May 20, 2020
Maybe just past the midpoint in the story and we estimated 25 but not definite.
Crazy question... after a quick search I saw you were working on what Steam would require for countries with strict age verification... any chance there's an update on potential listing of the game on steam even if certain countries would require a different sanitized script & mosaics on the images?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
Crazy question... after a quick search I saw you were working on what Steam would require for countries with strict age verification... any chance there's an update on potential listing of the game on steam even if certain countries would require a different sanitized script & mosaics on the images?
Too early to know the answer to that I'm afraid. We aren't ready for a general steam release yet even. Lot of touch-ups we would want to do.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
If the mystery of the emailer was moving forward more quickly then the lack of content for the LI wouldn't be such a problem. The player could be excited by the fact that the "central mystery" is getting closer to a conclusion. However, that plotline has been a very slow burn and it doesn't even seem that solving it will impact the player's decision to either choose money or the girls (which is the central decision).
I have to say I agree with this, and it's the most disappointing part of the game nowadays. When I first started playing this game early on, it was fun having the mystery about the will as it gives the game a main plot line instead of just the random fuck with girls. However, that was around two years ago and we still pretty much know the same thing now.

I understand the devs can't just give the answer to the mystery right away, but there's a big difference between slow burn and hardly any progress. Even the newest update about Elaine's USB turned out to be meaningless with the broken email. It's like we're playing a game with 20 people trying to find 2 bad guys and the hint is "one bad guy is a man, the other one is a woman" ... it doesn't really narrow down who the bad guys are, it only shows that they can't be 2 men or 2 women. Then the next hint is "bad guy A wears glasses, bad guy B doesn't wear glasses", then the next one is "one of the bad guys is married". And when pretty much all the hints are like that, it feels like we aren't making progress.

Comment like Bella's dialogue about the religious nut only left us with "Well that could've been Theresa, but could also be not Theresa because who knows if Bella is lying or not, and who knows if there's another religious nut in the game to be introduced later on" like what's even the point? If it is Theresa, is it really a game-changer to just say that in the game? Let us know it's Theresa on Episode 17 so we have something to look forward to on Episode 18.

Same thing again with Jolina. The whole point of Episode 16's date with her is to get information. We were left with cliffhanger as Jolina saw Jenna on the laptop. Then Episode 17 ended up just further delay because now Jolina is pissed off. We have no idea either if Episode 18 will be where Jenna apologized in person to Jolina or not, and we don't know if that means the information will be given right after or further pushed back to another episode. So in theory, what was started on Episode 16 (Jolina date to get info) resulted with Episode 17 just existing to delay further, and could end up being resolved on Episode 19 or 20.

The main issue is that there plenty of hints and stuff, but they are all maybe maybe maybe and even more maybe with hardly any concrete facts. Learning something new about the plot in this game doesn't feel satisfying at all because it's purposely written to tell a lot of things without actually telling anything whatsoever.

The game has amazing characters, but I am severely disappointed that the plot line hardly moves. I love story in adult games, but this game is one I kind of wished just focus on the girls and forget the plot instead. I hardly care about the mysterious email sender and the whole will thing now because how bad the progress is.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I have to say I agree with this, and it's the most disappointing part of the game nowadays. When I first started playing this game early on, it was fun having the mystery about the will as it gives the game a main plot line instead of just the random fuck with girls. However, that was around two years ago and we still pretty much know the same thing now.

I understand the devs can't just give the answer to the mystery right away, but there's a big difference between slow burn and hardly any progress. Even the newest update about Elaine's USB turned out to be meaningless with the broken email. It's like we're playing a game with 20 people trying to find 2 bad guys and the hint is "one bad guy is a man, the other one is a woman" ... it doesn't really narrow down who the bad guys are, it only shows that they can't be 2 men or 2 women. Then the next hint is "bad guy A wears glasses, bad guy B doesn't wear glasses", then the next one is "one of the bad guys is married". And when pretty much all the hints are like that, it feels like we aren't making progress.

Comment like Bella's dialogue about the religious nut only left us with "Well that could've been Theresa, but could also be not Theresa because who knows if Bella is lying or not, and who knows if there's another religious nut in the game to be introduced later on" like what's even the point? If it is Theresa, is it really a game-changer to just say that in the game? Let us know it's Theresa on Episode 17 so we have something to look forward to on Episode 18.

