VN - Ren'Py - Where It All Began [Ch. 3 Full] [Oceanlab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    This is my experience with both Oceanlab games
    I can write thousands of sentences in which I am praising this game
    This was really the best game I have ever played (over hundreds of gameplays).
    Game physiology: 100 out of 100
    Writing: 100 out of 100, like 99% of games, it is not full of unattractive texts, instead, it writes the meaning of the speaker with a combination of short and attractive text and excellent physiology.
    Model: 100 out of 100
    Rendering: 100 out of 100
    Bugs in rendering: No bugs
    Tension: 100 out of 100, so a sex with models is more fun than thousands of other games
    Animation: 100 out of 100
    Characterization: 100 out of 100
    MC's appearance and personality: 100 out of 100
    Gameplay appeal: 100 out of 100
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    A somewhat inferior version of Summer's Gone. The flaws are magnified while the strengths are diminished.

    Beautifully rendered as always, 3-4 second long transitions, wonderful use of chiaroscuro. I love a good, stylish UI.

    In both Summer's Gone and Where It All Began, there is a frequent use of "No Plot, Just Vibes" Scenes.. Their purpose is to build up some sort of romantic or sexual tension between characters while giving us a lewd scene or a shot of a titty or a butt. Those types of scenes work in SG. In WIAB, they feel awkward and out of place, like the fight scene between Leia and your girlfriend.

    Speaking of plot, there is barely any. So much information is held from the player behind snarky dialogue that it's hard to grasp what is going on(for me at least). This type of dialogue might appeal for some, but not for me. There is a lot of dialogue that reveals neither personality or exposition. The story is still in its baby stage so things could change based on how it develops.

    And when I realized his whole 'friend group' is supposed to be his family, that kind of took me out of the game. I don't hate incest in porn games. But acting like it's not incest when it is makes the characters interact in a weird way. It also added an extra layer of confusion because I was trying to figure out if that character is supposed to be an aunt or cousin or an actual family friend or whatever.

    Verdict: It's a fine game if you want to look at some well rendered but short scenes. Not much to offer outside of that at the moment.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game really disappointed me. The quality is good, but there are only ~three scenes in the game . Admittedly, there is a lot of content, and I found myself not wanting to skip for a while because I was enjoying some of the dialogue, but that's not what I came here for.

    Also I'm not a big fan of piercings, and every character has them. That's personal preference though, I'm sure there are many people who will be happy to see them.

    All in all 3 stars because I came here for a porn game with incest (expected because of the patch) and was delivered a little bit of porn, and no incest.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    holy.... this game looks beautiful. The music is nice too and the story and characters development has a really good pace. And it can be funny too. A great mix between drama, thriller, comedy and ofc nsfw content that is animated in a incredible way.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.2 There's a mix of good and bad here. It's still very early, but some things really jump out. First off the art and music are awesome. There was clearly a lot of love and attention put into the visuals. Really topnotch. The characters weren't as well fleshed out as the artwork though and they tend to blend into each other. There's a rough similarity between many of the girls, which can be explained away by familial ties, but there's also a personality homogeneity that grates a bit. MC was jerk, and everybody from MC's past seems to be angry at in him in roughly the same way even though the reasons for that anger seem to be different. It's a bit wearisome and it seems very out of place to try to inject humor into some of the conversations the way it has played out so far. The humor often seems forced and not necessarily tone appropriate for the story. The story itself is disjointed and a bit all over the place, but it's early and giving the benefit of the doubt we'll just say that it's setting the stage. There are too many people involved for too little story advancement so far though. MC's gf feels more like his sensei than his gf. Everyone else is dressed like a hooker all the time which also makes it feel less organic than it should. Again, it's early days and as the story fleshes out the inclusion of all the people may feel more natural too. It feels to me like the dev tried to do too much too early with the people when the story should have been more evolved first. Still, all said and done there's enough interesting story elements and the potential is definitely there. If the story quality can be brought up to match the visual quality then this game will be outstanding.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game with a good and exciting story with very nice pictures. Very good animations. I love it. Texts are well written. The art style is beautiful. Characters are well developed. It's just a pity that the developer is doing several projects at the same time... Should rather commit to one first.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    General Review CH2:
    Wiab is what we can call a masterpiece in becoming having played the old version at his release and experienced the beginnings of the second opus SG We have an idea of the connected universe that wants to share with us its author at the moment the series follows a complete rework with graphic and scenaristic modifications of its old version of the opus, although I can already be certain of one thing, we are likely to have a very good plot worked that seems to be oriented towards the discovery of an organization taking control of their hometown Wollust in the shadow and the protagonist will come to form a group to overcome this and become major players in the future.

