thing is the current story-system. Not the story itself mind you, but the tasks to continue it. At some point you get an ability that is slowly recharging by having sex. And to continue the story you need the ability charged, thus you have to engage in a lot of sexual situations. What isnt a bad idea since its a sex-game after all, so it makes sense that the lewd events are not seperated from the maingame but an integral part of it. But the thing is that to continue the story in any meaningful way you have to charge this ability over and over and over again, making the fun sexual situations from the start extremly grindy and after some time i just spammend the same fast sex-events over and over just to fill the stupid bar that i could read 2 more lines of why i need to charge the bar again... Thanksfully after some time the story events become way better, in the sense that you will unlock quite some content with a single charge, but at the start of the game this charge mechanic is grind-madness and i hope that i will get severly reworked in one of the coming patches, because i fear that it could scare away a lot of players from very good content, who dont want to endure the grind that is currently nessersary to advance some parts of the story.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    'm totally vibin' with this game, the situations are off the charts! Whether you're into guys or gals, it's all fire. This game's only at 0.35, but it's packin' more content than some finished games out there.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing is in broken English, and seems entirely unedited. That can be fine if it's in the service of weird or interesting ideas and the creator is just moving too fast to polish the work, but that isn't the case here. Likewise the creator is taking very well-trodden, vanilla ideas a lot of HTML 'corrupt a girl' simulators have done which is fine if it's done with polish or artistry, and that isn't the case either.

    The game has good pictures and a good selection of visual elements, and a lot of its scenarios are hot. That's kind of it, though.

    The mechanical elements are either entirely superfluous (I haven't found a use for most of the things you need to grind) or way too tedious (filling the sex meter for every objective is ridiculous) or broken (a lot of sexual encounters won't fill your sex meter because it's entirely been forgotten in the code. A quickie at school will increase it, but not one at the park or on the bus. Etc.)

    Then there's the narrative. You literally need to use superpowers to be able to do things like solve a rot12 cipher and multiply three numbers together, I have no idea what it says about the protagonist they needed science fiction assistance to bring them up to a primary schoolers ability. Nothing good.

    The dialogue would be better written by ChatGPT given the same prompts. The result would suffer no loss of originality and gain a lot in readability.

    This review is made at the time of version 0.32.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent game, great videos. very good html game. i would recommend it. its very enjoyable to play a lot of content. only criticism i have is that you are not given hints on what to do next after awhile as walkthrough is generic so it does become a bit repetitive as you try to figure out what to do... hints and or progress (if any) would be helpful. Either way, great game dev. v/r Diego
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review is for V0.15a
    Overall a decent start. My main complaint is that there are some formatting issues where links are way down on the page and you have to scroll down to get to them, for no apparent reason.
    Other than that, the only other "issue" would be a lack of content. For now, it's got a good amount for an early version, but you'll get to the content pretty quick and then it's just doing the same events and getting the same scenes over and over again. The amount of scenes is very good though. The two characters that have scenes have quite a few scenes to go out and find, which is a huge plus in these types of games.
    Overall, a really solid start. Fixing the couple of formatting issues, and keeping this level of content up will get this in really good shape.
    Update for 0.32 - Still really good, there is just a small balance issue with cash. Every time slot is so filled up with scenes that doing anything that requires making money feels far less fulfilling. I end up making all my money at the bar sucking cock, and never working at the restaurant since the later takes up a time slot
    Update for 0.65
    A lot of progress since the last time I played. My only real complaint now is that pregnancy has no real content. It's done OK, but it's just a couple of sex scenes and then go to bed everyday. it would be better if it was just one longer scene, but I assume that more pregnancy content is coming so it's understandable.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was very enjoyable. Videos are great. Scenarios are fun. The story is promising. I can't wait to see what more will be added in the future. The only problem I could have with this game is the short length, but it seems like content is being added very fast, so I'm sure it will not be a problem for long. This game is definitely worth playing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is unique. Good choices of videos and hooking intro. Certainly, I will follow up with this game and can't wait to see what will Emma face in her future. I would like to see more content in the city though.
    Overall, the game is promising and a good start for V0.15. keep up!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting concept but this is litterally a prototype in its earliest stages, its basically unedited in terms of visuals from standard sugar cube and there are plenty of broken links that lead you to dead ends. If something it not implemented, don't include it, or at least give people the idea that you have thought about that location before uploading.

    Lack of tutorial/direction to start the game and no way to tell how much progress is made with characteers/ how much content they have left.