Where to sell porn games now


New Member
Aug 27, 2021
Now that the big brother (the all seeing eye, the bankers, the illuminati, the fat crusty old fucks) have started to ban all the good shit (DLsite, pixiv, patron etc etc) (talking about visa/mastercard bans)
What other places one can sell their lewd games at?
I know you CAN still sell on DLsite but now you probably wont get any buyers outside of japan other then the few odd sales from people that are willing to go a long mile to buy using the other payment methods.

So, what other sites are still CURRENTLY viable to sell at?

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
I'm not allowed to link to the other site on here, they have page scrubbers that change it if you type it, but I can supply a short link with a link to the site. But yeah there isn't just F95 out there, there are other sites that you can get games from, pirated or sold:


Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Im not looking to pirate or get games, im looking to sell my product.
If you are looking for a platform to earn money on products with content that currently run afoul of financial institution requisites, you'll be looking for a long time.

The guidelines found on Patreon and Pixiv can also be found with similar language on , , , and more. Now, are some of those platforms earnest in enforcing their guidelines? Not as much as others, no.
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New Member
Aug 27, 2021
If you are looking for a platform to earn money on products with content that currently run afoul of financial institution requisites, you'll be looking for a long time.

The guidelines found on Patreon and Pixiv can also be found with similar language on , , , and more. Now, are some of those platforms earnest in enforcing their guidelines? Not as much as others, no.

Basically what you're saying is, porn artists are currently pretty much fucked?
If DLsite banned it outright after first trying to bow a little to them, i dont think those smaller sites will be able to ignore those guidelines for long.
Tens of thousands of porn artists are going to lose their jobs because some rich twats decided by themselves porn is now bad.
Worst part is i dont see anyone talking about it...

I always knew we were heading towards this kind of dystopia but didnt think it'd come so soon... I can practically taste the corpse starch already.
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Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
porn artists are currently pretty much fucked
No, what I'm saying is that porn artists who focus on certain content do not have viable platforms for which they can attempt to get funding. They will most likely, at some point, find their accounts frozen or removed.

Artists of adult games who do not have such focuses have a more stable environment from which they can get funding. There are thousands of artists creating adult games on Patreon, alone, who are abiding by the content guidelines.

Since you aren't saying what content you are attempting to include in your creation, not more can be said. If you wish to be more specific about the content you want to create - it would make answering this question a bit less vague. Your view of dystopic and what is actually happening may be two different things.


Jul 7, 2017
Getchu deleted a lot of adult content at the request of the card company too, it seems.
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New Member
Aug 27, 2021
Wait, there might be some misunderstanding on my part. What you're saying is only the hardcore stuff is in trouble?
I never really bothered to check what the drama is all about with patron and all the other sites over the years, but i was vaguely aware some shit was happening. And now when the the DLsite ban suddenly hit (and it being becoming relevant to me now) i started panicking a little assumed we're entering the dark ages already.

I make vanilla stuff so im guessing im still safe... (for now...?)
Couldnt focus at all on work because i thought i wouldnt be able to sell this shit...Thanks for putting me at ease.

Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Wait, there might be some misunderstanding on my part. What you're saying is only the hardcore stuff is in trouble?
I never really bothered to check what the drama is all about with patron and all the other sites over the years, but i was vaguely aware some shit was happening.
I never used the facepalm before it was changed (except once, because a person was attempting to get more of them) --- but this would have earned it.

You were railing against something you didn't bother to learn about first? I should be surprised, but I am not.

If you are using real photographs or AI images - the former are a no-no with several sites, even with signed affidavits. The latter is also questionable for some.

But if you are using 2d or 3d cg with characters that are considered adults (not just the "all characters are over 18" disclaimer that mean nothing) with consensual sexual situations, for the most part you should be fine. If you have questions, you should read the guidelines on the site(s) you are interested in using as a platform and follow up with questions to them if anything is unclear or you want to make sure the content you are making is within their guidelines.
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Active Member
Mar 5, 2020
I never really bothered to check what the drama is all about with patron and all the other sites over the years, but i was vaguely aware some shit was happening. And now when the the DLsite ban suddenly hit (and it being becoming relevant to me now) i started panicking a little assumed we're entering the dark ages already.


New Member
Apr 5, 2024
Subscribestar seems to be safe for the moment, just be sure to use .adult not .com .
Spicygaming is trying to get themselves set up again to sell games after a processor bailed on them.

