
Dec 3, 2018
can someone please send me a save of the last version?
Just find a cheat mod, you can choose from any episode to start, and you can choose before hand which characters you are trying to romance.

It's much easier then trying to find an exact save that your looking for.
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Jul 27, 2018
Pretty sure Mcs Father also fucked Angel and the religious nut is the secret GF. But All of my bet was on Monica Being the secret GF. Based how easy it is to break up with her.

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
So I'm trying something new, keeping the house women at a distance. They're still coming after me! o_O It's very difficult to keep them off and I'm only on day 2.

I can't believe (and I don't think) the game is supposed to be played like that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2018
So I'm trying something new, keeping the house women at a distance. They're still coming after me! o_O It's very difficult to keep them off and I'm only on day 2.

I can't believe (and I don't think) the game is supposed to be played like that.
Not pursuing them romantically doesn't erase your former relationships with them. Even if you don't fuck them they're going to be friendly.
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The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
One thing after reading through a few comments.
Whether you pay for a game or not actually has nothing to do with a game being delayed or the update cycle slowing down, so I find it weird that people try to disqualify others here, posting about it, based on that.

I'm not complaining about WTHI and I have been a fan of this game from the start and have praised it here and elsewhere ever since (and yes I'm also a patron, which isn't the point) but nobody, and that includes Cheeky and those of the team actually being dependable, can be satisfied with the development of this game since update 16.
So whether or not someone is paying for this or not, there's nothing wrong with being unsatisfied with how the game is coming along.
I love the game, I like Cheeky and how he interacts with us, I like how Ace is not only part of the dev team, but also definitely part of "our team" here, but the production of this game has become troubled. Through no fault of Cheeky (because, how well can you actually vet people you are working online on an indie porn game with?), through no fault of those on the team doing their job, but it is still what it is.
I haven't even looked at this thread for a long time, after I gave my opinion about the last update, because I find it pointless to argue over delays and rather just talk about what I like in the game, when there's something new to talk about. That doesn't mean I don't understand people being frustrated.

You see, going after people for complaining, declaring their opinion worthless, because they don't identify themselves as card-carrying patrons, that's just ridiculous.
There's a lot of stuff we get for free, especially online, so if a free software I get isn't working as intended or an update that was supposed to be ready months ago isn't coming, I can't say anything negative about that? A news site which is for free, but constantly gets facts wrong or doesn't even bother with fact checking, I can't complain about that, because it's free?

Think about it, I bet you can all come up with things you get for free, which you complained about at one point.
And tbh, lashing out against those posts, it feels like overcompensating, because like I wrote, no one can be happy about how the game is coming along, not even the biggest supporters of Cheeky's work.

No one likes those who come into threads just to trash-talk games or their devs, but I also don't like the type of fan who blindly lashes out against others in defence.

Phew. Long wall of text, with that out of the way, let's hope to get some good news from Cheeky soon, in regards to the new little cheekster. ;)


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
so I find it weird that people try to disqualify others here, posting about it, based on that.
I think it stems from all the people in various threads who cry "milking" or "scam" and complain the most, and a lot of them not being patrons in the first place.

Granted, there are those devs to which such things are justified, but people who aren't patrons and complain about the money "this dev" or "that dev" makes based on figures from Patreon really are obnoxious, and ironically funny when they're posting their complaints on this site.

I do absolutely agree with criticising a dev's work, if they're releasing a buggy mess, or criticising the dev(s) themselves for going back on something they've said/promised with a flimsy excuse as to why they've changed their mind.

Thankfully, Cheeky & the team behind this game don't match with my criteria for criticising them. Haven't had anything but good work and communication of potential/actual issues from them with this project imo.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
B. Mystery "Dizzy"

Next mystery is who the infamous Dizzy, the side-kick of the dead father of our MC, is. Mentioned in the game is that Lily is also called "Ditzy". Here the fact plays a role that English is not my mother tongue. I cannot comment whether those words are related or whether they have very different meanings and only sound similiar.

Who are the suspects to be "Dizzy"?

We have only few facts. One is that the father was interested in her. Another is that Dizzy had a religious spin, hobby, tick ... name it. The only character with that is Theresa. She also mentioned that she was dropped by a man relatively cold-hearted. That would fit very well with the character of the father. Her age would also fit quite good to the father. Furthermore, Elaine was very outraged about the affair. That should have been many years ago so tempers should have cooled off but there is a son ("Dogboy") of Theresa. That coul explain the anger.
However, the timing with the son is a problem. Assuming that dogboy is about the age of our MC that would mean that the affair was already gone when Theresa came in. So why she is so upset? Was not her issue. However, the father may have not told her that there is an additonal son who might get a part of the heritage. So, the anger can be explained.
Finally .... Dizzy ... Theresa ...Theeresa ... Deerisa ... Dizzy ... might work.

