What makes a good renpy game?


Oct 8, 2017
I'm currently creating one and would like to ask what, exept good portrait and scenes, makes an enjoyable game.

Like, if someone were to rip off assets from a popular game and create one himself, it would obviously not "feel" as good, so what's the difference in a good game


Aug 10, 2019
Well, if I had to give my two cents on this:
1) Characters interactions - not just Main Character to others, but also among themselves.
2) Gameplay builds up appropriately. It's not "hi, bang, away we go."


Jun 4, 2022
It depends on the genre... if we are talking non harem then I think these are things I'd like to see....

a) characters that (more or less) behave like actual people, no instant attraction between people who hump each other 5 minutes after meeting for the first time, instant attraction itself is fine of course, it happens in real life all the time as well, but things still need a proper build-up
b) a compelling story that is not separate from the romance, but where the two are interwoven
c) not every female should be a bi-curious group sex fanatic willing to share, at least one main LI should have the option to be faithful to the MC (and vice versa) and not be ok with sharing or cheating - IF said LI gets a proper amount of content, which directly leads to the next point
d) focus only on a few LIs, flesh out their characters and arcs instead of adding more and more and more women to the game as it progresses to either stall things or to pad the game so you can keep it going longer than it needs to be. Avoid the common trope of making one or several LIs unavailable for a chapter or even more (because they need to leave town or have to think things over, are angry etc) so the player is virtually forced to romance other potential LIs. It may be easier to just add new girls, but it's more rewarding and meaningful if there are only few LIs for whom the relationship deepens and develops over time
e) sandboxes are usually a mess and very tedious, if it has to have some kind of free roam always make it VERY obvious when and where you need to be, but then it might as well be linear anyway, so sandboxes usually add nothing of worth in my opinion
f) avoid grind at all costs, it's just boring, having to repeat the same event with a certain LI just to raise points is tedious
g) and please don't push the sliders for breasts, hips or waist up to 11. The female characters should resemble normal human beings, same goes for the MC of course, horse appendages are maybe the silliest trope I have ever seen in VNs
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May 22, 2018
For me personally, open world/adventure/sandbox elements. It has to have some interactivity for me to get excited. Of course it shouldn't have excessive and tedious grinding, but I do like when a game makes me work a bit for it. Otherwise I feel like I might as just watch porn.
Jun 12, 2021
Clear navigation. Even polished games in other areas sometimes have a counter-intuitive room or set of navigation where I have no idea where I'm supposed to slick, or where I click doesn't make sense.