What most corruption games do wrong


Jun 30, 2022
So I just got done playing Circle Poison’s newish game, called and the hero was never seen again or something along those lines lol. About a male hero who was turned into a female. While that premise isn’t usually my vibe, the story doesn’t seem to really capitalize and that story beat, especially during the H scenes. The art in this game was great, and some of the writing, even though it was MTL for me, was pretty good. Even with mtl some of the comedic and dramatic parts got through to me. I think the same can be said about a lot of corruption games I’ve played, and I’ve played A LOT of female corruption games.

80% of corruptiongames I’ve played have missed one important thing and it’s usually one whole stage of corruption.There’s been so many times Ive played for an hour, I’ve seen the FMC suck one dick and then the next scene she’s getting gangbanged or doing some other deep ended obscenity, or it’s the opposite and I’ve been playing the game for hours and the lewdness progresses but it’s only ever non-consensual stuff. Like who’s gonna tell these devs that a truly corrupted FMC is going to want consensual sex, and be verbal about it.

I brought up that Circle Poison game because after playing it for 10 hrs or so, all the way to the end, I kept waiting for that one scene where I felt like “ooh she is a SLUT now” and I only gotdrug induced sluttiness and maybe one line where the heroines were enjoying it, which doesn’t cut it for me. The crazy thing is, Circle Poisonknows how to write a truly”corrupt” FMC aka-Slave Hero.

Anyways here’s a few games I’ve played that did do corruption right, although some of them may be overly simple or have just decent art:

All of the Shimobashira Workshop Games (obviously,but IMO these games are the king of the genre so far)

Pray Game (if Shimobashira is the king UROOM is the queen)

Princess of Zeven (and the game about Grace by the same devs)

Virgin’s Protection Magic (idk if this game is slept on but people

Holy Knight Ricca (more isolated to each scene,and some story beats, butthis game does skip some stages during some scenes.)

A few of the double Melon Games (I’ll editthe names in later probably)

Noelle Gives Her All (I know people definitely sleep on games like this just cuz the pixel art)

The EP series Doll, Girl, and Hero Youth ( I know people definitely sleep on this one cuz the pixel art, and no dialogue, but anyone that’s played these games can’t deny they are pure corruption games through and through with pretty fun and satisfying gameplay to boot.

Ntraholic and NTR Legend, (there’s a bunch of other games that basically copy the style these two games also and are fun, but they aren’t corruption like these games are. Ntraholic was also a copy of NTR legend but they did a great job.
NTR dojo and Handyman “something” are two examples of others but can’t think of others atm”

Slave Hero 1+ 2 by Circle Poison (with a lewdness star carry over to the second game which is unheard of actually

There are definitely a few more I can’t think of right now. I’ll add links later in an edit also.

Comment other games you can think of that I haven’t said and also anything else u think a bunch of corruption games are missing.


Mar 10, 2019
thanks for the reccomendations. already had mostbut going to try virgins.
i thnk there is something to be said for the "resisting but not falling" style.

a reccomendation for you would be grace and the labarinth town? i think was the name.