If your adult game is pretty mainstream (think the most generic porn out there), you will probably be able to use Patreon or Steam or GOG or Itch for a while, but always make back-ups. I'd suggest getting your own domain and setting up a few things there. Even if it's a glorified links page, it is somewhere to go if you get kicked off social media or a store.
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New Member
Aug 27, 2021
You were railing against something you didn't bother to learn about first? I should be surprised, but I am not.
Ah, but i did, however whatever i typed into google it brought up nothing actually relevant. What i did find was that pornhub banned entire state of texas from accessing the site. Which further fueled my paranoia that banks have it out for entirety of porn.
Also the DLsite announcement never actually said any reason WHY they're dropping out of visa/mastercard and the other cards.

But thats still whatever, i knew there were other sites this is exactly why i made this thread in the first place then YOU posted this crazy line
If you are looking for a platform to earn money on products with content that currently run afoul of financial institution requisites, you'll be looking for a long time.
Can you really blame me for starting to panic? Especially since i've been working on my thing for 6 months and suddenly learning selling it might be very troublesome.

Anyway guess my main mistake was not looking up what the past drama was about.

Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
pornhub banned entire state of texas from accessing the site. Which further fueled my paranoia that banks have it out for entirety of porn.
Pornhub didn't ban the entire state of Texas. Texas (and several other US states) created that requires websites hosting adult content to verify the ages of people before they begin browsing the websites. The statute is clear on how websites must verify a person's age:

Section 129B.003 - Reasonable Age Verification Methods
(a) In this section, "digital identification" means information stored on a digital network that may be accessed by a commercial entity and that serves as proof of the identity of an individual.​
(b) A commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or distributes material on an Internet website or a third party that performs age verification under this chapter shall require an individual to:​
(1) provide digital identification; or​
(2) comply with a commercial age verification system that verifies age using:​
(A) government-issued identification; or​
(B) a commercially reasonable method that relies on public or private transactional data to verify the age of an individual.​
Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 129B.003

The Texas law was upheld in the US Federal Appellate Courts after companies including Pornhub challenged the law in court.

So, instead of finding a way to have people share their official government ID with Pornhub for verification, Pornhub blocks any IP address originating from Texas in the attempt to keep the site within the legality of Texas statutes.

It is not the banks doing. It is not Pornhub's preference. It is the lawmakers of Texas (and some other states) who hold certain ideals on the conservative and authoritarian region of political spectrum that are doing it because of their personal idea of morality.

Any website that hosts "pornographic" content that does not follow Texas law in verifying the age of the people who attempt to access is breaking Texas law.
then YOU posted this crazy line
If you are looking for a platform to earn money on products with content that currently run afoul of financial institution requisites, you'll be looking for a long time.
Can you really blame me for starting to panic? Especially since i've been working on my thing for 6 months and suddenly learning selling it might be very troublesome.
Yes, I can blame you. I was specific and deliberate in my word choice with "run afoul of financial institution requisites" and I included links for you to consider. You were vague on what content you were going to have in your game. I could not speak about whether your content would run afoul. I could only comment on what is known. The people who have mostly been up in arms about this have been people who want content that is considered on the more extreme, and some illegal, side.
Anyway guess my main mistake was not looking up what the past drama was about.
On this, you are correct.


Mar 9, 2018
In this section, "digital identification" means information stored on a digital network that may be accessed by a commercial entity and that serves as proof of the identity of an individual.

They did this with games here in Germoney too. Can't see any smut games on Steam because Valve said fuck you we won't pay to set up this infrastructure.


New Member
Aug 27, 2021
Yes, I can blame you. I was specific and deliberate in my word choice with "run afoul of financial institution requisites" and I included links for you to consider. You were vague on what content you were going to have in your game. I could not speak about whether your content would run afoul. I could only comment on what is known. The people who have mostly been up in arms about this have been people who want content that is considered on the more extreme, and some illegal, side.
Jeez dude, chill out. You're acting like im blaming you for my outburst. I was only explaining myself why i went all panic mode.
What am i not allowed to make a mistake? I assume you've never made any in your entire life?
The interesting texas explanation (which im thankful for) aside i feel compelled to defend myself from you poking holes in me.

First of all, i was not vague about what content im making, i never said anything about what im making in the first place. There's a difference.

2nd of all "content that currently run afoul of financial institution requisites" is the opposite of specific for someone that is out of the loop (which was my case and my mistake WHICH I ADDMITED TO TWICE (and now a 3rd time))
As for the links for the guidelines. I make it a specific rule never to click on any links when browsing pirate sites (other then the download link that's been already checked by others)

Seriously though, i was momentarily in major panic mode, a moment of stupidity due to accumulating stress and paranoia, must you really kick me when im already down?

At least the others are making fun of me in a funny way...