What is the best free/pirated text generator tool for creating lewd game?


May 27, 2017
Recently I found a cool text generator tool that uses deep learning to produce human-like text called GPT neo
I have not tested it yet, in fact, I didn't even know a tool like that exist. So does anyone know a free/pirated tool that works in a similar way with GPT neo for creating lewd game?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
So does anyone know a free/pirated tool that works in a similar way with GPT neo for creating lewd game?
The only really effective tool to create stories, whatever for a lewd game or not, is free and we all have one at home. It's called "a brain".

It's not because it's a lewd game, and an indie one, that players don't deserve a coherent story, consistent characters' personality, and all.
To some extend, it doesn't matter this much if you aren't a great writer, as long as you stay coherent and that your characters don't feel like empty dummies who only live to interact with the MC. So, tell the story you want to tell, and tell it by yourself. It will always be more pleasant for the player than an AI generated one.


May 27, 2017
The only really effective tool to create stories, whatever for a lewd game or not, is free and we all have one at home. It's called "a brain".

It's not because it's a lewd game, and an indie one, that players don't deserve a coherent story, consistent characters' personality, and all.
To some extend, it doesn't matter this much if you aren't a great writer, as long as you stay coherent and that your characters don't feel like empty dummies who only live to interact with the MC. So, tell the story you want to tell, and tell it by yourself. It will always be more pleasant for the player than an AI generated one.
I mean of course we will need to use our brain and our writing skills but just take a look at how technology can help us now days. We can't go to a place that is more than 10 kilometers by just walking, it will take a lot of energy and a lot of time. We need a vehicle. Just like when we want to create "a perfect" novel game, it will be far more effective if we use a tool that can help us achieving it instead of solely relying on our brains that already have so many problems in life.

There's nothing wrong with using a tool to help us in our writing process to make better improvements to our games


Dec 22, 2017
I think you're vastly overestimating what these kind of models are capable of. Most output from AI models is unintelligible nonsense garbage and none of them can pass the Turing test, not that that matters.

What is the point of creating something if you don't even want to create it yourself?

Oh, and in case you didn't know already but all machine learning algorithms require extremely large data sets (in this case, stories) before they can work. The recent developments was not in AI, but in companies ability to gather enormous amount of annotated sample data (like pictures of cats and people).
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Just like when we want to create "a perfect" novel game, it will be far more effective if we use a tool that can help us achieving it instead of solely relying on our brains that already have so many problems in life.
Are you saying that, in more than two millennium, no one yet was able to write a single good story ?

When it come to arts, and writing is an art, tools can only provide you with raw materials. Then you'll have to polish it, slowly and manually.
When its applied to writing, polishing it will need more times and energy than doing everything by yourself. This mostly because the story not being yours. Therefore, you'll not have the ins and outs in mind, constantly looking back at was already be wrote, to ensure that it's still coherent.
And constancy will not be your only problem. Make just one wrong assumption regarding the direction followed by the AI, and you're doomed. When you'll notice that it and you aren't following the same journey, either you'll have to rewrite a big part of the already polished content, or you'll just have to discard whatever the AI provide you in the future.

But this isn't even the biggest issue you'll have. As I said, AI can be good, but only when it come to raw material, therefore something static that will lack of meaning and depth. An advanced AI can probably write the Lord of the Rings, but it will be a 100 pages story. All the substance of Tolkien's writing will be absent. All the emotions carried through the story, it will be your duty to put them back.
While this kind of story can still be enough for a movie pitch, because the actors will provide what is missing, it would only lead to something average for a book. As for a game, what is the topic here, it's just a big no. A game is something dynamic, the narration should be limited to the strict minimum, everything relying on the action, whatever through the visual, or through the dialogs. Therefore, it's the exact opposite of what an AI can provide you.

Worse, to be meaningful, dialogs need to carry the characters' emotions, and it's where AI are the worse. Since they can't understand emotions, they also are totally unable to transcribe them correctly.
"I'm your mother, so, no, we will never do this."
"Asking me this, are you crazy ? I'm your mother !"
"Honey, we can't do this... I'm your mother..."
"Not now. Remember, I'm your mother."

In both case, the mother refuse to do something incestuous with her son, precisely because it's incestuous. But each one of those example carry a really different message.

