VN - Ren'Py - Where It All Began [Ch. 3 Full] [Oceanlab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's the only game with NTR tag, where characters are not stupid as f*ck, which is making this game hot right from the beggining.

    The plot is consistent, NTR avoidable and renders are good quality.

    It's a pitty, that dev has only $682/month from it. A lot of shitty games with disgusting renders, enormous tits and stupid plot can have $3000 per month, and this can not? What went wrong?

    Anyway - this is a must play here - my only wish is for this game to keep it's standards and still have a little bit of NTR, but not too much. Supporting right now
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games on here. The story is very original, it has dramatic parts, and it has funny parts, and is a bit of a mystery. There are points where random things happen. Such as a 10% chance of a condom breaking, or 25% chance on one of 4 girls. The artwork is also great for the most part. There are lots of choices. Look forward to finding out what happens next.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is becoming one of my favs..the choices really make a difference..i can avoid that which i do not like..i can avoid dames i do not like or go after those i do..the only real issue it engrish is still present..otherwise this could be a WTHI type game that has us fans discussing all the variables till the cows come home...the gameplay is smooth and fluid..the renders are (except for Miru who is ugly AF :p ) beautiful...the story itself is really good with something mysterious happening ..there is plenty of sexy to be had or avoided..up to you..and the Dev is great..right there willing to chat and fix things ASAP..a huge bonus..if he can get a proofreader..and maybe speed up the time between updates( much need) this could be one of the greats ..highly recommended..Helen,Rhonda,Emilie 3x LI :D
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed it. It's weird, it gets crazy in parts, sometimes it becomes a soap opera, then becomes a comedy and then a sort of surreal procedural.
    And I'm not complaining, It's a fascinating read precisely because of that. At some point I even started skipping the possible sex scenes because I wanted to go back to the story.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Imagine that you're in a restaurant and order an amazing soon as you take a bite the waiter snatches it and gives you a pizza. As you take a bite from the pizza , the waiter takes it away and gives you a taco. When you take a bite of taco the waiter takes it away and gives you sub.. Well thats how I felt playing this game. ..
    There are so many characters that at one point you forget who is who..except 1 or 2 characters , none of the others are properly introduces..the aunts character is rushed..and more than half of the people that played probably hate the girlfriend.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I couldn't make it past the first gonzo sex scene in this game.
    Always a telltale sign of good writing when the second image or so goes right down to business.
    Graphics look nice enough, but overall not my cup of tea, but YMMV.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    At the moment it's one of the better VNs on here. It does genuinely seem more impressive the more is added though. The dev also seems to genuinely be putting the work in to offer multiple choices. It'll be very interesting to see what it's like 6-7 months down the line.

    Story- This is why it's 4 instead of 5 stars. Some of the characters just act like their crazy. Miru and Katie especially. As an example the Asian gf gets upset when the sister asks to talk in private It's literally their first time meeting , who gets upset when a sister wants to talk about personal matters with her brother? Then wants to help a random person she's only just met beat up her bf. She be crazy basically. There's a few moments like that. It doesn't help the story seems to involve some sort of conspiracy. You don't expect realism in a porn game but it's a little to much at times here. What saves it is not every character is like that all the time. The plus side is there's plenty of scenes, choices and the women are often hot . If it keeps going down the route it's going it'll be fantastic but I do hope the dev dials back the crazy a little.

    Scenes- Basically really good there's quite a few and they're done well with a decent amount of choice. Some renders and dialogue could be better but on the whole they're good.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    George Halstead

    Graphics in this game are good and the story line is good in the beginning but in my opinion goes way off of the rails and continues for a full episode before it suddenly drops you back into the story. And even though you can tell that English is not the story tellers first language you get the gist most all of the time. I think the game still has a bit of potential but needs to narrow down the focus and stick to the plot.
    Likes: Rufio
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    - I hate NTR stuff. But I liked it in this one.
    - Good renders.
    - Story is interesting enough.
    - There are plenty of choices that effect the story.

    - I liked every other girl in this game exept girlfriend. I don't know why but I didn't like her. I think it's because she has a weird face and unlikeable character.
    - Although I liked the story in general, aunt jumping on MC without a proper development, bothered me.

