White Knights? Ummm, no


Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
This issue was raised in a game thread, but rather than derail that thread I opted to post this rant in a new topic here.

[Commence rant]

After Patreon TOS changes required major overhauls in many of the games discussed on this forum, I've noticed a trend in several threads where a Patreon-compatible update (no incest, blackmail, mind-control, "youngish looking characters" etc) is posted along with wink-wink nudge-nudge hints that a mod will be forthcoming to restore the game to its original state. This inevitably is followed by a slew of comments (from posters who have obviously not bothered to read the previous few pages of posts) criticizing the game or the dev for removing aspects of the game. These lazy, uninformed posts are then fairly criticized for their laziness and lack of informed validity (umm, did you read the post just above yours that explains how those elements will be implemented in a forthcoming mod?). But then those commenters are being labeled as White Knights for the game developer.

[Deep breath....]

For fuck's sake please do NOT let F95zone turn into a place where getting frustrated with people who don't care to read the last two or three pages of posts is now "White Knighting" for the dev.

This is truth: If a person has an opinion about a game update and then posts that opinion without reading the comments on the thread to check whether it's been made very clear that many if not all of those concerns have been addressed, then that is not not an informed or valid opinion. It's a lazy and vapid and useless comment. And calling those posts lazy and vapid and useless does NOT make anyone a White Knight of the dev. This is a pirating site after all, and calling anyone a White Knight here better come with some convincing evidence. Those are fighting words. (Although I would gladly assume the mantle of "white knighting" for common sense and reading comprehension!!).

On the other hand, if a person posts an informed opinion expressing their disappointment about certain gameplay elements or decisions after reading the thread, then that is a valid and welcome opinion.

[End rant]

This is a wonderful forum! When people agree or disagree about valid, informed opinions, that makes for great conversation. And sometimes people's valid opinions make me consider and even change my own because I didn't have all the information, and then I'm grateful!