The first example use a neutral tone. We can expect the son to be young, or at least to have made a small demand ; a french kiss, seeing her nude, or something like that. He don't know that what he want is wrong, or don't feel it as wrong as it is, and the mother react accordingly.
In the second example, the mother is angry. The son is past his half teen ages, and asked for something explicitly sexual, what clearly offended her.
For the third example, whatever the son was asking, he clearly isn't the only one to have incestuous thoughts. The mother is ready to give up to her own lust, a small push from the son and she'll be his.
As for the last example, the mother is already in an incestuous relationship with her son. The problem is not what he asked, but the moment he asked it ; he can't french kiss is mother during the usual family dinner at Christmas by example.

What an AI will give you is a generic sentence expressing the refuse, and possibly including the reason. It will then be your job to make it fit the full context. And, as I said, this will need more times and energy than writing the dialog by yourself.
When you write, you're in front of your keyboard, but your mind is in the center of the action. You are living it, and it's how the words come, how the sentences add together. You are witnessing the scene, and you just report what you see, what you hear. Then, when you'll go back to your works, to correct him, giving it it's last polish touch, it will be like those times where you think about something that happened in your past, and you wonder if saying "this" wouldn't have been better.
But if you rely on an AI for the draft, it become something else. You'll not write about what you see. The witness will be a third person, and you'll base all your works on his transcription of the action. It's not something impossible to do, but it's the job of a script doctor, and it's an art even more difficult than writing ; yet, a script doctor have something that you'll not have, he can ask precision to the author...

There's nothing wrong with using a tool to help us in our writing process to make better improvements to our games
There's nothing wrong, yes, but only when it effectively improve something, what isn't the case here.

To use your own example, you're going for a 100km trip, using a plane in place of a car. Therefore you'll have to travel for 30km in order to take your plane, do 150km with the plane, then travel 20km to reach your destination. It will neither be faster, nor more efficient.


May 27, 2017
Are you saying that, in more than two millennium, no one yet was able to write a single good story ?
Nope I am just simply stating my own reason to use this tool

Make just one wrong assumption regarding the direction followed by the AI, and you're doomed. When you'll notice that it and you aren't following the same journey, either you'll have to rewrite a big part of the already polished content, or you'll just have to discard whatever the AI provide you in the future.
That depends on how we use the AI and if we are fucked up like we aren't following the same journey just like what you said, we don't blame the AI, we blame ourselves why we can't use this AI properly to improve our novel game. Just like when someone kills a person using a knife, we don't blame the knife, we blame the person who uses that knife improperly.

To use your own example, you're going for a 100km trip, using a plane in place of a car. Therefore you'll have to travel for 30km in order to take your plane, do 150km with the plane, then travel 20km to reach your destination. It will neither be faster, nor more efficient.
Well I reach my destination, This is better than walking 100km trip with just walking right? ;)

My point is this AI is just a tool to help us improve our game, if it slows you down and cant improve your games then don't use it but it will be such a waste if we don't open our minds to such a powerful tool to our community

I never say AI writing skills is better than human, ofcourse human is far more better but I am sure in the next few years there will be game creators who don't have good writing skills and they need help in that field and this tool may help them so back to the topic does anyone here know what is the best free/pirated text generator tool for creating lewd game?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Just like when someone kills a person using a knife, we don't blame the knife, we blame the person who uses that knife improperly.
Once again you used the wrong metaphor.
What correspond to my argument is killing someone because your car's brakes haven't worked correctly. In which case the blame fall both on the car and you. The car because the brakes shouldn't broke suddenly, and you because you should have cared more about your car.
It's exactly the same problem here. The AI would be in fault, because it can't build story correctly (what is true despite what you believe), and you would too, because it did what you asked it, and not what you thought you were asking.

I did only one thing, looking at the example page for , and I was far to be impressed. Of course, it's amazing that a computer can do that, especially for someone like me who knew them when they were dumb. But it's nothing near to what is expected from a writer.

The Advertisement writing target the wrong persons. People who would feel appealed by such phrasing already provide their children with as many tutors than they need. The ad should target the middle class, both in need of help for their children schooling, and wealthy enough to afford the service. But middle class parents wouldn't respond to such formal speech.
Translation example... Well, sorry, but "What rooms do you have available?" is wrongly translated, both in French and Spanish. Technically, the Spanish translation is correct, but more literal than practical, and the French one failed because rooms is a feminine word, not a masculine one. In both case it's details, but it's what break everything and make the result feel odd, betraying the mechanical process, in place of feeling natural.

