What is this XML file here?

Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
Jul 16, 2021
This looks like an RSS Feed link
That's precisely what it is. It helps users keep up to date on posts by having bi-directional updates of feed data for the F95 server.

You can also synch to Outlook or other emailing systems to keep yourself abreast of specific page updates/sections across the F95 site.

Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
Jul 16, 2021
Mike17723 - that provides some quick facts and breaks down the concept of RSS feeds further. Good to keep in your back pocket in case you want to read up on more information about what RSS is in a nutshell.


Jan 9, 2019
Okay, so F95 now has support for RSS feeds only from the "Latest Updates" section, cool.

Too bad I won't be using it because, 1 year ago I tried using for its nice html tag diff detection and 3 minutes later they started asking for a monthly payment for 6 web pages or more, so I was like pfffff no way and left them, later that day I went to search for a decent RSS Feed Desktop client that is not a damn email client and well, that was a painful miserable experience, it was so miserable that I was completely convinced that manually writing a script with powershell Invoke-WebRequest a.k.a. wget's cousin would be so much easier. And that's what I did. And it works. Casual internet users won't be going to such extreme lengths, but I am not a casual user :) .

One note about the back-end F95 web server performance though:
The XML file here more specifically the URL "https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/#/cat=games/page=1/search=test" for example, seems to accept literally any filter you write by tags, title, category, game engine, etc... making this 1 trillion trillion trillion approximate possible filters instead of like, 50 hardcoded RSS feeds one per category or something, and unless there's some kind of a limit on the amount of feeds a single RSS client can subscribe for notifications to, then a single client of a troll user should be able to subscribe to ~50 000 different RSS feeds, thus overload RSS feed notification sender used by F95, and overload the "Latest Updates" filter which returns the matched results, and thus very easily brick the website.