VN - Ren'Py - Where the Heart Is [S1 v2024-07-10 BETA] [CheekyGimp]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Overview: This Game is like my "Back to the Future". I can watch this movie over and over again and it is still so awesome, like the first time. "Where the Heart Is" is a visual novel that intricately weaves a tale of complex relationships, personal growth, and emotional depth. Developed by Cheeky Gimp (fistbump), this adult-oriented game invites players to step into the shoes of a protagonist who returns to his childhood home after the death of his father. As he reconnects with his family and old acquaintances, the choices made by the player significantly shape the story's trajectory, leading to multiple possible outcomes.

    Story and Characters: The narrative begins with the protagonist's return to his familial roots, setting the stage for a journey filled with emotional discoveries and interpersonal dynamics. The game's strength lies in its character development. Each character is meticulously crafted with distinct personalities, backstories, and motivations, making them feel real and relatable. The primary focus is on the protagonist's interactions with key female characters, including his stepmother, stepsisters, and other individuals from his past.

    The story is more than just a series of romantic or sexual encounters; it delves into themes of loss, redemption, and the complexities of familial bonds. The writing is sharp and nuanced, balancing moments of humor, tenderness, and tension. The emotional weight carried by certain scenes is a testament to the game's ability to draw players into its world.

    Gameplay and Mechanics: "Where the Heart Is" employs a choice-based gameplay mechanic, where decisions made by the player influence the direction of the story and the nature of relationships. These choices are not always straightforward, often requiring players to consider the consequences of their actions. The branching paths and multiple endings encourage replayability, as players may want to explore different outcomes and relationship dynamics.

    The game also includes a point system that tracks the player’s interactions and choices, affecting the overall story progression. This system adds a layer of strategy to the game, as players must carefully manage their decisions to achieve desired results.

    Visuals and Sound: Visually, the game is impressive, with high-quality character designs and backgrounds that enhance the storytelling experience. The art style is detailed and expressive, capturing the subtleties of character emotions and settings. The use of lighting and color further contributes to the game’s atmosphere, creating immersive and aesthetically pleasing scenes.

    The sound design complements the visual and narrative elements effectively. The background music sets the tone for various scenes, whether they are lighthearted, dramatic, or intimate. Sound effects are used sparingly but effectively to enhance key moments. While the game does not feature voice acting, the strength of the writing ensures that the dialogue feels alive and engaging.

    Mature Content: As an adult visual novel, "Where the Heart Is" includes explicit content intended for mature audiences. The game handles these scenes with a degree of sophistication, integrating them into the story rather than using them as mere fan service. The sexual content is consensual and woven into the narrative, contributing to character development and relationship progression.

    Conclusion: "Where the Heart Is" stands out in the realm of adult visual novels for its compelling storytelling, rich character development, and thoughtful gameplay mechanics. Cheeky Gimp has crafted a game that goes beyond surface-level interactions, offering players a deep and emotionally resonant experience. The combination of well-written dialogue, strategic choice-making, and high-quality visuals makes this game a must-play for fans of the genre.

    Whether you are drawn to its narrative depth, character-driven plot, or the adult content, "Where the Heart Is" delivers a memorable and engaging experience that will leave a lasting impression. For those looking to explore a visual novel that artfully balances mature themes with a heartfelt story, this game is a standout choice. Its simply beautiful.

    Cheeky, thank you for this journey and your dedication to this wonderful VN.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    the plot is clichéd, but each character has a personality (they don't feel like NPCs) and they are special. this makes the game far from boring. the renders and animations were also quite high quality.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good, 5/5.

    The author's original concept was not a incest novel; it is a work worth recommending to experience the author's most original creation without any incest mods.

    The writing includes a large number of homophonic gags, which is quite painful for fans trying to translate it into other languages.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    can't wait to play then new episodes.....Wait. i Need to wait maybe 2 years to see were the series goes ? this game really did not need a remake. Why did he not just make season 2 and make it look better. and even the episodes made in 2018 are not even ugly.

    im sorry but i can't support the decision to make a remake of a game that is already good and looked good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know how I haven't played this game up to this point, but it's quite good. The premise is cliche, but the characters make it shine. Some are more believable than others, but even the more caricature-ish among them are still charming in their own way.

    I can't really add anything to this review that others haven't already said, so I'll just say something about the development of one character in particular that really surprised me.


