When will we see AI in games?


New Member
Jul 13, 2017

with the raise of AI and especially the "AI Girlfriend" and general roleplaying capabilities à la SillyTavern, when do you think we will see a game trying to incorporate AI dialogue and actions in a game that would be posted on here?

Are there already some efforts on making something like that? Is there anything I could help with or follow development on?

I am very interested in AI and understand the fundamentals and can setup most stuff myself.

I hope this topic is allowed on here overall, lol.


Dec 18, 2022

with the raise of AI and especially the "AI Girlfriend" and general roleplaying capabilities à la SillyTavern, when do you think we will see a game trying to incorporate AI dialogue and actions in a game that would be posted on here?

Are there already some efforts on making something like that? Is there anything I could help with or follow development on?

I am very interested in AI and understand the fundamentals and can setup most stuff myself.

I hope this topic is allowed on here overall, lol.
Yeah I'm waiting too, imagine how much story you can produce for coom.


Dec 3, 2019
Yeah I'm waiting too, imagine how much story you can produce for coom.
Almost nothing outside of gameplay mechanics. Like with any other generated stuff being implemented in games since 90's.
- random items and dungeons in Diablo
- random nation interactions in civilization 1-6
- random NPCs in Imperial Gatekeeper.

Story is something that happens outside of game mechanics, because they are simplified to keep game playable.
Also story is something that you can relate to and care about, while NPCs respond accordingly to their roles. So your actions are motivated.

Imagine a game of chess. What story can be possible there? One party somehow offended another and now they are fighting? Or one side was starving and decided rob another for food? All these explanations are outside the game mechanics. The game still has simple rules about moving your units on the board, there is no way to create a good story with that.
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New Member
Feb 22, 2020
I spent a few hours trying to come up with a way to get the transformers/torch/etc modules working with Ren'py to see if I could get input from a user and output a response from an LLM, but apparently Ren'py doesn't like C dependent modules. From what I can see, that's all that exists for this kind of work.


Dec 21, 2022
We had a few experiments posted to the games board, but they were all tied/streamed to Openai's API, plus there was too much traffic so they fizzled out quickly.
I don't expect anything impressive coming for the next two to even three years judging by how progress in generative text is slowing in favor of imagery, and nobody is really doing meaningful experimentation with AI in games past basic stuff (let alone porn games).
I heard of a mod for Fallout New Vegas where they made it so you could have custom dialogue with NPC's, and it would clone the NPC voice, and make a custom in universe response, but that was almost a year ago. Something like that is how I'd like to see AI implemented, and it will come eventually. Just sooner than later I hope.
Out of streamable AI that I know of, moemate sounds like the best for NSFW. If anyone knows of local AI models, please share, though I myself only have like 16 gb of ram so I could do fuck all with it ;-;
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
when do you think we will see a game trying to incorporate AI dialogue and actions in a game that would be posted on here?
AI Chatbots are the least intresting utilization of the fancy new AIs, sometimes what appears as the oblivious answer
is the wrong one.
Most conversations either human or otherwise are meaningless fluff and talk for the sake of talking.
What you want to see is scenes like in the movies where there is a purpose for the conversation that furthers the plot.
But with the current AIs we have neither that Purpose or that Plot that we are building towards.

Where I think AIs can really shine is in AI Directors like you see in Rimworld.
The AIs technically have entier libraries worth of narrative works in their "brains" so they can do things like setups, plot twists and climaxes that could be utilized to generate quests, events and spawn things in the world.
A Hybrid between a pure Sandbox Simulation System and a AI Director that can add and modify things in the World to spice things up.

For things like Conversation with NPCs the problem is not the new AIs.
It is the Systems and Simulation that Drives and Governs the Consequences that happen in the Game World.
What we need is an Abstraction of that can turn Conversations and Character Emotions into actual Gameplay.
So far we have not found a good abstraction of that, does not work that well and completely ignores the that should act as the basis of it.

If we could figure that out we could feed that into an AI so that it can generate conversations that does have a purpose.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Story is something that happens outside of game mechanics, because they are simplified to keep game playable.
Also story is something that you can relate to and care about, while NPCs respond accordingly to their roles. So your actions are motivated.

Imagine a game of chess. What story can be possible there? One party somehow offended another and now they are fighting? Or one side was starving and decided rob another for food? All these explanations are outside the game mechanics. The game still has simple rules about moving your units on the board, there is no way to create a good story with that.
A clever dev could work an ai segment into a game that doesn't affect the overall plot. I.E. (purely made up example) An MC walks into a bar, sits at the bar, talks to bartender. Trigger AI for bartender conversation with parameters. Hell, even make it part of the game where the dev programs the bartender with information that is helpful, but only accessible if you can navigate the conversation to it in a more natural way than a branching case switch statement or ternary.

And as things progress you could up that to the MC going into a strip club and the interaction with the stripper be AI convo. It's not outside the realm of possibility.


Dec 3, 2019
A clever dev could work an ai segment into a game that doesn't affect the overall plot. I.E. (purely made up example) An MC walks into a bar, sits at the bar, talks to bartender. Trigger AI for bartender conversation with parameters. Hell, even make it part of the game where the dev programs the bartender with information that is helpful, but only accessible if you can navigate the conversation to it in a more natural way than a branching case switch statement or ternary.

And as things progress you could up that to the MC going into a strip club and the interaction with the stripper be AI convo. It's not outside the realm of possibility.
Gameplay needs some measure of success for these free random conversations. AI should detect if you discussed something intimate, how good you were at flirting, was your joke funny, have you ordered someting, have you invited her on a date. Its needed to later fit the results of your conversation into game mechanics.

Hidden info is a huge problem for me. Do I have to ask everyone at the bar all possible questions just to get "I dont know" in 100 different ways? Maybe someone in the clothing store knows what I need or some random passenger on the bus... This shit should be gone from games. I want to be guided through quests, instead of trying everything everywhere and wasting my time in meaningless conversations.


New Member
Mar 2, 2024
I know of one game, it is about escaping a room from your yandare girlfriend.
Also I believe Skyrim has mods where you can have conversations with AI driven NPC's

But generally it will be hard at the moment to implement AI into gameplay because of how easy it is to break it
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Gameplay needs some measure of success for these free random conversations. AI should detect if you discussed something intimate, how good you were at flirting, was your joke funny, have you ordered someting, have you invited her on a date. Its needed to later fit the results of your conversation into game mechanics.

Hidden info is a huge problem for me. Do I have to ask everyone at the bar all possible questions just to get "I dont know" in 100 different ways? Maybe someone in the clothing store knows what I need or some random passenger on the bus... This shit should be gone from games. I want to be guided through quests, instead of trying everything everywhere and wasting my time in meaningless conversations.
Leave it to someone on this site to get offended by a what if presented as a random possibility.