
Apr 1, 2018
Quite a big miss.

There is no harem, that is confirmed by the devs.

Your theory mentions a harem a couple of times yet it won't be happening so may need a rethink.

Also, personal thing cos it grated on me. Monica isn't a landlady, she's just Monica. She was MC's mothers friend not an incest plot device. The only incest in the game is if you use a game changing mod, this was never set with incest in mind.
Wow, that's... quite sad. I mean, perhaps not a full on, every girl for me ending. But if it's limited to small groups and duos? Ouch.

Sorry about the Landlady thing. Technically she owns the place the MC is staying at the start of the game, but you aren't really paying rent. Friend of MC's Mom is a bit of a mouthful too. I'm perfectly fine with the lack of incest here.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Wow, that's... quite sad. I mean, perhaps not a full on, every girl for me ending. But if it's limited to small groups and duos? Ouch.
To be fair, apart from Katie saying she would reluctantly share with her 2 friends, everyone else has either said they will not share at all or hinted at it.

The game let you sleep with everyone but a harem was never in the works.
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Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
TL;DR: 2/5 stars. A worthy attempt but leaves a lot to be desired, whether visuals, story, progression, lack of audio... if you're bored, give it a whirl but you might just be better moving on to another project. You will need some patience for this one with an open mind.

This probably gets better but... I got bored part way through chapter 3 or 4. I think the best character up to that point at least the story/chemistry was Katie and basically that was the only thing keeping me interested.

The are some unusual choices for the models and few of them strike my boxes. Why does Jenna look like a half Drow (this is not a bad thing but doesn't match the context)? The 'landlord?' looks almost 60 (I'm sorry I'm not that old), and the token diversity character?

The progression was another matter...it feels like I'm on a rail road... but that's part and parcel of episodic VNs I guess. The pacing is not bad, I wouldn't say it's the best in the world but it isn't the worst I think it just suffers due to the aforementioned issues. Some of the character design even after being blatantly rebuffed seemed to come back for more as if there was no problem whatsoever and was becoming tedious to keep rebuffing. So that along with the story... well... it wasn't enough to hold my interest.

Finally the main character...urghhhh... someone shoot me. Did not like.

Removed from my system and I'll move onto another project. I'm mostly leaving this for myself as I'll likely come back across this and wonder why I stopped playing it. I can only hope that this review is constructive, if the author wishes to attract a wider audience at least if not, I hope it doesn't dissuade them from creating more content and hopefully their next project will be better.
As soon as someone mentions the "landlord", the "mom", "The MC's sister", etc. I lose all interest in their commentary. I have no problem with people who criticise the game or don't like it. I know it's impossible to please everyone and I take no offence when someone dislikes it or gives a bad review. However I do take umbrage to people who aren't even reviewing the right game. If you mention landlord, mother, sister, etc. then you are not playing THIS game. If you play the mod, go review the mod. If you're mixing it up with other games, then please don't over-exert your brain by writing mixed-up reviews. If you don't like THIS game, then feel free to critique / criticise. And I really hope these people aren't as mixed up in their real-life otherwise their landlord / moms / sisters might end up dishing out restraining orders!! :)


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Mar 8, 2018
My opinion is different from Lolzi, but obviously there are plenty of people with different tastes. I would question the choice to download it if the models didn't appeal since all the character's mentioned in the rating appear on the title page.

I like the main character and felt it was a nice change from the creeper types so common in these games. There were a couple points where he seemed to miss obvious things, but that's understandable with the developers trying to make him human. The one criticism I have for the main character is I wish he could be played more honest with the other characters. He seems nice and caring other than the lying. I like Being a Dik as well and feel the main character in it is more honest (although also less confident and a bit whiny at times - especially in their chapter 4). I also appreciate that the main character in this game is taller than what is used in several other games.

I downloaded this and started over at the beginning and haven't got to the new (chapter 17) material yet, but wanted to be familiar with it again when I played that section. It is still one of my top three games on the site (Being a Dik and City of Broken Dreamers being the other top picks for me). I like running the romance with all the choices, so like others the Harem ending would have been appealing though I expect it would have always had to have been an unattached bonus feature (at least if an orgy representation was desired rather than mutual dating - being on Patreon Jenna/Katie/Monica and Elaine/Bella can't end up together). For those who still want that ending my suggestion would be to go to Patreon and get the highest level support you can afford and comment the desire there (If I were a developer the opinion of someone paying for my work would certainly be more persuasive - I'm not a supporter yet, but this is one of the three main developers I would like to support at some point).