    At first she had me rolling my eyes as I expected the usual tropes about the, "dumb friend," but the further in I went, the more I saw that she's quite well-written. She's self-aware in a way that most ditzy girls in games like this are not. She's kind, always positive, straight-forward, and I found her very endearing. I don't expect to learn anything of value from playing games like this, so I found it odd, but also pleasant that Lilly reminded me that people don't have to have keen minds to be lovable, or even romance-able.

    Lilly might be the best character in the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games on the site if you want:
    1. a lot of actual sex content
    2. harem
    3. eventual pregnant content
    4. No sandox bs
    5. linear story but paths diverging with lover interests
    6. choices matter

    only flaw is that monica's design could be better. is annoying to romance.
    not all LIs made equal.
    you know where the design and content efforts are prioritized.
    they are put in the right places, imo.

    doesn't waste your time.

    you're here for a fap but you'll get a decent story with it.
    now that's fan service.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    V. season 1 beta?

    the inconsistency of the art, though not my forte, is less than easy on the eye. visually i am not a fan. looks very much like a breakout project with much learning to be done.

    the writing tries to deliver something beyond the normal humdrum but all the hooks are visual. the plot it delivers is par for the course by now. lacks any standout quality and only donning a harem route would rekindle any interest for me, and only as one for the spank bank. it's just low impact.
    not that a harem route is plausible...

    back when this first came out and was a regular to the updates page it may have gotten a close 4 star. it had very little competition and garnered a lot of interest.
    that bar is not so low now though, 6 years have passed.
    some great works have graced us here since while this one has meandered in development and delivered a stagnant plot that is lost in the background of what is on offer here.
    i only managed as far as CH 22 before i could take no more.

    now the dev is touting this as season 1, insinuating that there will be more.....
    i do not have another decade or more of life to see if this pans out but i also have a hard time wracking my imagination to find anything about this that warrants another season.
    there is nothing here to build on. something shoe-horned in at the death maybe?
    an opening season sets the stage. this one has set a neon sign towards the exit.
    the steak is cooked. serve up the meat and two veg and create a new dish.
    considering seasons is like going way past well done into cremated territory.
    ya can keep the dessert trolley. check please.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Enjoyed it! Cared about it! A good one right here
    (I have only gone through it once completely i think)
    I really enjoyed this one and the only reason I don't give it a 5/5 is that I haven't gone through every route and without doing that I wouldn't feel as honest
    +Characters Hot
    +Personalities are varied and have there own ups and downs, which I appreciated
    +Story/setting was good for me. Enough reason for things to happen. Things brought joy and sorrow, I actually cared about my choices for the majority of them
    +Really enjoyed that there are actually conflicting events depending on who all you associate with. Can pick a favorite or see if you really do have a magic dick that everyone will forgive you for using *CoughtheywontCough*

    I cant really think of any negatives, Maybe I didn't notice them or I liked this so much that I am biased lol
    4/5 A great experience, I think I'll keep this one around for a time
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Top 2 games on F95. While the renders are's the characters especially the Katie and Jenna dynamic with MC. I love the game and big shout out to Cheeky for making my pairings possible.

    P.s. The renders are good but on f95 there are some absurdly clean however i am eagerly waiting for the steam rework to see what cheeky does for the art.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great, I dont know many hours I have dedicated to it but I wish I would have waited till it was completed :HideThePain: . Anyway the girls you can romance are very, very likeable and have a distinct personality and charm to them that you cant help but like them (most of them).
    There are so many paths you can follow and the interactions with them change a lot depending of your choices. I have personally tried cheating on as many LI as I could and it is so entertaining doing it, and experimenting on how to get away with it or seeing the consequences when you get caught. It is not like typical harem games where women don know what jelaousy is and just agree to it immediatly, here it is much more interesting but you can actually manage to get more than one partner with them willing to share MC if you play your cards right. It is interesting checking all those possible combinations and different outcomes.