Other suspects?
Monica herself?
In theory possible as either she (Elaine version) or the father (Monica version) was interested in an affair but according to both versions nothing happened.

Lily is out from my view. Too young. All known ladies who were connected to the father were definitely older. No hinds that the father was for twens or teens.

Nice idea ... but no hinds for that. In addition, Bella said that she is in guys younger than her and she does not share. Both issues do not fit to the idea of an affair with the father.

Was dropped also by a man. I would assume that she is about the age of the MC. From my view too young for being "Dizzy". And she is not described as religious.

No hinds for that.

I bet on Theresa.
Just caught up with the last few episodes. My thoughts on this are that the MC's father was the father of Dogboy, but that Theresa is not Dizzy. [It sure expains why Dogboy is so fucked up!] We need to remember that Dizzy is someone that Elaine knows or has met. Theresa makes no sense there. So who does?

We have been given strong hints about Angel, Jolina and Lily being Dizzy. I think we can eliminate Angel because I don't see how Elaine would have ever run into her. Of course, I could be wrong. I do think it's perfectly logical that Elaine could have met either Jolina or Lily at one time or another. Lily is my prime suspect, due to her parents both being prominent people - doctors. Nor would the father ever see past her dizzy facade. It would also explain why Elaine would be so upset to find out about her as the other will recipient. By the way, don't take this as my being anti-Lily in any way. In fact I picked her as my 2nd favorite girl, behind Katie.

Actually, it might still be none of the above. I believe we can assuredly eliminate Debbie (lesbian), Jenna and Katie (both virgins). But that's about it. [Wouldn't it be hilarious if it turned out to be Nikki or Molly - refugees from My Sister, My Roommate?]


Oct 19, 2017
Man that haircut and other little tweaks did so much to help Zarah's appearance. Freaking goblin beforehand. Pushed her off the screen whenever she showed up prior to Chapter 11. Still not getting into anything for consistency's sake, but maybe on another playthrough. I'll just have to fast-forward.


Jun 3, 2017
First on the topic with the criticism. I'm not against it, but i support only constructive criticism. The one where the person gives a calm, well explained critique and also offers a way to solve the problem he found. And in the end, that very same person has to be able to understand that his idea can be considered only as a proposition and the developer isn't obliged to make the proposed changes, if they don't fit his vision of the product (talking about the earlier crying in the thread about no harem ending being possible). Just mashing the keyboard, crying like spoiled child about anything which isn't up to your taste is plain stupidity.

Just caught up with the last few episodes. My thoughts on this are that the MC's father was the father of Dogboy, but that Theresa is not Dizzy. [It sure expains why Dogboy is so fucked up!] We need to remember that Dizzy is someone that Elaine knows or has met. Theresa makes no sense there. So who does?

We have been given strong hints about Angel, Jolina and Lily being Dizzy. I think we can eliminate Angel because I don't see how Elaine would have ever run into her. Of course, I could be wrong. I do think it's perfectly logical that Elaine could have met either Jolina or Lily at one time or another. Lily is my prime suspect, due to her parents both being prominent people - doctors. Nor would the father ever see past her dizzy facade. It would also explain why Elaine would be so upset to find out about her as the other will recipient. By the way, don't take this as my being anti-Lily in any way. In fact I picked her as my 2nd favorite girl, behind Katie.

Actually, it might still be none of the above. I believe we can assuredly eliminate Debbie (lesbian), Jenna and Katie (both virgins). But that's about it. [Wouldn't it be hilarious if it turned out to be Nikki or Molly - refugees from My Sister, My Roommate?]
Where you got the notion from that Elaine knows Dizzy and has met her? Could you explain please, cos i may have missed something? As far as i know she had no clue the dad had an affair until his death. I so hope it's not Lily, although i don't pursue her. So far she's portrait as this sweet, naive but good girl and It'll be just sad and bad if she turns out to be this viscous greedy bitch, trying to pursue father's money.
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Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
There a line in the first tape of the dad that mentions Elaine would kill him should she get to know the woman he cheated on her with. Many people take that as Elaine knows Dizzy personally.

Of course this can also be a red herring as him thinking she would kill him for cheating in general. Personally I'm taking anything coming from the dad with a huge grain of salt anyway so who knows. The game has been litered with red herrings through out and probably no concrete evidence so it's hard to make a call.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
but the production of this game has become troubled.
This is definitely the truth. It went from once a month into once every 6 weeks but larger update into once a random timeline. I wonder how much of it is preventable and how much of it is just bad luck. I wonder if scaling back down a bit would improve the production or not. I worry if the production issue is caused by biting bigger and bigger and bigger than what they can chew.
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