Same thing again with Jolina. The whole point of Episode 16's date with her is to get information. We were left with cliffhanger as Jolina saw Jenna on the laptop. Then Episode 17 ended up just further delay because now Jolina is pissed off. We have no idea either if Episode 18 will be where Jenna apologized in person to Jolina or not, and we don't know if that means the information will be given right after or further pushed back to another episode. So in theory, what was started on Episode 16 (Jolina date to get info) resulted with Episode 17 just existing to delay further, and could end up being resolved on Episode 19 or 20.

The main issue is that there plenty of hints and stuff, but they are all maybe maybe maybe and even more maybe with hardly any concrete facts. Learning something new about the plot in this game doesn't feel satisfying at all because it's purposely written to tell a lot of things without actually telling anything whatsoever.

The game has amazing characters, but I am severely disappointed that the plot line hardly moves. I love story in adult games, but this game is one I kind of wished just focus on the girls and forget the plot instead. I hardly care about the mysterious email sender and the whole will thing now because how bad the progress is.
Thank you!

I love slow burn stories but I expect that after so long we would have something happening. If there are only 8 updates left and we've already seen 17 then we are well past the halfway point of this game with no conflict, no escalation of tension, nothing. The email sender has lost significance at this point because the length of time between the start of the game to now (in real life) has been too long. When we are left waiting and waiting for progression and the progression is so miniscule then it becomes too frustrating to continue to care about "what happens next". So the game becomes about the lewd bits but we aren't supposed to play as sluts, we are supposed to pick someone to fuck, fall in love with, and then never cheat on.

We met Jolina so long ago and have been waiting for some information and yet we get update after update with nothing. It has become pointless to care at all and the story doesn't really explain why the MC still gives a damn. He got what he wanted, a family that cared for him, why would he care about this detail when, in the end, he is the one who needs to choose whether to take the money or stay in contact with the girls. I doubt it will change his mind.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
He wants to make sure that, if he chooses to forfeit his share to inheritance, it would go to dogs rather than Elaine or 2.golddigger
Why does he care though? His choice is binary per the lawyer. Take the money and wait ten years or don't take the money and stay with the girls. If option B means that Elaine or gold digger #2 becomes a bit wealthier why does it matter? He'd be happy with the life he'd chosen (as long as he hadn't fucked it up).
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
It has become pointless to care at all and the story doesn't really explain why the MC still gives a damn. He got what he wanted, a family that cared for him, why would he care about this detail when, in the end, he is the one who needs to choose whether to take the money or stay in contact with the girls. I doubt it will change his mind.
This is actually a really good point. At first, the hook was for MC to get something from nothing (kicked out of the house with nothing). But now he got the beach house, nice car, some money, and he lives with people he loves (story-wise) who took him in when he was at the lowest point. Sure it's a large amount of money, but it doesn't feel as important anymore because he has more than enough, and more importantly he already found happiness now. Money is just icing on the cake, but MC already has the cake that just the icing is much less enticing.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
This is actually a really good point. At first, the hook was for MC to get something from nothing (kicked out of the house with nothing). But now he got the beach house, nice car, some money, and he lives with people he loves (story-wise) who took him in when he was at the lowest point. Sure it's a large amount of money, but it doesn't feel as important anymore because he has more than enough, and more importantly he already found happiness now. Money is just icing on the cake, but MC already has the cake that just the icing is much less enticing.
Yep! What is propelling him forward in his search? Why does it matter? He has what he wanted, a loving family and a relationship(s) with a person he loves (in my canon playthrough that's Katie). So if he doesn't take the money then maybe Elaine gets richer or golddigger #2 gets richer. But why does that matter to him? Is he trying for some kind of petty revenge because of how he was treated? Or does he hate his dad so much that he needs to figure out how to fuck up his plans?

I feel like the MC has moved on with his life and this whole pursuit is pointless now.


Sep 10, 2019
Why does he care though? His choice is binary per the lawyer. Take the money and wait ten years or don't take the money and stay with the girls. If option B means that Elaine or gold digger #2 becomes a bit wealthier why does it matter? He'd be happy with the life he'd chosen (as long as he hadn't fucked it up).
Well, my MC hates Elaine with a passion so it does matter to him.
Also, I don't think it's unreasonable for MC to be very curious about his piece of shit father's side bitch and for that reason alone actively try to find out about her even if he's already decided that he's okay with his lot, which he didn't as of yet.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2019
So I gather from a lot of posts on here that a harem path is not happening and I have a few questions.
1. Is this confirmed by the actual devs?
2. Does this just apply to Monica, Katie, and Jenna?