    The models are very hot, specially of the main LIs. The story is ok, just remember you are playing a porn game, dont expect GRRM level of plot. Still very interesting and engaging.
    It is personally one of the most entertaining games I have played here, with lots of content and close to getting finished. Definitely recommended.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The various personalities, plot development, and plot twists in this AVN make for an interesting mix. The potential for multiple partners or a single romantic interest are both present, with various complexities in navigating these multi-partner relationships. (It doesn't seem to devolve into adding every woman the MC knows into a massive harem, seemingly at will.) The basic plot premise is relatively simple: a college-aged man receives news that his upper-middle-class father has died and left a sizeable amount of wealth, to be distributed via his Will. The plot revolves around both the bizarre conditions of the Will and the interpersonal relationships of the characters. There are some fairly taboo topics/paths, but it is overall tame and the taboos are avoidable. The writing of the female characters makes them both interesting and engaging. One of my top 10 AVNs of all time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite VN's for sure! I hope the creator ties the story up nicely. With the amount of women/girls it will be no easy task though.
    I think there is something for everyone in this story and there is a story as well not only sex which there is in abundance as well.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This was fun one right from the start, and despite having so many girls avaible, it never felt like some of them were getting less love. Now, with improvements for first chapters it's still as enoyable to play as ever, and looks even better. There is a ton of sex scenes, and yet it doesn't feel like it's too much. And those are pretty well done too.

    This game also has the unique feature of starting from any episode, while picking your relationships status with everyone. I can't stress enough how AWESOME it is. And with this feature, the last episodes started to bring completelly new kind of fun, and that is repeating them with different relationships combinations, while trying to hold as many girls as possible, without any of them breaking up with you. Seems silly, but it gives way more fun than I expected.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Corruption, teasing, but the rewards are real.
    It has a fantastic narrative.
    Many girls to pick from and the varied fantasy scenarios.

    Dev reading Wish: When picking creampie as an option, I'd love to see more creampie rendering as it drips out of each girl.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has so much content, it's been running since 2018 so it makes sense, I remember playing this long time ago and I was also impressed back then.

    Renders: 4/5
    At the start there are some lighting issues but you can tell the developer improved renders over time, the characters look nice, each has their unique figure/face that fits their personality.

    Animation: 4/5
    Again, this been running since 2018 so some older scenes, look bad, the further you play the better it gets.
    It seems the dev decided to retouch the old content with their steam release so make sure to wishlist that if you're interested.

    Story: 4/5
    While the main premise of the game is kind of missing from the overview, it's a bit crazy in my opinion but at least it's unique.
    Long story short, millionaire father died and put rules so stupid in his will, so that if you decide you want the money you will live miserable, he also put some rules on the other family members to make them compete with each other, the MC is trying to figure out which family member is on his side and which just wants the money.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    Typical VN, click to progress and choices, it seems you can reject most love interests if you want to, didn't try it though.
    The choices in the beginning of the game are so annoying without a walkthrough, like you can't figure out which character will take offense at a joke, or which character will flip out if you flirt with her, but I guess you get used to their personalities after a while.

    Sounds: 0/5
    Sadly this game has no sounds other than main menu music...
    again: It seems the dev decided to retouch that with their steam release so make sure to wishlist that if you're interested.

    This is Good. This would easily be 5* for me with sounds/music and improved old content.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Where the Heart Is really surprised me by how good it is.
    I wasn't expecting to care about all the characters that much, but the combination of a very well paced slow burn and the good writing really deliver some life to build interesting characters.

    The story helps to setup the atmosphere with some mystery about the will conditions and the various shenanigans around it.
    Definitively worthy of 4 stars
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This game really has a great story and good twists and its worth playing even if it is a very long game.

    It might drive you crazy in the start atleast it did for me, the constant pushing of girls on MC is soooo annoying, the mother i mean fuck me that was so bad to play through when you have 0 intrest in her as a romance, telling her no a million times and keep getting pop-up questions if you want to look at her ass, even when you say no to relationships it still ask over and over and over......clearly this writer has never heard "no means no" it truely made me so close to quiting which would have been a shame since the story is really good.

    It also has plenty of girls to pick and choose from, it did annoy me that 99% of them was has big or huge tits which is a pure turn-off for me, there are a few maybe one or two side girls with smaller tits but none that matters in the bigger picture.

    The choices in this game is some of the best ive seen, with so many girls and multiple paths its almost unreal that everything seems to work perfectly, dont even want to think about the work put into this, it must be a ton.

    I only had had 2 issues with this game.
    With so many LIs they really should have made something for everyone insted of having almost pure focus on big/huge tits, i think elvira was my favorite and all you get to do it kiss her once, other one that was ok was the carny girl but shes also just a sidekick.
    The other issue was the lack of music to set the moods, there is none well untill chapter 22 which is way to late to make up for it.