    Story Player
    Visual novel stan
    I'm here for beautiful pixel ️
    Freeroam lover ️
    Romance player
    Fapper (A bit at the start)
    Bad 144p
    Alright 480p ️
    Good 1080p ️
    Beautiful 4k
    Fantastic 8k ️
    Bad/No Audio
    Immersive good work Hans Zimmer
    No story
    Bad just for fap
    Fantastic universe
    No gameplay
    § Character Cast §
    Head to the trash can ️
    No surprises ‍
    Some good ppl
    Really Lovely ❤‍
    They are all well written
    ۞ Game time / Length ۞
    Really short (0 - 3 hours)
    Short (4 - 8 hours)
    Few hours (10 - 20 hours) [if you focus on the main story] ️
    Long (21-40 hours) [if you complete everything]
    Very Long (41-100 hours) ‍
    Extremely Long (101+ hours)
    A bit
    A pleasure to try different playthrough ♾️
    ⭐⭐{ ? / 5 }⭐⭐
    Last Words:
    Fascinating, I find sometimes even WIAB better than SG on certain points since the protagonists are at the same time similar, but different in their construction, one seeks to build himself in SG and to overcome his demons of the past to become who he really is while William has already started his life and seems to be already ready to face the adult life and its difficulties in spite of the fact that he hides in the depths of him some repressed remorse.
    Anyway, I wish Ocean all the best. I read all the problems he went through and what he went through, but he never gave up, and today he can be proud of his work which gives a new incredible image in the world of AVN.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another title that sets itself apart from the herd. From the moment you begin this journey, you're quickly immersed into the characters. I was a little worried after the initial scene, but quickly draws you into an interesting backstory that makes you want to learn more.

    I cannot wait to get more content from this title. The story, so far, doesn't feel like it's being rushed or unprepared.

    This title deserves all the support it can get. I absolutely want to see this one completed, sooner rather than later. I cannot wait!!
    Well done!

    PS: As much as I would love more content delivered quickly, I am ready to wait as long as it takes for a polished story-line. PLEASE take the time you need to complete the character arcs adequately, as too often we find some titles start off spectacularly but end with a flimsy ending due to being rushed. When you need a break from the project, please take the time you need. Readers are often more grateful with a writer dedicated to the integrity of his work. Your true fans will understand and love you more for it.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't play the old version (will do that now) but i must say.. playing the reworked I am really impressed! Beautiful, very beautiful characters (all of them!), amazing graphics, excellent animations, interesting plot, really a masterpiece!

    Even the MC looks so damn good that you can believe that all girls fall on the back when they see him. Which they don't do too much for the moment here, but this is what they do in all games on this site.. However this is the first time when i can really see.. a reason.

    Being not gay i always had problems to understand what makes women fall for a certain type of man. In real life I kinda got the picture when I first saw Brad Pit.. but in the games around here, the MCs usually look mediocre to say the least, here it's the first time I can figure out why all women should fall for him :)

    I reached the end of this update (ch2 full) and i don't know what to expect for the future, but from my point of view, the multiple talks about "open relationships" are very promising! I hope not only the MC will fuck all women around but also, at least some of them, will interact not only with other girls.. This could be a problem for some players but i guess if you chose no NTR at the beginning, you will not see anything of that. I however.. can hardly wait. For me that would be the reason to place this game on number one of my personal Top.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The fact that this game has spent over 4 years in development, only to remain at v0.2 is quite disappointing and the content that is available thus far leaves much to be desired.

    While the game does have quite attractive renders, and quite a bit of love definitely went into character design, lighting and posing, the game's plot feels quite empty and the characters are written in predictable ways.
    The mc is extremely mediocre, for the most part he acts like a man-child who has undergone essentially no real development and growth in his time spent away from everyone else. He has failed to impress anyone in any meaningful way since his return and his entire personality is "I'm dumb but I'm hot". A shallow "alpha male" who "asserts dominance" by projecting sexual energy, and honestly, the sexual tension between him and everyone else is ridiculous. He still holds onto petty grievances and his vocabulary is riddled with words and terms that would only be used by a frat boy. Given his presumed age, it's not a good look. The women treat him as though he's the shit, but in actuality, he shares very few traits in common with a high value man. A man, by societal standards, is valued based on what he's capable of; what he's done and what he can do. This mc is on the receiving end of boundless admiration while he continues to act like a child. It's very important to have a well written mc considering the game will be experienced through his pov, you don't want to establish this disconnect between the protag and the audience but I couldn't identify with him not one time. When he met with the girl he publicly embarrassed, his remorse was lacking, then he'd have the audacity to say "Stop projecting the way I treated you on how I would treat Helen".