I ask about number 2 because I can see how they would probably be pissed if they found out the MC was with all of them. (Unless alcohol and max points in speech and charisma were involved) Although, in a perfect game world you could convince them that you love them all differently but equally and they were already sharing you without knowing it so why can't it just stay the way it is.

I see no reason why several of the mini-harem paths wouldn't be possible. Katie/Lily/Debbie is the most obvious, but I don't think a Monica/Zarah option is out of the question either. They are also kind of teasing a Jenna/Jolina thing as well after the last update. Anyway, I think the 3 main girls might be the only ones who are mutually exclusive and probably Elaine and Bella because I can't see that going well either.

I'm also curious about the 'casual' options that have been available with Jolina and Lily. I wonder if this is the devs way of letting the MC have more sexy fun with fewer consequences because the girls are aware that it's not as serious of a relationship?

Just throwing ideas out there.

With all that being said, I'm still going YOLO on my first playthrough because I'm in this to see the most content I can. So we'll see how it goes. :LOL:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
So I gather from a lot of posts on here that a harem path is not happening and I have a few questions.
1. Is this confirmed by the actual devs?
2. Does this just apply to Monica, Katie, and Jenna?
Yes to #1 (acewinz is one of the devs): No canon harem, maybe a bonus/alt. realtity option so they don't get stoned to death by angry mobs who insisted on playing the field despite all warnings of danger ahead.

The devs haven't stated which pairings will happen afaik, only that there will be some polygamous endings.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
So I gather from a lot of posts on here that a harem path is not happening and I have a few questions.
1. Is this confirmed by the actual devs?
2. Does this just apply to Monica, Katie, and Jenna?
Harem is not happening and yes it has been confirmed. That isn't what they are going for and it wouldn't fit the characters or story.

I doubt Monica, Katie and Jenna will happen, that's probably the least likely grouping. All of them are against you sleeping with any of their family especially Monica. No way that ends well.

Although, in a perfect game world you could convince them that you love them all differently but equally and they were already sharing you without knowing it so why can't it just stay the way it is.
They aren't love sick idiots, Monica has been playing that game long before the MC was born, any sign you've been fucking her kids she'll cut your dick off, aint no convincing an angry woman especially a mother.

Neither of the girls would be happy with you dicking their mother either.

The very last thing you want to tell them is it's been going on for a while. Unless you really want to lose your bollocks.

Sure that's porn logic but they are trying to make these things make some sort of sense.

Jenna and Jo.
Katie, Deb and Lily.
Maybe Monica and Zarah.

Bella soesn't seem the sharing type and I can't see Elaine doing that either.

Angel and Wanda would be fun.


Apr 29, 2018
That choice is not definitive... just consider it starting to nudge the MC. It will help us tweak future dialogs and mc reactions more than limit his choices or define his outcomes. We are coming up to the apex of the roller coaster perhaps, but you still have plenty of choice left... and plenty of chances for shit to hit the fan.
I wonder, if you choose money and then pick someone like Debbie or Lily to be with, are you gonna get something akin to a bad ending (since they're friends of the family and all)?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
Wow second day and I still can't finish this update <3 I must admit I don't like much a new concept where we speak about nothing about 10 min and only then something happen. But I still like dialogs, I like girls - they are so different! Great job as always!
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2019
Harem is not happening and yes it has been confirmed. That isn't what they are going for and it wouldn't fit the characters or story.

I doubt Monica, Katie and Jenna will happen, that's probably the least likely grouping. All of them are against you sleeping with any of their family especially Monica. No way that ends well.

They aren't love sick idiots, Monica has been playing that game long before the MC was born, any sign you've been fucking her kids she'll cut your dick off, aint no convincing an angry woman especially a mother.

Neither of the girls would be happy with you dicking their mother either.

The very last thing you want to tell them is it's been going on for a while. Unless you really want to lose your bollocks.

Sure that's porn logic but they are trying to make these things make some sort of sense.

Jenna and Jo.
Katie, Deb and Lily.
Maybe Monica and Zarah.

Bella soesn't seem the sharing type and I can't see Elaine doing that either.

Angel and Wanda would be fun.
Yeah, the second line you quoted was more of a joke and a reference to The Visit harem path. (not that I don't love that game)

I'm glad to see we agree on the mini-harem possibilities. Maybe I can safely get my hopes up. :D

I also agree that Monica, Katie, and Jenna would never consider sharing with each other. (even though that tanning scene was hot af)

I also doubt that Elaine would share with anyone, least of all Bella or vise versa.

So yeah, I think this game will require A LOT of save slots before it is finished. Not that that is a bad thing.
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