    Those 2 reasons was why i only gave this 4 stars, even though its a 5 star story.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Years ago, this game was ground-breaking. Now, it just kinda' exists.

    Your own (non) family instantly wants to bang you, as does everyone else. Despite you not being particularly remarkable.

    The Mom is forced onto the player at the start, and she apparently is suffering from some kind of IQ issue, as she and the MC have some true porn-tier plot contrivance moments. The MILF trope honestly grosses me out and it's SO overplayed in adult VNS. I don't like Monica, bro. Stop pushing her onto me. Same with Zarah.

    The other characters are fine. Katie is cool, Jenna is sweet. I really liked the Angel/Wanda dynamic, and I found Elaine to be a charming character, despite me not being into her too much attractiveness-wise. I also liked Bella a lot, despite her looking frightening at certain angles.

    Also, I will say, there's a ton of content to dive into if you're just looking for some (win)cest harem-bait.

    But, man, I just didn't have fun playing this game at all.

    I've said this like 10 times in previous reviews; the whole point of (win)cest is that it's taboo. If your entire (non) family immediately wants to fuck you, then where's the taboo??

    Blah, sorry, CheekyGimp.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game does a lot of things right, but a lot of things wrong. Let's go over them.

    - Best damn flirting I've ever played in a porn game. The dev really did a good job with the flirting styles. I could really feel the connection to the Monica and Katie characters.
    - This is the first game I've ever greatly enjoyed, where the MC is with an older lady, but no incest patch was involved. I usually always need an incest patch to spice things up, but the writing with Monica is so well done.I really like Lilith 7 DAZ model, and Monica's personality is great.
    - I love Monica, Katie, Jolene!

    - The game has massive bugs in the start. You have to click "ignore" to by pass all the bugs. He needs to declare persistent variables EARLY in the code, giving them a default value, or check them for Nonetype before comparing them against a value. I can help the dev if he wants, just dm me.
    - The game makes the mistake of forcing unwanted sexual scenarios with girls you don't like. If this was 2016-2017, it would be okay, but now in 2023, the new thinking is to let the player reject the women NPC he doesn't like. The developer of this game is very good at plot flag management and dialogue choices, so he could've easily allowed us to stay friends with girls we don't like, and choose to be romantic with only the girls we like.
    - I hate Zarah. There's a scene where she forces you into a photoshoot with monica, and it's just a complete turn off. It completely killed the mood. I want the MC to be in charge, not Zarah. This isn't femdom. I like femdom actually, but I don't think it was the dev's intention, so it just felt really weird. I was a complete turn off and completely destroyed the mood.

    I would sub to his patreon if he could let us reject girls we don't like. I only like Monica, Jolene and Katie.

    The scene where Zarah forces you to do stuff with Monica, I wish I could skip that, that was bad.

    I stopped playing because the game just forced too many unwanted sexual scenarios which resulted in a turn off. If he could just give us more options to reject girls we don't like, the problem would easily be solved, I'd give 5 stars and sub to his patreon right now.

    I bet if the dev listened to my advice, he could easily clear $10,000.00 a month.

    QUALITY is better than QUANTITY of content. It's okay if the player only likes 40% of your content and skips the 60% he doesn't like, i'd still support it on Patreon if I only like 30-40% of the game's content.

    Is it really hard for a developer to understand that a player won't like everything in the game? It's not realistic. No one is going to like EVERY girl in your game, so you simply let the player reject them, SIMPLE, DONE. PROBLEM SOLVED. Why is that so hard for all you developers out there? IT"S NOT HARD MAN.

    EDIT: I've scrolled down and read other reviews. It looks like I'm not alone. Other people don't like the game forcing girls on them they don't like. The solution is so easy too, hopefully the dev fixes it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A typical harem porn game with a large variety of characters and somewhat decent plot revolving around MC's rich a-hole father's will. Quite a few wrongs, but the rights outweigh them, so won't hurt to give WTHI a five.

    The thing that made WTHI really stand out for me is chapter selection, most games lack that.

    Additional praise for the upcoming remaster, bc some of the characters look like shit in the beginning (e.g. blue skin Jenna) and better later in the game.