    The emotional focus of the plot is driven by the mc's guilt towards abandoning everyone the way he did, and honestly, it's hard to take it seriously. It constantly feels as though they're making a large issue out of something trivial, while the mc continues to fall for the same guilt trip. The "small town" vibe where everyone knows each other is creepy enough, added to that is the fact that everyone acts as though the town itself is a prison of obligation to the mc, discouraging him from leaving with constant emotional manipulation saying shit like "I'm sure mc will make the right decision". Honestly had me laughing thinking "What is this, the church of scientology?" I can't take it seriously.

    The mc having predisposed opinions of everyone leads to him acting familiar with people who the player has no inclination towards. This robs the player of the opportunity to identify with the mc and his judge of character and a lot of the context behind the nature of his relationships with others. I still, really and truly, have no idea what half these characters mean to the mc.

    So far, the choices leave you without agency as the mc's personality overshadows the player's thoughts and opinions on the events that transpire as mc acts in his own way. There are also times at which the developer attempts to flex their literary muscles and butchers any intellectual conversation with fake deep generalizations of the issue at hand. I'd say the rating this game has received is a testament to how easily impressed the majority of this community is, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing.

    Play it, you'll prolly like it anyways.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing renders,good looking girls and the story is only starting (i know this is a remake that you can play the original). Hope in the future updates we get more choices, hope choices matter and have impact on the story and the relations with the girls, hope there is more choices to choose (instead of 2 to have 3) in the future,hope to see more girls on the game. it has potential to be amazing game but it takes time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This has everything going for it:

    • The best 3DCG you've ever seen in an adult game
    • Multidimensional, fun characters
    • Engaging storyline
    • Highly attractive, sexy VN babes
    • Superbly animated sex scenes
    • An MC that would fuck everybody's moms but stick around to be your new dad, teaching you everything you need to know about life, and helping you become more successful in life so that you are not inside all day playing visual novels
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay the rework is amazing!
    I played the old version long long back and remember not being too impressed with it, the characters, especially Miru, I found really annoying back then and that wasnt great given how she's got all the screentime being the girlfriend and everything.
    But rework has honestly fixed every single complain I had with the game, I will say that the story seems to lack a driving force at this point but I'm satisfied with assuming that's because we're only at the second chapter still and this will change soon given the developments we had the 2 spiders event.
    The renders are fucking amazing, usually if the renders are decent that's good enough for me. But this one goes way beyond whatever the bar is, so many times I found myself just sitting and admiring how pretty everything looks (especially Miru).
    I'll warn anyone getting into this 'game' though, this one definitely is a movie as of ch2 beta, not that it's a bad thing cause it is very good at being that but I figure anyone getting into it should be atleast be aware of that.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This visual novel/game has everything I look for when I download. The scenese are realistic and actual animation. The movements and angles are well thought out and designed. The dialogue is actually enjoyabe and not overly cheesy or volgar. The only reason for 4 stars and not 5 is the lack of sound effects. There is background music. I am looking forward to future updates for this game .
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    After reading all these other glowing reviews I had to add something to caution anyone thinking of trying this.

    There's nothing here. Like nothing happens. Yes, the renders are gorgeous, and there's some dialogue, but overall this is just a start, an intro chapter. It certainly looks promising, as others have said, but it must be emphasized there's no real story arc fufillment. You chat with someone, you go to a bar and chat with more people, you go to a park and chat, then you go to another party and chat with people, then game ends.

    Again, huge potential, but this is nothing more than a start, and in the non-renpy avn/indie game landscape, this would be nothing more than a teaser demo given any for free.


    Updated rating after game is through Chapter 3, it's mostly enjoyable and there are plenty of sex scenes now, upped rating to 4 stars.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch1 Reworked as well as the original Ch1-6, subject to change for future updates.

    As a big fan of Ocean's Summer's Gone, I finally decide to give Where It All Began a try after I find out I could also play the original version of it. Even though Ocean states that Reworked version will be a major overhaul from the original, playing both versions still gives me a lot of information about the overall idea of the game.

    Warning: the following review contains spoilers!!!

