
Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I love the debates going on about Episode 8. Some very interesting inputs. And as it's a debate about personal opinion, there is no right and no wrong, just a difference of opinion! So with that being said, here is my opinion...
Without repeating too much of what has already been stated, my leanings are towards agreeing with comments already made by a few folks such as @Skylaroo (post 3344) and @morphnet (post 3409). Their posts do a nice job of summing up my own personal opinion.
I think it is ludicrous to critizice a particular choice. If there is a choice that you think is wrong, immoral or goes against your version of the MC, then the solution is very simple... just don't make that specific choice. If, however, you do not like ANY of the choices OR feel forced into a particular path that you think is wrong, then that's a different problem, so definitely call me out for that. But to pick a particular choice that you find offensive and say it means the MC is evil/ a douche, etc. is ridiculous... Guess what? YOU are the MC ! You're the one that picked THAT choice!
And if it is such a bad choice, then don't choose it ! I do not understand why you would continue to choose the most extreme option (ignoring multiple opportunities to exit the extreme path) if you find it so distasteful???

To give an example of a similar analogy (IMO) would be: Say a person is offended by swear-words in a movie. Said person tunes into movie with a lot of expletives (Tarantino / Gooodfellas, etc.). They get offended in the first few minutes.....IMO this is where the person would think, "This movie is not for me." and stop watching. What I do not understand is the type of person that gets completely offended, but instead of switching off, decides to watch the whole thing, record every use of the offensive expletive and then send a letter of complaint. Just switch the fucking thing off. Or in the example of the game, just stop playing it OR just pick a different choice. I found this school of thought very baffling. And I also noticed a trend where some of the most vocal folks (i.e. lengthy posts) in that category actually missed some really basic tenets of the game (calling Katie MC's sister, etc.) Weird that they paid so much attention to some specific choices, but yet missed some of the core elements of the game.

And regarding the attribute scores - There is no morality system in this game, so there is no scoring system where you are guaranteed points for being the "nice-guy" and guaranteed to lose points by being a "douche". You get attribute increases for a particular choice if that choice is favourable to the particular character you are interacting with AND (importantly) at that particular time!
So if you want to maximize attributes with a particular character, but to do so, goes against your own moral compass, then you have some choices: If the character is turned on by choices that offend your MC to their very core, then maybe the MC shouldn't pursue that character? Or maybe the MC's feelings are so strong for the character that they are willing to bend/forego their"normal" attitude (YOUR choice, not mine) ?? OR maybe there is an option to sway the particular character around to your MC's way of thinking. Even if it means taking an initial hit to your attributes, there may be a way to recoup these at a later time, while still sticking to your own personal moral compass? Or maybe not? Will have to wait and see....

One personal criticism I would agree with is that I did not give enough choices to avoid some of the OTT/ Macho (I'm gonna kick your ass) dialog options between the MC & Roger. I should have given a few more options to be more placid when conversing / dealing with Roger (Although I personally would have put him in the cabinet :)).


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
A little fun thing is going on over at the Patreon page (which you could join in if you were also a patron)...

Episode 10 Appearance
Current Plans for Episode 9 means that Monica, Jenna, Katie, Jolina & Bella will appear. What character missing from Episode 9 would you definitely like to see in Episode 10 ?

Those of you who aren't willing to pay for the right to get your vote in can at least have fun debating it here on the forum.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2018
Thanks for appearing and giving your thoughts on things @CheekyGimp. I'm always interesting in hearing creators thoughts on things.

No matter the feelings on chapter 8. You can tell that people are invested in these characters. Otherwise there wouldn't be pages and pages of posts about the latest chapter. Not a whole lot of people can do that.

Keep up the good work.


P.S. Hope your enjoying your holidays.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
Sounds like a good cast for 9. Also interesting, because the last 4 episodes have all had characters getting banged (Zara, Wanda, Debbie, Natasha), so I'm wondering whether 9 will continue the trend. Might be too early for any of the main characters, but so far Jo and Bella don't seem to be in any mind to jump into bed with MC either.

As for 10, I'm gonna say Zarah. Quite like the look of that updated model. Ideally something that involves alcohol, Monica, and MC too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Um, Having just read 3 or so pages of posts, I still can't find nutti'n to complain about. I thought last ep. was good. A bit over the top of reality, but I enjoyed it and laughed my ass off. It's pretty boring when I can't complain but thats a good thing!!! (BTW about the party; if they can't take a joke fuck em')


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
I'm going to say Zarah too but with MC and Jenna :D MC and Katie are trying to help her, i say it's time for Zarah to help out too :D

So is this another case when a dev seeks financial support in order to 'deliver more quality content faster' -> gets support -> 'oh, you know, now it will take 2 times longer for every update'? Or is he not on a standard milker's path yet and its all good?
no and it's all great
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
The real question is did k's scar dissapear and am i gonna spend 3 hours photoshopping it in on the new pictures?

the answer to those questions are: probably...

Why cant some mass releases hit tonight im so booooored!

@CheekyGimp did you rework z, i feel like she looks different


Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
So is this another case when a dev seeks financial support in order to 'deliver more quality content faster' -> gets support -> 'oh, you know, now it will take 2 times longer for every update'? Or is he not on a standard milker's path yet and its all good?
I read he turned off contributions for December because the next episode will not be ready until January - that doesn't seem to support your cynicism.
May 20, 2017
One personal criticism I would agree with is that I did not give enough choices to avoid some of the OTT/ Macho (I'm gonna kick your ass) dialog options between the MC & Roger. I should have given a few more options to be more placid when conversing / dealing with Roger (Although I personally would have put him in the cabinet :)).
Gonna agree with that last sentence of yours in the bracket. Dude shamed his ex with the help of his new girlfriend by saying/spreading things that are untrue, total dick move. The best way to deal with egoistic assholes like that was the "Macho" way, don't remember the exact dialogues but the MC being a real man to take care of a shitty little boy was really great and different to watch. Why different? Because a lot of these type of games out there, with the MC being an 18 or a 20 year older, never focus on writing his character as a man, but as a scared little boy who loses his shit at the first sign of trouble. Plus MC cares about Katie, so why didn't the MC choke the life out of Roger shows that his character is also patient along with being aggressive when the need arises. @CheekyGimp you have been on the right track so far, keep going, keep holding onto YOUR vision of the story, its been great so far. Eagerly waiting for that update, especially scenes with Monica. Hope she as a character starts realizing the manliness of MC and starts adapting around it more and more.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Besides the obvious reason to dislike Roger from the start due to the Katie situation and the way Roger behaved at start when MC was talking with Sammy, MC also immediately identified Roger as being a bully. It rarely is a good idea to act submissively to a bully as I remember MC mentioning he experienced in past. ( Correct me if I am wrong and are confused with another game :p).

I hope for episode 10 to be able to be a good wingman for the two friends of Katie, They are both cute and hot. :) Without knowing contents of the will yet hard to speculate, but with some outcomes there would definitely be some options for a vengeful or douchebag MC to get into his father's ex panties in a more blackmailing way. :p So she might well be an option, though I guess acting that way might well burn bridges with for example Bella for the future.
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