    Although there some things that need to be improved, it's a good game.
    If you're into NTR and incest stuff I recommend you to give it a try. Even if you're not into NTR like me, you should try this game. Because even though I don't like NTR in general, I liked it in this game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising, could turn out one of the best VNs here, but with a lot of "rough edges"

    + Plenty of choices, decisions, already leading to different scenes, dialogue, etc
    +Seems there will be a lot of options with variety of sex scenes. NTR is actually pretty well implemented ( it simply fits the girlfriend character)
    + Good pacing, Learn as you go, as it moves forward, which makes the story, and characters more interesting over time

    - Some of the characters, how they look or act, makes them either extremely unlikeable or unrealistic. Aunt that immediately wants to jump on her nephew ( and is hardly hiding it), Younger sister clearly in love with her brother and acting like 8 year old trying to attract attention by constantly harrassing/abusing him ( She even slips him heavy drug as a childish "prank", which sends him to a hospital, without even considering of offering apology afterwards). Father/Mother look too young and barely few years older than the older sister), etc, etc
    - Not a fan of "dual" protagonist, at least when it comes to making choices ( I would keep Miru as one of main characters, but remove player choosing her dialogue options, she seems more defined as a character, make her more reactive to MC's actions)
    Dialogue quality is also pretty inconsistent with some very well written scenes ( Miru/Katie on a bench), and sometimes not so ( Miru's comments, etc)
    - Better renders, some sound, music would improve a lot of scenes
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic. Very excited to see what content/ fetishes get brought into this game next. The variety is perfect.
    Just a shame how short it is currently. Left me lusting for more.
    The NTR content is amazing. Here's hoping the revenge content is just as good.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It could ve one of the best games it has so much potential.
    I like very much the huge amount of paths we can choose from and seems like it's only the beginning but it has a bad side too. This bad side is that so much paths will lead to eternize the development of the game and i am afraid that the dev abandot it for a more simply game, decide to erase some paths abruptly or completing it but putting a minimum effort and doing it in a bad way making it boring like other devs did when the development was active for so long and wanted to attract more patrons making a new game that includes the most trending fetishes of the moment.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The good
    --Beautiful renders
    --interesting characters
    --well executed NTR content

    The bad
    -- the game is narratively confusing without the family relationships that are in the incest patch

    This is a really interesting game based on what I've been able to play so far. The narrative structure is compelling. There's a mystery behind a lot of the characters and there's plenty of sex should you pursue it. It's not as comprehensible without the basic family relationships: a major problem with Patreon's unwillingness to allow incest in their games. But, it's a really interesting game when those elements are added back in.

    As for the NTR content, my attitudes tend to be divided depending on the game. I don't actively seek out stories with weak cuckold MCs. I have difficulty playing weak male characters when it features m/f content.

    This is one of those games where I think it is really appropriate. Allowing the MC to get away with cheating on Miru without consequence doesn't do her character justice. She's portrayed as a sexually aggressive, feisty, fierce woman, who has an interesting backstory and is very capable in a fight.

    Choosing the non-NTR path tamps that down in order to allow a weak male character to have a harem in which Miru is clueless . . . it just doesn't sit right with me. So, I'm happy with the NTR in this game. When enabled, it's still eminently avoidable if you don't cheat on Miru and tbh you deserve it if you do. That said, I understand the Dev making the NTR optional for those wanting the male protagonist to be able to cheat on their clueless girlfriends consequence-free, but I think the game suffers this choice and is a better game when it's enabled.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely not a 5 star but its a good start...
    It has a lot of potential. One of the better "under the radar"games that I`ve tried in some time...
    I hate NTR but its good that you can turn it off and its great that its even an option( very few games have NTR)
    Also with incest patch its waaaay much hotter!
    There are some bugs that causes game to crash but not something that dev cant fix easily... (misspelling of labels!)
    Renders are fine, but around 30% of them are not up to the rest...

