What would you like to see in a fantasy or Cyberpunk game?

Cyberpunk or Fantasy?

  • Total voters
Apr 24, 2023
Hello there you all!
I'm studying to become a game developer with a focus on 3D and 2D art. I wanted to try my best at making a nsfw game just for fun and wanted to ask what people would be most interested in.

Do you prefer fantasy games? Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi Settings? Point and Click? Visual Novels? Sandboxes? Plot?

What is it that really makes you the most excited when you see a nsfw game?


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
Title question and poll question aren't the same.

For a hentai game, I'd like something cyberpunk, or sci-fi-ish, because there aren't enough robot fucking games. What I'd like to see *in* said game is customization, because cybernetic implants imply that i can have a different arm, leg or cyberhorsecock ultra-fucker 40k.

As for what you should do, you should start with whatever kinks/fetishes you prefer instead of trying to appease others. Aim small at first, get the hang of things, then you can try something more "general"


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
If you want some input from others that is fine, i would say visual novels are just far overdone, but sandboxes seem to be still fairly rare, so going for that will make me more likely to try it out, rpg elements and minigames would be pretty fun too since i like to play adult *games* not adult slideshows


Dec 23, 2018
There're too much of visual novels, and sandboxes, and platformers, and point&clicks.

As for gameplay, actually, I (and I'm sure many other people) would like to see
  1. some Tower Defense game. Not too complicated, but pleasant to play. Like Plants vs. Zombies stuff.
    Pyorgara tried to make smth primitive of this kind in Breaking the Princess, but not too successfully, alas. I mean, the hentai scenes are fine, but the gameplay itself is still boring.
  2. a Narrative Raising Sim. "Raising what? Princesses, politicians, nations, space ships, whatever" Text-based CYOA-type games where you control a person's life like The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante/Blue Swallow or something more political/economical like Queen in Deficit or Suzerain.