But the worse is probably the supposed horror story ; "I was lying in bed, trying to get to sleep, when I heard the wind howling outside my window. It sounded like something was trying to get in". Seriously ? The use of, "it sounded like", kill the purpose of the story, since it defuse all the tension.
Without thinking, the same story with a bit more tension: "Lying in bed, light off, I couldn't fall asleep. That sound at my window, was it just the wind howling, or was it someone trying to get in ?"

I never say AI writing skills is better than human, ofcourse human is far more better but I am sure in the next few years [...]
Sorry, but while I recognize that AI made great progress, this "in the next few years", I hear it since I started to grow interest in "new technologies", when I was tenish, in the early 80's.
Near to forty years... It's not my definition of "few". Of course, since people never stop to say it, one day it will become true. But this day is still far away. Seven year that OpenAI works on their project, and they are still far to have something effectively reliable, even for short content. So, an AI able to write a full story, 60,000 or more words in a row, while staying consistent, coherent, and sounding real, I doubt that it will happen before twenty years or more.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
If you want to test free AI story generation, you can try . It doesn't cost anything and you don't need an account.
However, it is definitely not one of the best AIs.
The other free alternative would be (which uses OpenAI and their own AIs). It does have a better free AI, but you have to deal with ads and an energy system. Their good ones costs money. Also, they have blocked certain types of NSFW content in the past, because OpenAI is against using their AI for porn.

There are of course other better alternatives, but these either require you to set them up yourself like Kobold AI (need a decent computer) or don't offer an free Ai like (Supposed to be one of the best).

And, as mentioned by anne O'nymous, these AIs might be quite good, but it doesn't take long for to recognize certain patterns and realize how limited the AI is with depicting pornographic content.
For this to work you must have an AI that is explicitly trained on erotica and pornography and a bit of post-editing.

Still, even with preparation and diligent input, it is not (yet) able to replace human-written erotica (Unless it was written by untalented people).
So don't expect players to be satisfied with these texts in games unless they are accompanied with lewd pictures. ;)
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Sep 27, 2018
I have actually given them a shot out of curiosity, and there are two scenarios:
1- The tool is free, and it is a messy pile of things (that might give you an idea, the same way as watching a movie or reading anything would).
2- The tool has a free trial and cannot be "pirated", which is more intelligible and has more chances to give you ideas.

So, at the end, you either pay in order to read a lot and get some cool ideas or do not.
Ultimately, you still need to write.


May 27, 2017
If you want to test free AI story generation, you can try . It doesn't cost anything and you don't need an account.
However, it is definitely not one of the best AIs.
The other free alternative would be (which uses OpenAI and their own AIs). It does have a better free AI, but you have to deal with ads and an energy system. Their good ones costs money. Also, they have blocked certain types of NSFW content in the past, because OpenAI is against using their AI for porn.

There are of course other better alternatives, but these either require you to set them up yourself like Kobold AI (need a decent computer) or don't offer an free Ai like (Supposed to be one of the best).

And, as mentioned by anne O'nymous, these AIs might be quite good, but it doesn't take long for to recognize certain patterns and realize how limited the AI is with depicting pornographic content.
For this to work you must have an AI that is explicitly trained on erotica and pornography and a bit of post-editing.

Still, even with preparation and diligent input, it is not (yet) able to replace human-written erotica (Unless it was written by untalented people).
So don't expect players to be satisfied with these texts in games unless they are accompanied with lewd pictures. ;)
Thank you, this is the answer that I am looking for! Yea sadly we need to train them on erotica as well as pornography and I hear to train them we need really really powerful GPU

OP: Asks Question

Readers: Don't have the answer
Also Readers: UsE uR bRaIn LmAo
Lmao But it is what it is, I appreciate everyone who has been willing to try to help me

I have actually given them a shot out of curiosity, and there are two scenarios:
1- The tool is free, and it is a messy pile of things (that might give you an idea, the same way as watching a movie or reading anything would).
2- The tool has a free trial and cannot be "pirated", which is more intelligible and has more chances to give you ideas.

So, at the end, you either pay in order to read a lot and get some cool ideas or do not.
Ultimately, you still need to write.
yea sadly there is no pirated version from gpt 3
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Forum Fanatic
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Sep 27, 2018
Thank you, this is the answer that I am looking for! Yea sadly we need to train them on erotica as well as pornography and I hear to train them we need really really powerful GPU

Lmao But it is what it is, I appreciate everyone who has been willing to try to help me

yea sadly there is no pirated version from gpt 3
You are not missing out on much, I'd say Dall*E is far more interesting, but even then the example shown are surely cherry picked.
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