    Small suggestion to dev if he`s reading this:
    Don`t rush!
    Do your own thing, don`t mind the comments too much!
    Don`t rush! with the "special"scenes with some of the girls. (it makes it less rewarding!)
    All of the girls are super hot!(I wouldn`t mind if the girls were less curvy ;) It would make the game a little more realistic :)
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev @v0.3a]

    Something about this one just seems... off.

    Art's alright. Uncanny valley is present but so are tits, so it balances out.

    I wasn't able to get too far into the plot; the pacing seems to need Ritalin, 'absurdism' seems to be the best description of the plot arc, and the random SD raccoon is what finally confirmed my suspicions that the stupidity is deliberate. I actually DID like the occasional interjections of characters' thoughts, but that seems to be used exclusively to make the reader hate all of the characters presented.

    In the time I played I didn't happen across anything too squicky in the porn, but it is VERY formulaic. It's Hot Mom + 2 Sisters protocol, variant (b): Dad Is Here Too.

    TLDR: Calm down, take your meds, write a second draft and we'll see you next time.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty hot and weird. Interesting playing a game that embraces NTR fully like this. Also many different paths and interesting characters. The source for the drama is also pretty darn creative. It's definitely not a paint-by-the-numbers "family" game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW~ wish it were longer....must see for those in the kickass/sex starved bunch. So many plot lines left unanswered!!!! cant wait for the next installment. Really enjoyed the new characters being introduced when you least expected. There are literally 10 story lines to follow. Him w/Mom, will she end up saying something? Him w/Aunt - kink kick anyone, Him w/sister from before, Him w/girlfriends sister/mother?, Gang?, Him w/Aunts daughter? etc....
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I dismissed this at first with all the NTR triggers for the girlfriend I thought it was just going to be one of those with the cuck MC that goes absolutely nowhere.

    I was so very wrong.

    On the one hand you can keep them together which i'm doing in my first playthrough. I quite like Miru as a character and i'm interested in finding out more about her.

    The overall story gripped me though. It's not what I was expecting. You have a gang taking over a town, the MC's mother who was in an "accident" that the MC's twin believes wasn't an accident at all and you have a younger sister who acts like a complete bitch to cover her feelings.

    It has a lot more depth than I originally gave it credit for and I feel really bad that I dismissed it for shallow reasons.

    Most of the characters so far have been great, some I want to know more about while others haven't had enough screen time to catch my interest.

    The twin sister seems like a great character but you don't see much of her yet. It is heavily implied something happened between the MC and his twin before he left. Katie is fantastic. On the one hand she's a bitch but once you follow the story you get hints as to why she is that way and now I want to know her more.

    The Aunt and the mother both interest me though. The mother doesn't talk after her accident and I think the dev did an amazing job with her body language and facial expressions to get her feelings across without words, big props for that. The aunt has a major kink that I won't spoil here but it caught me off guard, it wasn't what I expected but i'm intrigued.

    All in all it's been a really good read so far, I can't wait to see how events unfold.

    EDIT -

    I gave the original a 4 but i'm giving the remake a 2.

    While visuals are improved the sex scenes have been completely ruined. There are 2 kinds of animation I absolutely despise in adult games and those are the janky 3 frame low effort trash ones and those that auto forward so they finish before you can enjoy them.

    I don't see the point in either of those and in both cases the dev has wasted their time and ours.

    What the fuck is the point in making sex scenes people can't enjoy?
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    This is truly a gem of a game.
    I think I love everything about it; the characters, the story and the dialogues too (which is a very rare thing for me in h-games).

    + Scenes
    ++ Fetishes

    -Too many branches: I'm OK with how this game approaches a wide variety of genres and makes everything optional, but this also obviously means that the development has to be spread along each path, making every update a lackluster of content (unless you want to go for all the routes). This is a pity but I guess this is up to the dev.

    This is a must play game in my opinion, there is so much good content and planned stuff to keep you entertained, regardless of your porn tastes. Can't wait for more updates!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game has one of the strongest dialogues and character interactions I have seen in porn games. The relationship between the MC and his little sister Katie reads very organic and I truly think the dev pulled that dialogue from a true story he heard somewhere. Especially when the MC destroys the little sister with words, and she goes crying on the bench. I think the dialogue alone elevates this game to 5 stars....