Others Where to start as a beginner, creating a simple game?


New Member
Oct 18, 2024
Hey, l have been a long time lurker on this forum and other sites and got the hunger for creating my own simple nsfw game. Before going into more details, this not l typical post that l am just looking to make a quick buck, doing this for own fun and excitment. Just a typical 10-20 min game and not like the hottest game on earth. Been wanting to make something such as "Being a DIK" (but more amateur ish ofc) or similiar to a visual novel where you can just do simple clicking and have the story/animations as the core gameplay. Have been using RenPY and Python trough Visual Studio code so l am bit tech savy to put in my own effort. To make my question a bit more simple what do you people recommend for make animations in addition to be able and use the animations/characters in the actual game as well?

Been checking out Blender and Unreal Engine before but in my personal opinion they dont seem like the best choice? So to keep it short, when you started making your own game is there some engine, software which is way superior to others in terms of user friendliness and the availability of online resources/guides?

If you have experience at making games, what are the things you wished did different when starting out?
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Feb 9, 2018
I start with the last question first:

Keep it small, keep it simple. Your self-estimate will exceed your actual capabilities quickly, as there is so much more in game making than coding or being tech savvy. Game design is an entire different way of putting things together, than one does in any other coding project. User interfaces become so much more important compared to any other application for example.

In a novel anything that doesnt keep a players focus on the actual story has immediate impact, as novels trigger imagination and/or immersion. Animations are basically small movies - so does your story gets better because you use animations? Can it transport the message without them? In most novel cases I dare to say: no to the first, yes to the latter. Which loops with the first answer: keep it simple. The time consumption of an animation will probably not be worth it for your first project.

Learn how a storyboard works and make one for your game, since it is supposed to be novel style.

Tools: Whatever you are most savvy in. The enduser doesnt care about any of it, as long as it is well-made.

Help: Dont think you can do everything yourself and it will be good. Dont be shy to see your personal limitations and ask for others to take care of the parts you are weak in. Just because I can write in English doesnt mean I can write a good novel ;)


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
If you're looking to just make a simple AVN, Daz will do you fine as long as you have a semi-competent Nvidia GPU.

We're starting to see more and more devs move over to Blender though as Daz grows increasingly anti-consumer and shows a clear lack of improving over time. However, Blender is significantly tougher to learn and will require more time getting a grasp on it than you would with Daz.

I'd avoid Unreal unless there's an element of your game that needs an engine like that.


New Member
Oct 9, 2024
I just released my first game in Version 0.1. And i can tell you that the past 3 Month were a real rollercoaster in emotions, haha. There are so many things that you first realize when you get to that point.

If you have experience at making games, what are the things you wished did different when starting out?
I would not call myself experienced yet but i wish that i would have get more into all the Daz functions. Building a room instead of just using Presets and a lot of quality of life funtcions like Figures staying in place while applying a pose or dropping a prop next to the figure instead of miles away.