I look forward to seeing more of this and hope if the designers do more games int he future they continue with confident and competent main characters.
Good insights, especially about the MC being dishonest. I agree with you that it sorta does make him out to be a bit of a dick. He is in essence playing with the emotions of a lot of women but it is tricky to find the right balance. If he's too honest, every girl would dump him. Or if he's too honest and every girl accepts it, it would be unrealistic. I know the whole thing is unrealistic but you know what I mean :) We also try to find a balance between him having some thoughts (the inner monologue / Dialog responses where we don't give options, etc.) versus having him being a completely empty shell who only comments based on menu choices (that could get monotonous, also). But yep, in summary if you want to fuck aALL (or most) of the women, a little bit of dishonesty is needed. And in real life this guy wouldn't be everyone's "man of the year" award winner . But it's true what they say... "Nice guys finish last." :) Thanks for the inputs.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I think in the beginning the MC doesn't really lie but then he has to in order to be able to sleep with all the girls for as much as possible. That's on us as players who control his decisions. Also, being caring and lying aren't at all mutually exclusive.
If I had a complaint, it's that I'm tired of hearing the girls fawn over the MC's big dick, how he's the biggest they've ever seen and omg will it fit them and ruin them for other men. It's been done to death in almost all games, just give him a medium, normal-sized dick. Or maybe some guys live their fantasy of a big dick this way? I never thought about it until now :)
Yep, another one I agree. If I was to start from scratch, his dick certainly wouldn't be as big.


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Some of the modelling photoshoot chats when both Wanda and Angel are there seem to be said by the wrong persons. I may be wrong here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
But it's true what they say... "Nice guys finish last." :)
If this actually turns out to be the case, if we're nice we get fuck all .... i can live that i guess. lol Even in a game i find it hard being a dick to people. I only do the "Evil/bad" play through after seeing what happens being the good/nice character. Like Mass Effect, Paragon all the way (But those Renegade options were funnier!) Can't wait to see how this all plays out.


Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
...If I had a complaint, it's that I'm tired of hearing the girls fawn over the MC's big dick, how he's the biggest they've ever seen and omg will it fit them and ruin them for other men. It's been done to death in almost all games, just give him a medium, normal-sized dick. Or maybe some guys live their fantasy of a big dick this way? I never thought about it until now :)
Yep, another one I agree. If I was to start from scratch, his dick certainly wouldn't be as big.
Confirmed! Next game, the MC will have an itty bitty weenie! :ROFLMAO:
Yep, here we go - "medium dicks matter!! #smaller_is_better #stop_big_dicks_fascism

Nothing is as good as medium and normal...Only if that "normal" could be easily defined
And if you look at this site and all pervs lurking around, perhaps it would be better to avoid "normal"/"medium" whenever that word emerges...:BootyTime: Or just to use censorship as Japanese do, and the problem of too big, too small, too ordinary/medium is solved..at least till the time comes for double/triple dicks and similar exot...normal stuff.

Kidding aside, all those games are free flowing fantasies, so whatever makes devs and players happy, go with it...
And complaining why mc has big dick in porn games ( :FacePalm: ) is kinda similar to someone complains - wth how that Geralt-dude (witcher) has all that stamina/agility/strength, how on the earth, he could kill that huge monstrosity so easily, man, that just sucks...better give him "normal" (ie mine) attributes, that would be soo more realistic and funny to play...Or any other action/gaming there. I havent heard yet someone complaining about looks of those gaming heroes, demanding for them to look "normal". Yeah, dude, nothing is as good as Betman with loosy beer-belly, or Lara Croft with an "average" Karen's look...

In any case, an interesting topic for sure;)


Active Member
Sep 30, 2019
The Witcher is set in a fantasy universe and Batman in science-fiction. On the other hand, the best games on this site are aiming towards a somewhat realistic setting (e.g. relationships progress incrementally, there are usually consequences for sleeping around, etc).
The last thing I'll say on this topic is that as a straight man, I really don't want my attention to be grabbed by a huge dick occupying half the screen (not the case in this game but there are some) :)


Dec 16, 2018
As soon as someone mentions the "landlord", the "mom", "The MC's sister", etc. I lose all interest in their commentary. I have no problem with people who criticise the game or don't like it. I know it's impossible to please everyone and I take no offence when someone dislikes it or gives a bad review. However I do take umbrage to people who aren't even reviewing the right game. If you mention landlord, mother, sister, etc. then you are not playing THIS game. If you play the mod, go review the mod. If you're mixing it up with other games, then please don't over-exert your brain by writing mixed-up reviews. If you don't like THIS game, then feel free to critique / criticise. And I really hope these people aren't as mixed up in their real-life otherwise their landlord / moms / sisters might end up dishing out restraining orders!! :)

I can assure you I was giving my opinion on this game, not any other, not any other mods. This game. Fortunately my opinion of this game only mentioned such matters to reference rather than actually being the point as I highlighted. I never criticize something I have changed or can easily change. (And names, roles... I can change at the click of a button...and do, rarely does it have an impact on the story).

I hoped I posted areas which could be improved and generally one way of improving them though perhaps I wasn't specific enough in all places.

I'll admit I'm a tough cookie to please but I'll give most things a fair whack, some devs take a few episodes to get off the ground properly after all. If you decide to do another then I'll certainly be interested.


Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
The Witcher is set in a fantasy universe and Batman in science-fiction. On the other hand, the best games on this site are aiming towards a somewhat realistic setting (e.g. relationships progress incrementally, there are usually consequences for sleeping around, etc).
The last thing I'll say on this topic is that as a straight man, I really don't want my attention to be grabbed by a huge dick occupying half the screen (not the case in this game but there are some) :)
yep, i agree, my point was simply that every game is a fantasy world, and its meant to be fun to play...
though im not one of those particularly enjoying overly fantastic settings (enormous cocks, boobs-melons, etc), i do understand those who find their fun there.
aiming for "reality" in games like this one is a good thing, yet a thin line is there - wth not an average mc could/should look as this, perhaps a bit caricatured, example provided in the spoiler bellow ;)
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I hoped I posted areas which could be improved and generally one way of improving them though perhaps I wasn't specific enough in all places.
I've read your post a couple of times and I can't spot a single idea you've tried to help with.

You said you got bored, Jenna looks like a drow, you didn't like the MC, one of the most popular characters looked too old for you, you didn't like the fact that girls in a date sim tried to date the main character, the models weren't to your liking, the story wasn't to your liking and then you deleted it.

The big problem with your post here is you assume they need improving because YOU don't like them.

That "60 year old" is one of the more popular character and any change would see a shitstorm, most people here are here for the girls and the story, Jenna was already addressed and given a skin tone change and what was the question mark on token diverse character?

As for your issue with the MC .... "Uuugh" doesn't quite let anyone know what the problem is.

In short, your post wasn't very helpful. You pointed out a few things you don't like yet gave no ideas on how you'd like to see them improve.

You then gave them zero incentive to listen to you when you said you'd deleted it. At the point the only thing the devs can say is "I hope you find something you do like".

My helpful advice to you hunni, if you're going to give constructive criticism, don't forget the constructive part.

I can assure you I was giving my opinion on this game, not any other, not any other mods.
The confusion there is you mentioned "landlord" which is usually used as an incest marker. This isn't an incest game so it made it look to the dev like you were reviewing the mod which alters quite a lot of the story to make incest fit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2018
The Witcher is set in a fantasy universe and Batman in science-fiction. On the other hand, the best games on this site are aiming towards a somewhat realistic setting (e.g. relationships progress incrementally, there are usually consequences for sleeping around, etc).
The last thing I'll say on this topic is that as a straight man, I really don't want my attention to be grabbed by a huge dick occupying half the screen (not the case in this game but there are some) :)
yep, i agree, my point was simply that every game is a fantasy world, and its meant to be fun to play...
though im not one of those particularly enjoying overly fantastic settings (enormous cocks, boobs-melons, etc), i do understand those who find their fun there.
aiming for "reality" in games like this one is a good thing, yet a thin line is there - wth not an average mc could/should look as this, perhaps a bit caricatured, example provided in the spoiler bellow ;)
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I definitely agree that the horse size dicks a lot of devs use is a turn off and are hard to ignore. I believe the mc here actually has a good sized dick, I mean I would rather the dick be a bit above average but present in sex scenes. Which is hard to pull off if the dick is too small.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
Also, this is pretty long, so I’ll include a TL : DR here.
I read the TL; DR and I agree with that, it is my opinion as well. I think Elaine goes to lawyers to fight the will conditions partially at least for the MC's benefit as well.

Nah, it's an easy choice! lol ;) Plus, i don't think it's a definitive choice just yet. More a way for the devs to get an idea where peoples choices are leading, i think. Some one said that a few pages back. :)
I actually think it kinda counts but it is not "final". I think, especially the #2 choice is for potential poly-amorous relationships. I.e. not harems But if you choose here Kate's friends it would count somewhere. Or Jolina/Jenna. etc.
Or for presenting you more options when the time comes, like if X happens in the story, and you have chosen to stick by Y, then you are given the choice to actually stick with her.
I.e. not definitive but contributing.
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Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
I definitely agree that the horse size dicks a lot of devs use is a turn off and are hard to ignore. I believe the mc here actually has a good sized dick, I mean I would rather the dick be a bit above average but present in sex scenes. Which is hard to pull off if the dick is too small.
agree, and i think it is enough talking about dicks, there is more than few better topics.;)

my main interest in the game so far is not who is dizzy/mizzy, mysterious sender or so, yet when we finally will be able to go all the way with that bitchy itchy Elaine? (i cant help it, im so shallow when hot unfacked chicks are around:BootyTime:)
i really do hope that next episode will be the one, finally:p


Jun 3, 2017
One thing i have as criticism though after replaying the game again is the way you're forced to chose between fucking Bella Jolina or leaving her apartment as total d-bag w/o even saying goodbye. There just had to be a way to stick to the girl you've chosen w/o acting like a complete asshole. I had a good experience of turning down horny girls who i didn't fancy to bang (was quite popular with the ladies while was hitting the gym like the MC) and i never acted so douchery.
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