Sex is great but get repetative fast.
Most porn stories are so boring i skip them.
Gameplay is what keeps me invested.
However good gameplay is hard to find even in none porn games.
For example:
Is simple but fun.
So is:
I wish more porn games where games first and porn second.
I mean if i want a quick fap i got movies, stories, etc.
However good gameplay is extreemly hard.
You got to have a decent pacing, interesting mechnic's and something that motivate's you for playing.
Part of why i like brothel games is the building up of my bussiness gameplay.
The sex itself means nothing outside its more interesting then selling boxes.
Or corruption games like:
Where the mind control is both powerfull and limited.
It give's you a lot of power but not total power.
Ever option has a downside and i having to balance what i want vs the cost.
For example: Do i want to gain more control over them at the cost of hard to farm favor's?
Do i want them to be horny all the time but still dress in suits?
Its a puzzle game where you balance different options get the closed possible to your desired result.
You could for example make a game about reprogramming woman.
Where you accauly have to take into considering people need to eat, drink, sleep, etc.
Just think about it.
How do you run a household of mindless drones who wont eat, sleep or drink unless told?
You set up sceduals.
Or you could have a game about sneaking around.
Where you have the thrill of stalking your latest victem without getting caught.
A good game makes you feel like you earned your reward rather then just get it.
Now as it is a porn game the challange's shoudnt be hard.
Just take effort.
Lets take a simple example of a game i came up with(but can not make due to lack of skills and patience)
The idea behind the game is that your the eldest son in a family who already raped his mothers and sisters into submission.
His father is a cop and the only one the main character fears.
The gameplay loop is that you need to keep the womans fear stat below 100 and above 0.
If they get too afraid or too brave its game over.
While at the same time you got to avoid getting caught by your father.
Who would kill you for what you did.
The gameplay is mostly moving around the house and keeping the girls in line while trying to avoid your father catching you in the act.
Like lets say your fucking one of your sisters on the toilet and your father came home early.
You have to keep your victem very quiet to avoid the father hearing you and killing you.
Likewise if fear drops to 0 the girls will simple tell dad(your dead) or if its gets to 100 they kill you out of fear.
Now add to this that the girls obediance is tied to fear.
For example to have a foursome you need to have them all have 80 fear.
Thing is.
Its very easy to get lost in the mood and get to 100 fear or neglect a girl so she gathers the courage(0 fear)
Or a game where you have a harem and you need to balance there many needs to keep peace in the harems.
A lot of games focus on harem building.
Very few focus on how difficult it is to keep them.
Gameplay is fun.
I enjoy building things.
Corrupting people.
Exploiting them.
Sex is fun but power is better.
And a game that makes me feel smart, powerful and in control because i played it well is always more fun then:
Skip unseen text: Skip to sex scene.