What is the best engine for a lifesim game


Apr 15, 2019
What engine would be the best to use to make text based 2D game with a kind of "open world" and player stats etc.? I've been figuring out Ren'Py, but i'm not sure if something like that is possible there and if it is i would appreciate sharing some tutorials or something. Thanks!


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
It is absolutely possible with Ren'py. There are many "open world" games out there built with Ren'py. Summertime Saga is one of the biggest and most complex that I know of. "Whores of Thrones" (which I work on) is also built using it. There are tons of others.

Fundamentally, the biggest difference between the way you write an "open world" game and a visual novel is typically that in the former, you're going to be having a sequence of "go here, wait for the player to choose where to go next, go there, wait for the player to choose where to go next" type sequences. I don't know of any tutorials on how to set up this type of game, but the biggest thing is that you're going to use "call screen" a lot. Each "location" you take the player to will end up being a Ren'py screen with various buttons on it (probably imagebuttons so you can do things like make the "door the button"). You'll "call" the screen, which causes Ren'py to stop advancing and wait for the player to do something with the screen. Your buttons will then either Return() a value back to the calling point, or else will Jump() to the next correct spot. (Both of these actions dismiss the screen.)

Also, you're going to have to think about your fundamental game structure. Typically, "open world" games have multiple story lines that they player advances by performing certain events. (e.g. "if it's noon, you're in her bedroom and you talk to her, you get a sequence of dialog and screens and then the next event is at night in the park" kind of things) So you have to think out your story in that frame of mind, realizing that you won't necessarily control the order in which the player may take certain steps. (e.g. they may find all the events with character A first, may alternate between character A and B, etc.) Thus, you need to spend some time thinking about how you're going to represent the individual story lines in terms of variables, what the events are that trigger the advancement of the story ("talk to her, but you need to have acquired 5 love points") and how the story lines interact ("you can't do this event with him until you've done event B with her").

Thus, this type of game requires a fundamentally different approach both to writing the code for the game and also authorship.

All that being said, you can absolutely, 100% do this in Ren'py, and Ren'py is a lot easier to learn than, say, Unity. But... if this is your first attempt at writing a game, I would suggest that you instead start with a small visual novel type of game to get your feet wet and get comfortable with Ren'py. Baby steps, right? Once you're comfortable with Ren'py variables, screens, dialog, etc., THEN make the dive into the more complex game type.

Just my $0.02.


Apr 15, 2019
Wow thanks for the help! I guess i'll stick to Ren'Py then and try to figure it out from there. Again thanks a lot!


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
renpy can't do "open world" unless you make 20GB in content that probably won't get seen in a single play thru.

renpy follows a script, and you can't deviate from that script, maybe you can jump around in the script, but you can't go off script at all. Open world is all about freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, not sticking to the script.
renpy is image based... if there is no pre-made image, you can't do it in renpy.

engines like Unity and Unreal are made for open world. animations are built into the engine, not a single video clip
you can fuck on the sofa, bed, floor, hood of the car, on the table.. wherever whenever


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
renpy can't do "open world" unless you make 20GB in content that probably won't get seen in a single play thru.

renpy follows a script, and you can't deviate from that script, maybe you can jump around in the script, but you can't go off script at all. Open world is all about freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, not sticking to the script.
renpy is image based... if there is no pre-made image, you can't do it in renpy.

engines like Unity and Unreal are made for open world. animations are built into the engine, not a single video clip
you can fuck on the sofa, bed, floor, hood of the car, on the table.. wherever whenever
Depends on your definition of "open world," I guess. If by "open world," you mean a game like "House Party" where you can literally wander anywhere you like and view from any angle you like, then, yes, you're correct. Those are basically "true 3D world" games, and Ren'py isn't at all suited for that type of game.

On the other hand, if by "open world" one is talking about games like "Summertime Saga," "Big Brother," or "Milfy City" in which there are many "locations," and the player can choose what location they want to go to in whatever order they want (as distinct from something like "Dating My Daughter," which is a classic VN-format game) then you absolutely can code that in Ren'py. Based on your definition, games like this could be considered collections of "scriptlets" that get stitched together based on the player's path through the world. The artwork and the way it fits together in small sections of script is pre-determined, but the order of play of the various events is still largely in the player's control. (And the artwork is all 2D.)

There are relatively few "true 3D world" games out there, since they are probably the most complex types to code, and also require a pretty decent computer system on which to play them if you're looking for high-fidelity graphics.

"The Twist" is kind of a hybrid between the two types. You don't have the freedom of movement that you have in "House Party." The individual scenes are scripted in terms of "what happens next," however you do have some freedom to view the action from a vantage point of your choosing.

So, it all comes down to your definition of "open world."


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Depends on your definition of "open world," I guess. If by "open world," you mean a game like "House Party" where you can literally wander anywhere you like and view from any angle you like, then, yes, you're correct. Those are basically "true 3D world" games, and Ren'py isn't at all suited for that type of game.

On the other hand, if by "open world" one is talking about games like "Summertime Saga," "Big Brother," or "Milfy City" in which there are many "locations," and the player can choose what location they want to go to in whatever order they want (as distinct from something like "Dating My Daughter," which is a classic VN-format game) then you absolutely can code that in Ren'py. Based on your definition, games like this could be considered collections of "scriptlets" that get stitched together based on the player's path through the world. The artwork and the way it fits together in small sections of script is pre-determined, but the order of play of the various events is still largely in the player's control. (And the artwork is all 2D.)

There are relatively few "true 3D world" games out there, since they are probably the most complex types to code, and also require a pretty decent computer system on which to play them if you're looking for high-fidelity graphics.

"The Twist" is kind of a hybrid between the two types. You don't have the freedom of movement that you have in "House Party." The individual scenes are scripted in terms of "what happens next," however you do have some freedom to view the action from a vantage point of your choosing.

So, it all comes down to your definition of "open world."


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
Sigh. Yes, that page provides a general definition with a large number of examples. However, if you actually read the article, as opposed to just tossing a Wikipedia quote at us, you'll find that many of the early (20th century) games that are considered the origins of the "open world concept" are closer to "Summertime Saga," "Big Brother," or "Milfy City" than "House Party." Trust me - I've played many of them. (All the way back to Colossal Cave Adventure.)

Furthermore, if you read the OP, you'll see that the general description of the type of game being considered was
text based 2D game with a kind of "open world" and player stats etc.
Thus, the OP is using "open world" in a different sense than you are, since he is thinking in terms of a "text-based 2D game", which is Ren'py's sweet spot.