What would you prefer in a porn game?

What would you prefer in a porn game?

  • Single character, variety of mechanics with flexible relationship, many sex scenes.

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • Multiple characters, low variety of mechanics with almost linear relationship, many more sex scenes.

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jun 12, 2024
From my perspective, a balance is really nice. To have some choices whom you want to date for example, yet have various events you can choose from to shape your relationship the way you want. Yet I understand how much harder it is to make a thought through game. This is why there are a lot of harem games that provide you a big variety without being complex, almost like a gallery. Both have their ups and downs, but personally I would go with the first variant. Especially if there is a plot branching and uniqueness of content you get by choosing different sides. It keeps you encouraged to stay true to your path and don't make mistakes. And because you can make mistakes, each choice is not so obvious. Good end is not inevitable, so you actually put effort into your playthrough to "earn" not just receive.
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May 1, 2024
From my perspective, a balance is really nice. To have some choices whom you want to date for example, yet have various events you can choose from to shape your relationship the way you want. Yet I understand how much harder it is to make a thought through game. This is why there are a lot of harem games that provide you a big variety without being complex, almost like a gallery. Both have their ups and downs, but personally I would go with the first variant. Especially if there is a plot branching and uniqueness of content you get by choosing different sides. It keeps you encouraged to stay true to your path and don't make mistakes. And because you can make mistakes, each choice is not so obvious. Good end is not inevitable, so you actually put effort into your playthrough to "earn" not just receive.
This for sure. When you can provide so much variety with a single character journey it's usual a way better experience than with a lot of characters with a linear story. I do agree that a nice balance is the best but ik how much work that can be.


Sep 7, 2022
Focusing on a single character is definitely best (unless you have the time/workforce to actually make multiple characters deep).

I would also say that this applies to kink & theme as well. I see too many game that try to give you everything and end up delivering on none of it.

A corruption incest game is different from a romance dating Sim is different from a pimp simulator is different from an NTR voyer game. Dev's insistence to try and fit multiple different themes shows off how little erotic imagination they have. The can't create enough content for one kink to carry the whole game.


Oct 24, 2017
I prefer multiple characters but not like the current devs do it.
I explain myself, when a developer create a lot of characters it happens that they don´t have time to develop the story and sex scenes of too many characters and still they put in their game 10 or more characters which is a BIG FAIL imo. Also they want to create different paths according your choices which is even more troublesome that´s why I understand you all prefer single characters because it will be more developed and will have more quality, however I still prefer multiple characters but not too many because for me this is a way to replace watching porn. I don´t find porn too atractive for me because I don´t like the lack of stories on it, it´s just persons having sex and its not a turn on for me but in porn videogames the storys are there and it´s a fantasy for me, and irl I will never have an harem so I try to achieve it in porn videogames but with a realistic approach.
In resume, I prefer 3,4,5 girls characters who I can have romance/sex with them and a good dev who can find a path to develop with quality the amount of characters he has.
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