    I still have hard time agreeing with Ocean's fanatic obsession of Rework/remaster in the middle of the development of his games (same goes with Summer's Gone), but I must say the difference between the original and reworked contents convinces me a lot. Not only does the model and visual effects get improved, but the story is made more interesting and engaging. Take Ch1 for example as right now only the first chapter gets reworked: in the original game Miru (your current girlfriend) is just a crazy Asian nympho who basically cannot live out a day without a cock in her vagina (this is especially worse if you turn NTR on. I personally turn NTR on not because I'm a NTR fan but because I wanna see the dialogue/scene change, so I keep Miru from falling into the NTR route), and some of the interaction are quite childish and inconsistent to watch, thus making the character of Miru less likable (I honestly care less for her than other girls). But in the reworked version she turns into a caring, still horny, and loyal partner who will accompany you to face the unknown no matter what, letting alone her model is much prettier than before. The same improvement also applies to the story: your sister's call and the need to come home becomes more natural, and the addition of MC's inner struggle and his interaction with other people in the town he now lives makes the plot become more captivating. Huge respect for Ocean's effort in changing the storyline.

    As for the story itself, I don't know how much Ocean will change in future rework updates, so I only talk about the original game right now. I love Ocean also provides Miru's solo perspective that leads to more contents, especially if you turn NTR on that may lead to some scenes that my wholesome heart will sink, but it actually makes the game a lot more interesting knowing that you need to make certain/correct choices in order to keep your relationship untainted. Another thing that deserves praising is the effects of variety and randomness. One of the most important choices in the game is that if you fuck Donna/the bar lady at the bar, and the consequences become even more entertaining with the choice of pregnancy or not in the middle of the game. Yes you can choose whether every semen you shoot inside women's vagina can knock them up, and the choice of "mystery pregnancy" (50/50 pregancy) makes it more interesting. Drama everywhere, and I love it.

    Overall, since the game is still under the rework development, my opinion of it will certainly be separated between reworked version and the original contents. But the game itself is still very fun to watch, and you can turn NTR off if you want. Couldn't recommend more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, there isn't much action. But there is also nothing else like this game. As a fan of pure aesthetics, this was simply dreamlike. The characters make such a deep impression on you in such a short time it's actually unreal.

    There is also insane potential, as there are 5-6 branches that the dev's can explore. I really hope they have the support they need. God's work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a first for me. Normally I wait until after I finish playing something to rate it, but man. I'm only 5-10 minutes in, and I can honestly say, that the sheer quality and polish of this game, is beyond anything I've played. It has the highly detailed models of Being a Dik, with the fluid animation of Treasure of Nadia. It's almost strange how high quality it looks. The writing is also engaging. Nothing amazing, but definitely not bad by any means.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Where It All Began is a VN where you play as a guy returning to see his family after a long, sudden absence. The game appears to have been reworked in December and as such there's the 0.6 version and the new reworked Ch. 1. They're very different in virtually every way.

    The renders in 0.6 are decent but nothing to write home about. There are some cute girls, but they aren't enough to recommend the game on their own.

    The story is unfortunately a dumpster fire. It's extremely difficult for me to play a VN where I don't know who the hell my MC is and the game doesn't tell you a damn thing. I'm not sure if the writer was going for dramatic revelations or what, but it mostly left me confused. How am I supposed to interact with characters when I don't know who "I" am supposed to be?

    There's no real continuity of events in 0.6. Things just... happen in this game. First you're solving a crime, then you're invited to dinner, then you're in prison, then you're on a camping trip? Individually, these events are all fine, but the way your character seems to be dragged between events feels absurd. The MC has no agency whatsoever in the story, despite being able to make choices about who you are or aren't trying to fuck.

    There's just too many characters in the game for the amount of content. As a result, basically none of the characters get much in the way of development or focus. It felt like I was being introduced to new characters before I'd even finished being introduced to the ones in front of me.

    Lastly, 0.6 is an ntr game first and an anything else game second. Trying to play a faithful runthrough is frankly boring. There are about two scenes with your gf early in the game then nothing. Hell, you barely see her the rest of the game. It seems like you could get her to fuck other guys more than the MC.

    The reworked game might be better. There's frankly not enough content to say. That said, the look of the game is sharply upgraded and I hope the story won't be such a convoluted mess, though it's already leaning that direction. Overall though, there's just no way I can recommend this game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a game where the MC does not look like a geriatric or skinnymanlet. I love every character model in the game male and female included, stunning renders and awesome characters. I don't write reviews on this site, but this one deserves it. Perfect, can't wait for more.