This review is for v0.50
Grindy, broken English all over the place, buggy as hell, and you can apparently hard lock yourself out of being able to progress the story (which in itself is grindy AF to get through).
The story is very vague at best, with your character getting some sort of ability to do vague things after having enough sex, but don't have specific kinds of sex with specific characters, otherwise you'll have to either wait for time to pass by because you got pregnant, or you'll have to start completely over because the person who got you pregnant was key to the story and is now in jail for incest and you have no way to get them out of jail, effectively hard locking the story and wasting your time.
If this were a finished product, I would give it a flat 1/5 purely because we can't give 0/5, but since it's only half complete, there is the chance that it redeems itself by reducing the grind, removing the ridiculous ability to hard lock yourself in the story, fixing the writing, and just making the gameplay more enjoyable overall since as is it is just a gallery unlocker with extra steps.
Do X task enough times to unlock Y event so that Z event can happen.
As is, just check out the image folder or very specifically don't have sex with any named characters unless they are female because getting pregnant brings the game to a halt for a minimum of 14 days and if it happened to be a key family member who got you pregnant, well, now you have to reload an earlier save or start over entirely because they are going to jail and you can't get them out.
If the game gets fixed, I might change this review, but as is, it's a broken, grindy, exhausting experience.